Showing posts with label Book Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book Reviews. Show all posts

Saturday 8 June 2024

The Room on the Roof (Book Review)

A great tale of salvation centered on a young orphan named Rusty. How he experienced self-reliance for the first time and lived life to the fullest while skillfully handling its complexities with a smile.

The Room on the Roof

I'm not a lover of fiction books, but Ruskin Bond is my first love. Hardy Boys and Ruskin were the first novels that inspired me to move away from comic books. As a teenager, I couldn't grasp some of Ruskin's novels (ideas or stories). 

Perhaps it was my lack of experience or inability to comprehend life's circumstances (as an 18-19-year youngster) that Ruskin so brilliantly depicts. However, the honesty or purity of the Master Wordsmith's tales, woven so simply yet artfully, has always struck a chord with me. Despite not completely comprehending his narrative, I was captivated by his works and, years later, discovered one of his books, "The Room on the Roof."

We know the writer's narration style works well for readers. Some start with a boom, while others open softly and discreetly to enchant their audience. Ruskin Bond is no exception. He can keep the momentum going, as you can see by reading him. Ruskin, in my opinion, is a master artisan of two things: narration and fighting boredom (since he can retain and describe every minute detail while bored).

Thus begins the trip (a pictorial representation of the stages of life)

Here I am writing my review for" The Room on the Roof".


Meet rusty, a 17-year-old orphaned boy (Anglo-Indian), who is on the cusp of adulthood. His journey is a relatable one, a quest to break free from the beautiful yet artificial environment provided by his English guardian, Mr. Harrison, in Dehra Dun, and escape the clamour and bustle of Indians. His rebellious spirit, the will to fight and strive for himself, is a mirror to the teenager in all of us. From being drawn to the vibrant world where he met people and made friends, to experiencing the pangs of first love, especially with a married woman, and then the heartbreak of losing her, Rusty's emotions are ones we've all felt.

This is a wonderful novel, especially considering that Ruskin wrote it when he was 17. Despite my admiration for Ruskin, Sir, this story needs improvement in several areas.

My View 

While the plot of 'The Room on the Roof' may seem a bit shallow and some aspects of the narrative may not align with reality, it's important to remember that this is a work of fiction. The characters, though intriguing, could have been more developed, leaving the reader wanting more. However, these flaws do not overshadow the book's unique charm.

However, what stands out in this novel is Ruskin's remarkable ability to capture life's nuances and translate them onto paper. His words are not just a story, but a window into a thinker's mind. Despite his young age, Ruskin's mental process was remarkably advanced, and this story, flawed as it may be, will still manage to captivate you. 

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Friday 29 March 2024

Why I Killed The Mahatma By Koenraad Elst


My disclaimer would be that this isn't the first book I have read regarding the Indian Independence struggle and the role of Gandhi Ji. I sincerely admire his contribution (or lack thereof for others) to the cause, which he turned into a mass movement and sustained for a long time. However, this book portrays a different image of the actions of the holier-than-thou figure, who is above criticism. The book underlines Gandhi Ji's many blunders. The book bares all. The publication collects Nathuram Godse's "original testimony" from his assassination trial.

The book gave insight into Godse’s thought process and what motivated him to execute that act. Godse admits that he respected Gandhi Ji but could not allow him to pursue his escapades at the expense of the nation. Godse minutely analyses Gandhi Ji's activities and their impact on Indian society.  

This book explores Gandhi ji's whims and follies and odd experiments, for which Hindu society and country paid dearly. It dramatically transformed my perspective on many heroes of the Indian Freedom Movement. This is a FANTASTIC read, and I'll explain why.

Fake Narrative  

One of the prominent narratives busted by this book is the impression most Indians have regarding the participation of the Muslim community in the freedom struggle. As is evident from the proofs provided, there is nothing white or honest in the statement. Most of them were yearning to subdue Hindus and rule India. As a lost gambler, Gandhi ji continued to up his stake despite repeated failures by conceding to their demands. He, however, never got any concession from the other side. You may read and understand the various debacles and the myth of Hindu-Muslim unity.

Ali Brothers 

In his pursuit of becoming the leader of the entire nation (read Hindus and Muslims), Gandhi Ji didn't blink once to part with the Ali brothers, who were rowdies and mischievous characters. These two characters played a significant role in the partition of India; however, the most shocking revelation was that these jokers invited the Amir of Afghanistan to invade India in 1920-21 with the direct and indirect support of Gandhi Ji.

All the gimmickry for the sake of becoming numero uno in India’s freedom struggle. Strange? Wait, there is a lot more in the book.


