Wednesday 19 February 2020

'Pilgrimage' by Paulo Coelho (Review)

                  The book 'Pilgrimage' by Paulo Coelho is a fictitious journey of an aspiring "religious master" across the road to Santiago de Compostela in the Spanish countryside to recover his 'sword'. The journey is a pilgrimage across various historical sacred centers with stories, innuendoes and messages for disciples en-route. As the story progresses, the protagonist was joined by his guide to tread the revered path and in the meantime teaching him exercises of RAM, which enabled him to eventually understand his true path and meaning of life. The guidance of the mentor and the hardships faced during the journey are reminiscent of everyday life struggle to some extent and encourages humans to follow principles (of Christianity) to catapult themselves into higher beings.
            The author has drenched his story in mythology with constant sermons on the Bible(some of them are difficult to understand) and its verses while mischievously usurping other faith teachings and projecting it as Christian with missionary zeal to influence and hogwash naive readers. The book is a feeble attempt to knit an adventurous pilgrimage trip with biblical overhang (stuffed with miracles) to impress upon readers to lead the righteous path for that will bring blissful solitude in one's life in tune with God. I finished this book disappointed and people who want to read it as a fictional story can clearly avoid this book. 

Image Courtesy - Google Images 

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