Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Discarded electronic or electrical devices and products are referred to as electronic waste. This article covers the fundamentals of electronic waste management in India.

E-waste Management 


What is E-waste?

E-waste or electronic waste is the term that refers to discarded or dumped electrical or electronic goods. If we observe carefully, human beings are dependent on different kinds of electronic gadgets in their daily routine. These electronic products such as refrigerators, computers, batteries, mobile phones, etc. have a shelf life, after which they are discarded.
The piled-up discarded electronic scrap contains potentially toxic heavy metals such as lead, lithium, cadmium, mercury, etc. When discharged unchecked or processed without regulations, these heavy metals affect not only human health but also pollute the environment. However, the heavy metals in e-waste can be recycled and reused.

Recycling Of E-waste

The recycling of e-waste is a tedious process and poses a significant danger to workers' health and the general population in close vicinity. Hence a great deal of caution must be taken to avoid toxic discharge of pollutants during the recycling process. It is essential to understand that even the accidental release of harmful materials can extensively damage the local flora and fauna.

According to studies, there has been a steady increase in e-waste generation in the country, and the trend is likely to continue. This is corroborated by a report on Global e-waste by the UN monitor group, where India ranked 5th in the e-waste generation in 2014.

E-waste Management

As the problem of e-waste starts mounting, the government sprung into action to deal with the problem of e-waste disposal. Steps were taken to regulate and process e-waste in an organized manner.  In its endeavor to effectively address the increasing problem of e-waste management, Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has come out with the E-Waste Management Rules, 2016. The new rules have superseded the earlier notified e-waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011.
The new rules underline the commitment of the government to safeguard human health and the environment. An obligation on the government to uphold the directive principles of the state policy inscribed in the constitution.

What’s New In E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016?

1)  Mercury-containing equipment, Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL), or other lamps containing mercury are now subjected to the new rules.
2)  For the first time, manufacturer, distributor, refurbisher, and product responsibility association (PRO) are added as new stakeholders in the law.
3)   Components and spare parts of consumer goods(EEE) are also brought under the ambit of the new law.
4)  For the first time, the regulations shall bind together producers within the framework of the Extended Producer Responsibility or EPR with the goals. They are now held responsible for the collection and exchange of e-waste. The collected e-waste has to be disposed of in an environmentally safe and secure manner.
5)  Solid waste treatment facilities should be established within a period of two years by local municipal bodies with a population of 1 lakh or more.
6)  Towns with a population below lakh are given three years to set up a solid waste treatment facility.
7)  It was further announced to shut down or bio-treat the old or discarded dumping sites inside five years period.
8)  Urban local bodies were assigned the responsibility to collect and dispose of municipal waste. They were also given the authority to collect fees and even impose a penalty on violators.
9)  In the new framework, the State governments were assigned the responsibility to ensure the safety, security, and health of workers who are engaged in the e-waste recycling process.  
10)  Endangering the environment or third party due to improper management of e-waste is strictly prohibited. Provisions have been made in the law to impose a financial penalty on the violators.  
Central Pollution Control Board(CPCB), in association with the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs), ensures the compliance of e-waste rules formulated by the government.

Web-based Integrated Waste Management System 

The Union Ministry (MoEFCC), in its endeavor to simplify the process of waste management, inaugurated a web-based application- (IWMS) in May 2016. The main objective of the app is to manage solid waste properly. Through this app, the government can keep an eye on the movement of hazardous scrap material and ensure proper management.

Key Benefits Of The App
1)  The monitoring of 43000 industries that are producing hazardous waste becomes easy.
2)  The app will help in providing national and state-wide data on the different types of waste generated and processed by industries at one location.
3)  People can now apply and receive permission online for import and export of specific types of waste for reuse, recycle, or recovery of material.
4)  The applicants can now track their application status any time with the help of this online portal.
5)  The application is instrumental in bringing transparency in the functioning of regulatory bodies.
6)  The app is user friendly and expedited the process of granting permission or analysis of waste.
7)  The launching and use of the online portal have made the whole process paperless and environmentally friendly.

First e-Waste Clinic In India

Continuing with its efforts to manage e-waste properly, the first e-waste clinic in India started functioning in Bhopal on January 24. The clinic was conceived and executed in accordance with the rules and regulations. It is a three-month pilot project and, if successful, would pay the way for the establishment of such e-clinics in other parts of the country. The e-clinic is a joint effort by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and the Bhopal Municipal Corporation (BMC).

The main objective of this initiative is to segregate, process, and dispose of e-waste in an eco-friendly manner. The e-waste is collected either directly through the door to door campaign or submitted by an individual at the clinic. The e-waste collected from the residential and commercial establishments will be sent to Bengaluru for recycling. This initiative would help bring a long-term solution to the ever-increasing problem of e-waste in the country.

Requirement Of E-waste Clinic
According to the survey conducted by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), around 2 million tons of e-waste is generated every year in the country. In the absence of a proper mechanism to handle e-waste, it is dumped along with the other kind of solid household waste. Under these circumstances, the establishment of e-waste clinics across the country will help address the problem of piled up e-waste.

Image Courtesy - Google Images 

Saturday, 4 July 2020

A COVID-19 outbreak was planned. Everything about the epidemic is perplexing, starting with the name. Even today, falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and fallacies concerning COVID-19 vaccinations persist on the internet.