Gandhi ji's flawed philosophy of non-violence, which he taught to his disciples, was disastrous from the outset. The Hindu community sacrificed terribly in the face of an aggressive and ruthless Muslim attack. It all began with the collapse of the Khilafat agitation, followed by Moplah riots, direct action day, and, eventually, partition, in which around 11 million people died, and the majority of them were Hindus. There are numerous violent incidents recorded during the period where Hindus were the victims, yet Gandhi Ji was not held accountable for his erroneous and unrealistic belief.


Godse believed that Gandhi ji was solely responsible for all of the killings against Hindus. According to him, he pursued his Pacificist thinking and pushed Hindus not to retaliate, therefore encouraging others to continue their violent behaviour. Furthermore, Gandhi Ji readily surrendered to Muslim demands from the start till the Communal Award of 1932, thereby accepting the fraudulent partition of India that justified punishment.

As detailed in the book, not just regular Hindus but Gandhi's acquaintances and a few colleagues were subjected to his outbursts and whims.

 Arm Twisting

Godse pointed out multiple cases in which Gandhi Ji coerced the Congress and HMS into meeting his demands. Despite their doubts, people gave in to his demands, with terrible results.


The book questions the secular credentials of Gandhi Ji. If we look closely, it seems today’s politicians are influenced by the Gandhi philosphy on secularism.

Godse mentioned how the Hindu corpses continued to pile up, but Mahatma urged Hindus to die with a smile on their faces. His antics also included things like "Mothers and sisters should let Muslims in Pakistan rape them", with weird explanations to justify such acts. The strange part is he never questioned or cautioned Muslims for their heinous crimes. His siding with Suhrawardy (Calcutta massacre kingpin) or embracing Abdul Qayum (killer of Swami Shraddhananda) are prime examples.


Godse pointed out that Gandhi Ji was scarred by bullies. He often schools the victims while not sparing a word against the perpetrators.

Gandhi Ji's admonition to Jews to let Hitler kill them because there is dignity in accepting death is both humorous and horrifying. It also gives the impression that Gandhi Ji is easily intimidated by bullies. Multiple versions exist in which Gandhi Ji is blamed for teaching his students the virtue of non-violence before slaughter. The interesting thing was that only Hindus were sermonised and pushed into accepting his wishes, while Muslims were spared and permitted to burn down the nation.


Godse believed Gandhi Ji lacked the ability to battle the British because he was too mild on adversaries. Gandhi Ji's actions in calling off the non-cooperation movement, not endorsing HMS or other organisations, pleading with the Muslim League on multiple occasions with no success, initially refusing to participate in war efforts and then supporting them are just a few of the many flip-flops that demonstrated a failure to understand the ground situation and make realistic decisions.


Godse stated Gandhi Ji used coercive ways to control his followers. His "fast unto death" weapon proved effective in silencing his opponents and detractors. The eventual consequence was a high death toll and the partition of India owing to Gandhi's intransigence and the greed of the Muslim League and Congress. It all began with the Khilafat revolution in 1920-21 and finished with the partition of India. The book contains detailed explanations of these acts.

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Thursday 16 November 2023

Delhi Riots 2020: The Untold Story

The book Delhi Riots 2020: The Untold Story draws on ground reports of street violence in North East Delhi between February 23 and February 26, 2020, which acquired the shape of communal rioting.

Delhi Riots 2020: The Untold Story

Delhi Riots 2020: The Untold Story" is a non-fiction book written by Monika Arora, Sonali Chitalkar, and Prerna Malhotra. The book delves behind the scenes to gather proof and tell the true story of people who survived the ensuing chaos.

Riots have tarnished India's worldwide standing once more. The urban Naxals and Islamic radical organizations have tried a new formula this time, learning from their past experiences. While the Indian populace remained mainly unconcerned, the Hindu majority was subjected to a barrage of criticism from many sectors in the international press. 

As always, perpetrators were provided cover fire, while victims were portrayed as aggressors during the riots. However, as the inquiry advanced, it became clear that the violence had been planned beforehand and had the tacit backing of left-wing people and radical Islamic organizations. 
The sinister strategy was discovered as the inquiry advanced. It revealed that the plot to orchestrate violence had been ongoing for some time, with the flashpoint being the visit of the US President to blame the Indian government and create a false narrative of Muslims being attacked in India. A lot of groundwork was done for this by hired editors and so-called journalists in Indian and worldwide media, with funding from Soros and related NGOs. 

The book explores further the social, economic, and political causes that fueled the riots. The necessity of understanding the historical backdrop of the riots and the subsequent cultural dynamics is emphasized throughout the book. 

