Tuesday 27 November 2018

The Past As Present: Forging Contemporary Identities Through History

                              This book is a collection of short essays written by Romila Thapar over a period of 40 years on topics ranging from - history, communal interpretations of Indian history and its use in political aspirations, caste and class division. Earlier too, i have written about Romila Thapar books, the peculiar way she insinuates 'Hinduism',  her idea of secularism, her favorite Aryan Dravidian divide(fiction she propagated) and subsequent persecution of communities on racial, religious basis in India. One must not be baffled by her implicit quality of unraveling fanaticism, where nothing exist. She has this distinctive ability, taste and talent to paint and transform victims, as bloodthirsty villains of history. Lopsided it is, but she forcefully and adamantly pursues her analysis while ferociously muzzles her critics by branding and belittling their work as influenced by right wing, without venturing into the merit. Doesn't scientific knowledge's first condition is to be not dogmatic and consider and evaluate every theory on its merit? But in Indian History 'some people' are beyond scrutiny and their uttering must be considered halo or biblical truth by lesser mortals.
                              In this book Romila Thapar has investigated, analyzed and interpreted the history that in her opinion is being reconstructed and distorted by the Neo-Hindu historians influenced and driven by chauvinistic politics of faith today. The central issue of understanding history and its prudent interpretation are caught up in the cross-hairs of Nationalist historians vs Marxist hagiography. Like all victors, the left-leaning historians had a field day till now, and they have shamelessly gone on rampage distorting facts, creating myths undermining Indian culture, religion and values. The unleashing of colonial mindset has done great disservice to our history.
                           After winds of change being witnessed in democratic setup of our nation, the academic honchos notorious for their views are facing unprecedented headwinds and this book is a reflection of it. There were numerous views and opinions gagged from academic circles till now, and are being heard now and that's where the trouble lies. This book is a ludicrous attempt to defend her views on many controversial topics with some repetitive and equivocal writing.

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