In an era of unrelenting Muslim appeasement, when phrases like Islamophobia have become commonplace, this book shines light on worrying societal developments and their implications for Indian society's future. This is the moment when the book becomes revolutionary. It is a well-researched, fact-finding, and unbiased account of the events that led to the mayhem that we all experienced. 

The book reveals how determined Muslim extremists are and how far they will go to destroy India's brand. The urban rioters' well-oiled tactics and competence in engineering such large-scale disturbances on such short notice is an unequivocal warning to the country's security apparatus. This is a solid message to the security establishment to take this unholy alliance's menace seriously in order to prevent it from ripping the societal fabric apart. The author has supported the content with several field reports, lending legitimacy and authenticity to the work. 

The heartbreaking stories of young, innocent, brilliant individuals losing their precious lives as a result of hateful campaigns were the most challenging aspects for me. I sincerely recommend this book to everyone who has yet to comprehend the causes and conditions behind the Delhi riots, so go ahead and read it. 

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Saturday 15 April 2023

On the Indian side, there are a handful white pigeons who obviously refuse to accept the evil that lurks among ordinary Pakistanis. The book "The Line of Control: Travelling with the Indian and Pakistani Armies" attempts to whitewash Pakistan's atrocities and normalise its terrorist actions.

The Line of Control: Travelling with the Indian and Pakistani Armies (Review)

About The Book

The Line Of Control: Travelling with the Indian and Pakistani Armies is a non-fictional book by Happymon Jacob. The book written by an "esteemed" writer, is a cacophony of bizarre ideas of an academician.      

I will try to explain how this book is one of the worst nightmares for any genuine book reader. Any reader who's not perturbed about the writer's credentials or the review posted on it by two "prominent lawmakers" of India will be dismayed.

Why Is the Book Branded Propaganda?

It seems the writer himself is confused about what made him write this useless book. It could be the lost privilege that such "intellectuals" of India enjoyed in erstwhile regimes. People who considered themselves essential, are now on the sideline, causing pain and anguish, which is perceptible.      

The second reason seems to be the itch to showcase the critical "contacts" such people have developed across the border, which he boasted repeatedly. The third and essential reason is to continue with the "agenda" of a lobby in India that is determined to hurt the Indian interests for multiple reasons.

Why Waste Time On Fallacies?

What amazes me is, the book with 200 pages has only "pakoras and chai" of Pakistan as an achievement till page 93. It is so ridiculously dull that one doesn't mind, the JNU professor subtly telling us to be more receptive to the Pakistanis when they visit India. The only thing the "esteemed" author forgets to understand is, we Indians are tired of this bigoted radical next-door neighbour. The "pakoras and chai" can't obscure the cruel intentions of Pakistanis that professor enjoys.         

The author shamelessly boasts that the Pakis invited him and cleared his visit at the highest level after reading his articles on the Indian government. Abusing India, Hindus, Hindu civilization is an excellent rewarding job and perfected by few in the garb of "FOE".

Finally, I can convincingly say that this book is complete garbage, a waste of energy and time. It is neither a travelogue nor any thriller to enjoy. In the end a despicable attempt by an idiot to tarnish Indian government through his silly effort.  

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Thursday 16 April 2020

One of the most eagerly awaited books for readers includes 14 additional military tales of incredible bravery and supreme sacrifice.

India's Most Fearless - 2 (Review) 

 As the name suggests, this is the second book of the "India's Most Fearless" series by Shiv Aroor and Rahul Singh. 

The book is a flowering tribute to the valour of the Indian armed forces and their indomitable spirit to defend the motherland. 

The souls who, despite towering odds, performed assigned duties miraculously, at times sacrificing themselves for the nation without remorse. The book sheds light on their lives, their families and, in a few cases, even their plans, which didn't fructify.


 The real-life stories are meticulously crafted with dedication and are a sincere attempt by authors to give a sneak peek into the lives of our warriors.

The book narrates tales of men/women from the three services who conducted their duties feverishly while stationed in different parts of the nation. These stories are about courage, discipline, humility, patriotism, and devotion towards the country and the dignity with which it is executed. 

This book kept the momentum and enthraled the readers with a mix of emotions throughout. There are 14 separate accounts in this book, but one unique and underlying attribute surfaces in each one of them, the mental endurance to be at the frontline risk.

The authors have carried out extensive research and presented real-life stories without hyperbole. The book makes one realize that the sacrifices rendered by our heroes and their families deserve to be told among the citizenry.

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Wednesday 19 February 2020

'Pilgrimage' by Paulo Coelho (Review)

                  The book 'Pilgrimage' by Paulo Coelho is a fictitious journey of an aspiring "religious master" across the road to Santiago de Compostela in the Spanish countryside to recover his 'sword'. The journey is a pilgrimage across various historical sacred centers with stories, innuendoes and messages for disciples en-route. As the story progresses, the protagonist was joined by his guide to tread the revered path and in the meantime teaching him exercises of RAM, which enabled him to eventually understand his true path and meaning of life. The guidance of the mentor and the hardships faced during the journey are reminiscent of everyday life struggle to some extent and encourages humans to follow principles (of Christianity) to catapult themselves into higher beings.
            The author has drenched his story in mythology with constant sermons on the Bible(some of them are difficult to understand) and its verses while mischievously usurping other faith teachings and projecting it as Christian with missionary zeal to influence and hogwash naive readers. The book is a feeble attempt to knit an adventurous pilgrimage trip with biblical overhang (stuffed with miracles) to impress upon readers to lead the righteous path for that will bring blissful solitude in one's life in tune with God. I finished this book disappointed and people who want to read it as a fictional story can clearly avoid this book. 

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Wednesday 15 January 2020

India’s Most Fearless -1 by Shiv Aroor and Rahul Singh (Review)

                       The book is about fourteen magnificent true stories of valor displayed by the brave-hearts of Indian armed forces. These stories soaked in blood and sweat, have become legends and will inspire the generation of warriors in times to come. As is truly said that bravery comes in different shades, the book has put-forth such tales meticulously, in an awe-inspiring manner to inspire its readers. The heroism displayed by warriors in demanding times is fervently matched by their respective family members and colleagues, that have been ingeniously and yet with simplicity narrated by the authors. The behind the scene stories compiled by authors has the captivating ability and makes the reader glued to the book without blinking. It is futile to go into individual stories but will add that they are well-written and relatively easy to comprehend and feel proud. 
                      India is in a state of perpetual war since independence and Indian armed forces are always in a state of high alert. It is the hard work and supreme sacrifices of our brave-hearts that grant the citizenry a sense of normalcy and calm. This book isn't just about the valor of brave-hearts but also one can fathom the logistical, political and humanitarian aspects of military functioning. This book has a compilation of stories catering to different domains, some fil your heart with pride, some with respect while others leave you teary-eyed. The book is a truly remarkable experience to read and is a perfect blend of high decibel militarily action on the ground against terrorists (within and outside India) and humanitarian efforts(relief and rescue) carried out by Indian forces against all odds. This book is engrossing and has been an eye-opener for me, the legacy left behind by stalwarts will serve as an inspiration for Indians. It will make one realize that this freedom comes at a cost and safeguarding the values of it should be our tribute to the sacrifices made by men/women in the Armed forces.

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Sunday 17 November 2019

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin S. Sharma (Review)

                Some books are meant to be tasted, some eaten while a few others to be gulped thoroughly, this book falls in the last category. The author is trying to provide the ancient wisdom to lead an enriching life full of vigor, energy, love and above all compassion towards everyone around us. It beautifully transmits the message by weaving a story of a high flying lawyer turned monk who after visiting a mystical place named Sivana in the lap of Himalayas realized his motivation in life. The place Sivana is home to sages who shared their techniques with the lawyer provided he pledges to pass it on with the outside world which is in dire need of guidance to come out of the slumber the chaos that is of their own creation. The story progresses with monk Julian sharing a fable about seven different goals to achieve to revolutionize one's life and helps in transcending a human into the state of bliss.
             The story is beautifully illustrated with counter questions pounded by Julian's friend John to further satisfy the doubts that most readers might have while reading the book. It doesn't fully satisfy the quest of an individual but can certainly give a positive direction, inspiration to life provided one is open to ideas of meditation, goal prioritization, focus, getting up early, more exercise, positive thinking, etc, and as the book encourages to always have your cup of knowledge empty, space should be there for never-ending knowledge. The book enriches your thought process and encourages you to look at simple pleasures of life, to admire exquisite beauty in all living things and not waste it to wait till the very end for the promised land. This book is strongly recommended by me for everyone as it is a noble effort by the author to apprise readers about the traditional knowledge of India that we all humans desperately need in today's age.

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Wednesday 31 July 2019

The Oath of the Vayuputras by Amish Tripathi

                              The book 'The Oath Of The Vayuputras' is a work of fiction. It is the third and final installment of the Shiva Trilogy. Not many books(fiction) can sap your thoughts and have a long-lasting impact on a person's psyche even after it is read, but this book is a rarity. The incredibly talented author Amish has surpassed my expectations and woven a story laced with mythology and ancient history with such ingenuity, that leaves the reader mesmerized. To begin with, the story discussed the moral and ethical codes to run the society and the kingdoms in ancient times which were versatile and are relevant even today's society. The details with which certain ancient techniques are discussed are exemplary and sustains once interests in the book. I must confess, I wasn't too impressed with the second book of the series but is pleasantly surprised with 'The Oath Of The Vayuputras'. The in-depth explanation regarding the geographical locations of different kingdoms is heartening and demonstrates the efforts of the author to bring readers on the same page. 
“The distance between Evil and Good is a vast expanse in which many can exist without being either.” 
                              The story starts where it was left off in the second book, Shiva reached Panchvati with his entourage successfully despite the attempts on his life and met the Meluhan scientist and his friend Brahaspati who was believed to be assassinated by Nagas. As the story progresses, Brahaspati revealed the obsession of the Meluha state towards Somras despite its harmful side-effects on different states, ecology, and humanity. The Shiva realized that the elixir which was one of the magnificent inventions of its time has slowly become truly evil, and thus the necessity to stop its production for the larger good. Meanwhile, the deadly attack on Shiva was the handiwork of Daksha, the ruler of Meluha and Dilipa, Ayodhya ruler who combined their strength under the leadership of sage Brighu. As Shiva forged an alliance to take out the elixir, he was supported by Vasudevs, Vaishali, Panchvati, Lothal and finally Vayuputras of Pariha who provided him Pashupatiastra. As the final showdown between the two armies became inevitable, Daksha hired assassins from Egypt to eliminate Shiva by enticing him with the peace conference, however, Sati had to attend the conference due to an unforeseen turn of events and was assassinated despite her valiant struggle. Eventually, the wrath of Shiva destroyed Devagiri along with its many inhabitants while Kartik helped in rescuing scientists who could create Somras whenever needed in the future. 
                           Although the story weaved by the author touches history and mythology intricately, yet it is necessary to remember that it is a work of fiction and shouldn't get swayed by emotions. The story is loaded with numerous twists and turns and brings a satisfactory conclusion to the Shiva's journey giving us a narrative that the Gods of today were mere mortal men whose deeds transformed them into extraordinary humans with god-like traits. It is a thoroughly entertaining and refreshingly good book to read.

Wednesday 6 March 2019

The Secret of the Nagas (Review)

                            'The Secret of the Nagas' is the sequel to the book 'The Immortals of Meluha', in the Shiva Trilogy by Amish Tripathi. The Secret of the Nagas starts exactly where The Immortals of Meluha ended. Continuing in his journey Shiva, a Tibetan immigrant revered as ‘Neelakanth‘ the savior by Suryavanshi and Chandravanshi peoples alike continues his tirade against evil who was none other then Nagas according to perception. Alongside, Shiva was engrossed in his individual battle to try and determine the demons within himself and annihilate disturbing thoughts by searching for answers plaguing his mind. Like the first part, the story forwards the next set of incidents that confronts Shiva while he's traveling across the length and breadth of the country searching for the truth.
                           After Swadweep's defeat in the war against Meluha, and meeting some of the people at its capital in Ayodhya, Shiva realizes that the Chandravanshis (Swadweepans) are not evil as propagated but had a different way to lead life. He is now convinced, that it is the Nagas who are evil and his battle is against them. Shiva seeks vengeance against the Nagas for it was a Naga attack on Mount Mandarin Meluha which led to the death of Brahaspati the scientist and also Shiva's close friend. Meantime, Sati unearths startling discoveries about her Suryavanshi heritage and discovers several long-lost relatives creating a wedge between Shiva and herself. While on one hand Shiva feels compelled to reassess his beliefs due to unfolding circumstances, Maharishi Bhrigu has added new dimensions to the mystery with his strange demands making the plot murkier.
                       Although the author has ingeniously added several twists and turns but it still failed to create and maintain the same feverish tempo as was demonstrated in the first part. Story genuinely lacked uniqueness and looked shallow at times, although the author's attempt to maintain momentum with masala is recognizable. The overall author hasn't deviated much from the plot in his zeal to add spice and substance thus compelling enough for readers to look forward for last installment of Shiva Trilogy.

Thursday 14 February 2019

Immortals of Meluha by Amish Tripathi (review)

                                  The novel 'Immortals of Meluha' by Amish Tripathi is the first book in the series of Shiva Trilogy. The author treads a fine line between mythology and creativity quite ingeniously. A story woven with mythological figures along with with historical facts(Indus Valley civilization) is imaginative and truly remarkable. This book reminds me of "The Great Indian Novel" which has similar semantics although of different genres, but Amish has produced something extraordinary, and a reader is glued from start till it leaves us, craving with an insatiable hunger for more.
                                   The story starts with a battle between two Tibetan tribal groups one headed by the protagonist 'Shiva', leader of the Gunna tribe, near Mount Kailash. Shiva efficiently outmaneuvered his adversary but is now battle-weary as he couldn't contemplate the futility of continuous conflict, loss of livelihood, etc. Meanwhile, Captain Nandi who belonged to Meluha kingdom successfully persuaded Shiva to accompany him along with his tribe to migrate to Meluha(some characters and situations are not fully explained). Meluha is an advanced city belonging to the Suryavanshi tribe, where the people are immortals because of Somras, an elixir that keeps them alive and healthy.
                               As the events unfolded, Shiva was proclaimed 'saviour of Meluha by one and all, the 'Neelkanth' who, according to prophecy could stop the annihilation of Meluha at the hands of their sworn enemy the 'Chandravanshi' tribe. As Shiva was drawn into conflict rather hesitantly, he met his eternal love 'Sati' the princess of Meluha, daughter of Daksh. By the time 'Chandravanshi' kingdom was defeated, Shiva was again at crossroad questioning his wisdom to be influenced by others and sucked into the war. The author gave ample hints about a larger conspiracy at play, the deceiving terror tactics of 'Nagas', a fierce tribe of warriors who were up to something sinister.
                             The depleting water level of river Saraswati(one of the ingredient of Somras), constant pressure tactics of Nagas promises mystery, drama, adventure laced with spirituality in his next novel. Amish has portrayed his incredible ability to craft a story diligently, keeping readers engrossed for the entire duration of the book. When it comes to a series, it’s extremely important that author finishes each book with reader in guessing mode.This book ends with a sense of intrigue and mystery that leaves one eager to lay his hands on the next book in the series. The book 'Immortals of Meluha is refreshingly simple and skillfully written, a must read for fiction lovers and others.
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Saturday 5 January 2019

Mission R&AW by R.K. Yadav (Review)

                                  This is the first book that I have come across, on India's external Intelligence Agency the 'RAW'. ‘Mission R&AW’ is written by a former RAW operative R K Yadav, is a first hand account, however, without much explicit details and sometimes entirely based on hearsay. It is an interesting book though, covering a wide historical, Geo-political events that shaped independent India. Right from its inception, the agency participated in events after independence, to some of the most challenging times that the country faced, RAW was at the forefront defending Indian interests. The book dwells on the major accomplishments and debacles of agency in explosive details, though its only based on authors narrative, without much evidence to corroborate.
                               Display of exceptional maneuvering by RAW to hoodwink China, resulting in merger of Sikkim was unprecedented. Similarly, perfect execution of plan to liberate Bangladesh from Pakistan was another feather in RAW's hat. Author also exonerated RAW from colossal failures of 1962 Indo-China war and 1965 Indo-Pak war by attributing it on army administration, to not taking the threats seriously. The recent case of RAW Joint Secretary Rabinder Singh, where  intelligence agency was blindsided by CIA was also mentioned.
                                 According to author, RAW has been the pioneering agency in the game of deception for decades, but lately been infested with greedy, unscrupulous elements against whom it has to guard itself. I would highly recommend this book, for readers interested in understanding functioning of spy agencies, covert operations undertaken by them to safeguard our country's interest

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Tuesday 27 November 2018

The Past As Present: Forging Contemporary Identities Through History

                              This book is a collection of short essays written by Romila Thapar over a period of 40 years on topics ranging from - history, communal interpretations of Indian history and its use in political aspirations, caste and class division. Earlier too, i have written about Romila Thapar books, the peculiar way she insinuates 'Hinduism',  her idea of secularism, her favorite Aryan Dravidian divide(fiction she propagated) and subsequent persecution of communities on racial, religious basis in India. One must not be baffled by her implicit quality of unraveling fanaticism, where nothing exist. She has this distinctive ability, taste and talent to paint and transform victims, as bloodthirsty villains of history. Lopsided it is, but she forcefully and adamantly pursues her analysis while ferociously muzzles her critics by branding and belittling their work as influenced by right wing, without venturing into the merit. Doesn't scientific knowledge's first condition is to be not dogmatic and consider and evaluate every theory on its merit? But in Indian History 'some people' are beyond scrutiny and their uttering must be considered halo or biblical truth by lesser mortals.
                              In this book Romila Thapar has investigated, analyzed and interpreted the history that in her opinion is being reconstructed and distorted by the Neo-Hindu historians influenced and driven by chauvinistic politics of faith today. The central issue of understanding history and its prudent interpretation are caught up in the cross-hairs of Nationalist historians vs Marxist hagiography. Like all victors, the left-leaning historians had a field day till now, and they have shamelessly gone on rampage distorting facts, creating myths undermining Indian culture, religion and values. The unleashing of colonial mindset has done great disservice to our history.
                           After winds of change being witnessed in democratic setup of our nation, the academic honchos notorious for their views are facing unprecedented headwinds and this book is a reflection of it. There were numerous views and opinions gagged from academic circles till now, and are being heard now and that's where the trouble lies. This book is a ludicrous attempt to defend her views on many controversial topics with some repetitive and equivocal writing.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Breaking India: Western Interventions in Dravidian & Dalit Faultlines by Rajiv Malhotra and Aravindan Neelakandan

                                This book is an important piece of the puzzle that author Rajiv Malhotra is trying to decipher. As we progress, a deep rooted conspiracy, an ugly plot to undermine unity of India is revealed, layer by layer. It is a conspiracy hatched and propagated from 17th century onwards by Christian missionaries masquerading as academicians, civil servants during colonial rule . By twisting facts, propagating half truths, fictional stories laced with lies, are some of the tricks employed to strangle and defame Hinduism which is considered as bedrock of Indian societal existence, with ulterior objective of breakup of India into fragments. It is not just the landmass, but division of minds, separation of hearts that is at the core of this ploy. This book is a treasure trove for patriots, exposing a host of rabid groups, individuals and organisations having anthropologists, scholars, historians, theologians, missionaries, extremists and politicians supported by journalists, writers and activists almost all affiliated to Christian evangelical Churches.
                         The story started when author inadvertently bumped into an academician who boasted about his work related to Afro-Dalit organization (where Dalits being projected as different race). On further investigation, he stumbled upon a large network of academics, journalists, writers who masquerade as human rights activists, women or minority well wishers, civil rights activists etc. to cover up their ulterior objective of evangelism, abetted by radical Churches and Christian groups operating outside India (mostly). These groups having powerful influence on policy makers in USA, Europe and elsewhere and selectively use it to further their mischievous agenda. They are working in tandem to demonize native social structure, customs, ethnicity etc. and have successfully tried to defame and tarnish image of India in general and Hinduism in particular on International forums.
                          Today the biggest challenge to integrity of India emanates from Christian organisations that are playing a prominent part in raking up cultural, religious and social divides to propagate their own ideologies. Mythical story about St.Thomas and his death, arrival of Sanskrit in 2nd Century A.D, Origin of Dravidistan from Lemurian continent, Dravidian's as original inhabitants of the “Indus Valley Civilization”, Aryan invasion theory, Aryan- Dravid conflict and resulting subjugation of Dravidian's by Aryans in collaboration with Brahmins, Outsider-Dalit divide, are some of the fault lines invented by Christian groups and now adopted and propounded by converted Christian intellectuals. Although these theories are rebuffed by scores of independent archaeologists, religious heads, independent intellectuals and experts but by applying the Goebbels principal, the fictitious divisive propaganda continues relentlessly making India’s civilization the longest surviving victim of this religious terrorism.
                             Drawing parallels from situation prevalent in Rwanda and Sri Lanka the author cautions the readers about similar game-plan employed by evangelical forces in India. He elaborates how Christian organizations successfully invented fissures in society through malicious propaganda. They created Brahmin- Dalit- Dravidian like divide in Rwanda among the Hutus and the Tutsis and in Sri lanka among Sinhalese and Tamilians. While converting one ethnic group, they sow the seeds of hatred towards other resulting in ethnic genocide wiping out millions, a fertile ground for evangelical organizations to actively spread tentacles and convert survivors to Christianity, while dividing the civilization forever shamelessly without remorse .
                           Excerpt from an editorial in Washington post justifying Mumbai terror 

                        Simple tactics employed by thugs and explained with proof by author is as follows. There is a big boisterous lobby whose job is to overlook nefarious deeds of their foot-soldiers and convert gullible people through alms(money, ration, force,pressure etc) in different remote areas of India. In this process they don’t shy away from lampooning Hindu religion and customs while objection by natives towards acts of vandalism by christian missionary is projected as atrocities on minorities (Orissa Graham Staine episode ). Muslim fanatics influenced, encouraged and abetted by petro dollars and supported by Pakistanis are the new entrants to join the divisive bandwagon. Indian civilization has so far survived this salacious propaganda, but how long struggle will continue, and how this systematic campaign will be routed, depends upon the Indians .

                       The author has done a commendable job to explore and lift the veil of several human rights groups and intellectuals in India and abroad who are mere puppets in the hands of radical Evangelical groups to destabilize and break India. A must read for all Indians. 

Thursday 30 August 2018

Indra's Net: Defending Hinduism's Philosophical Unity by Rajiv Malhotra

                          This book is a praiseworthy attempt by author Rajiv Malhotra about 'defending Hinduism's philosophical unity'. One may question the need to write on this subject, but after reading this book, you can answer the question yourself. For long we are foolishly made to believe the inherent strength of our religion to withstand adversaries even though Hindus are wiped out from territory it once thrived on through brute force, however  in today's environment, the eminent danger emerges from squatters(mercenaries) in our religion, masquerading as academicians, which is overlooked. This book Reminds me of movie matrix where everyone was living a pretty comfortable life till the protagonist 'Neo' was approached by an organisation. Soon Neo met 'Morpheus' who offered him to choose between two pills a blue pill at a red pill. Red pill was supposed to wake him up from the slumber and apprise reality and a sinister plot while the blue one would take him back to his normal life. This book is the red pill, if chosen, it decimates the web of lies woven by groups around Hindus, with the single ulterior motive to de-legitimize Hinduism as a genuine and coherent religion.
                            Due to concerted efforts, by set of Western scholar syndicate, spearheaded by Paul Hacker followed by Agehananda Bharati, Wilhelm Halbfass, Ursula King, Anantanand Rambachan etc. a group of Indian intellectuals also colluded to defame and eventually destroy Hinduism. This syndicate is supported and funded by Catholic Christian organizations. This syndicate refuses to believe in the geographical, cultural, religious unity and affinity among Indians. It boisterously propagates the non existence of Hinduism in ancient times, rather considers Hinduism as an invention of Swami Vivekanand to instill confidence and promote unity among Indian masses,with sole objective to politically unite against British colonialists. The Westerners debunked reforms in Hinduism as farce while calling them inspired from Western society to seek legitimacy among Abrahmanic religions. These scholars twisted facts to create wedge or foment contradictions among teachings of two Hindu spiritual stalwarts Swami Vivekanand and Guru Adi Shankara . A false narrative is thus spun by syndicate, to delegitimize Hinduism on one hand while peddling Hinduism as inherently corrupt and oppressive towards minorities, Dalits, and women on the other hand.
                       The author has painstakingly and after thorough research successfully confronted the narrative of bigotes. He counters the myths by facts and proves that the cultural unity of India is much older than the British invasion or the syndicate can envisage. A well researched, thought provoking book and i completely endorse and identify with the blurb on the book by Arun Shourie - 'A book that every Indian must read'. 

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Himalayan Blunder: The Curtain-Raiser to the Sino-Indian War of 1962 (Book review)

                             The author, Brigadier J.P.Dalvi was the commander of 7th Infantry Brigade in the North-East Frontier Agency Sector of Tawang. The 7th Brigade was destroyed, and  Brigadier J.P.Dalvi was captured by the Chinese Forces on 22nd October and repatriated in May 4,1963. This book is the memoir of the author, the first hand account, the real story of the biggest blunder in Indian military history. The book was banned in Indian almost immediately on its release as it pointed to the loopholes in establishment, flawed foreign policy, lackadaisical military preparations etc, however this ban was later lifted.
                            Himalayan Blunder is a fascinating war memoir of the 1962 Conflict between India and China in which India was humbled by Chinese onslaught. It was the watershed moment in Indian History when many political stalwarts who were living in their fancy lands had to bite dust. Such was the eye popping, hollow self confidence displayed by the morality preaching superstar politicians, that Chinese were also amazed by their naive foolishness. Although by the time this war ended, the rockstar politicians were begging for arms and armaments in front of same countries towards whom they showed scanty respect and were the target of their ire at international forums. The Indian military establishment on its part, didn't show the spine to stand firm against ever increasing public pressure and incompetent politicians. The result was, the ill prepared Indian army was thrown as cannon fodder before well oiled Dragon juggernaut.
                      Himalayan Blunder showed the treason with nation and people behind the debacle of 1962 Indo-China war. This book is the first hand account of what transpired during and after the period,as the writer dwells deeply into the circumstances which culminated in this humiliating defeat. The writer categorically reasoned, what  happens when an  ill-equipped, unprepared, confused, demoralized yet fiercely brave and patriotic soldiers were rushed into battle field against a strong adversary in an ad hoc manner because military decisions were influenced more by political prophecy rather than military strategy.
                   This book is a masterpiece and i recommend it to all. Besides being illuminating, the writer with his witty style captivates the reader. Brigadier J.P.Dalvi narrated the story and asked pertinent questions which needs to be answered honestly if we have to avoid risking falling into the similar trap again.