Debunking The Conspiracy Theories Around Covid-19 

Terrifying Conspiracy Theories on Covid-19

The world is in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, and virus-affected morbidity is rising with each passing day. The virus is highly contagious and has created mayhem across the continents. 
The ease with which it has transcended national boundaries and posed a challenge to modern medicine is unmatchable in human history. Yet, with no explanations forthcoming, insecurity and apprehension among the general public are rising. 
As is often the case, mysterious, terrifying major world events present a scenario for conspiracy theorists to fill the vacuum without updated information. The situation isn't different from the coronavirus pandemic, with thousands of wild stories on social media.

COVID-19 Myths That Won't Go Away

The bizarre theories without fact check compound the problem for everyone. The social media is riddled with ghost stories such as a bat soup consumption by inhabitants of Wuhan, a plot hatched by a shadowy organization to control the world population or a bioweapon unleashed by China to alter the world order while catapulting herself as numero uno. 
Not just individuals, conspiracy theories are also, at times, endorsed by the incumbent government to divert people's attention from their shortcomings. The proliferation of false information through social media or otherwise contributes to 'infodemicand, according to WHO, fake news "spreads faster and more easily than this virus" in an interconnected world.

Infodemic A Curse?

The infodemic leads to panic in society, causes a loss of confidence in government and institutions and may even create a wedge within the society. 
For a few, the situation is ripe to benefit by exploiting the opportunity to sell products. The black-marketing of essential commodities or an unprecedented increase in the sale of immunity booster products, food supplements, and even medicines like hydroxychloroquine summarizes the ground realities. People often endanger their lives by following home remedies or medications based on hoax information that isn't verified by any source. The death of more than 50 people and hospitalization of hundreds more in Iran was attributed to a false rumour that consumption of locally available ethanol can cure or prevent the coronavirus, which is one such painful news.
To make matters worse, the cauldron arising due to lack of information, conspiracy theories, mass reliance on social media and panic like situation among the sizeable population presents a unique opportunity for cybercriminals to capitalize on. Moreover, the lockdown situation enforced in most countries has created a perfect environment for scamsters to have a field day.
People are lured into investing in magic COVID-19 remedies, delivery of nonexistent home test kits, fake protective gear or appeal for donations to help victims of coronavirus, are some of the scams detected and alerted by WHO. To steal personnel information or passwords, hackers and cyber scammers disguised as WHO also send malicious attachments through emails or WhatsApp messages. In the present situation, it is warranted to protect oneself from such fraudsters and to take remedial action such as informing the authorities.

5G And Corona Virus Interrelated?
Not just people, fake news can prove to be destructive to national resources, which is evident in Britain. For example, the mass hysteria created by social networking sites took dangerous connotations when the 5G networks across Britain were blamed for transmitting coronavirus. The conspiracy theorists distorted reality, twisted facts and somehow found a link between the installation of 5G towers and the COVID -19 pandemic. 
The coronavirus outbreak was linked to the rollout of 5G services, instigating arsonists to damage the towers across Britain, despite a lack of evidence to prove the rumour. This vandalism has demonstrated the vulnerable side of the developed world, where false information can lead to the destruction of property and even loss of life. The severity of the situation can be gauged from the fact that, as the country is battling the COVID-19 pandemic, the unfounded news is jeopardizing the ability of authorities to communicate effectively. 

Some Other Consequencies

Another fallout of conspiracy theories is that crisis accompanied by misinformation creates xenophobia in society, and the rising hate crimes against Chinese people worldwide are testimony to it. The French newspaper calling the virus 'yellow peril' or the University of Berkeley normalizing xenophobic acts like a normal human reaction of fear, points to the appalling state of affairs in the society which has just surfaced. 
The fake news leads to racial stereotyping and persistent targeting of Chinese people through unending jokes or other means, causing fear-mongering, which is despicable. It is essential to understand that words like 'Chinese virus' propagated by a few media houses accentuate the problem. It may lead to discrimination among communities and trivialize our efforts to address the pandemic.
Blind faith and ignorance are also part of myth-making, posing obstacles to the authorities in dealing with the pandemic. The mischievous gathering of many people in a religious congregation and the unsubstantiated claims made by religious leaders created a distressing situation in India. Followers of a sect openly flunked medical guidelines to maintain social distancing, and the result is the multiplication of new coronavirus cases. Circulating myths during a health emergency only creates confusion among people and hampers our efforts to cope successfully with a pandemic.   

Government At Forefront

In the present circumstances, it becomes the responsibility of the government to remain proactive in providing updated information to the citizenry. The government and its agencies should gain people's confidence with transparent details. Furthermore, they should give clear guidance on COVID-19 to weed out fear and anxiety, thus ending the cycle of misinformation. Not just providing the information essential but equally important is the curtailment of false or fake news as it creates a panic situation. The government can also cite WHO, where experts work with social media channels to counter umpteen conspiracy theories and myths concerning the COVID-19 pandemic.

Piece Of Advice  
As witnessed around the globe, conspiracy theories create anxiety in society, making people behave irrationally to the situation. Understanding those conspiracy theories propagate most efficiently when they originate out of fear is crucial—and so does hate. Stern action against conspiracy theorists who generate fake news and complete filtering of social networking platforms can substantially help mitigate the situation from getting any muddier. 

Image Courtesy - Yahoo Images 

Thursday, 25 June 2020

It is critical to understand how to use isolation to your advantage during a Covid pandemic. Eating a balanced diet and getting 30 minutes of exercise every day can help our bodies prevent, fight, and recover from ailments. While no dietary supplements can avoid or cure COVID-19 infection, healthy eating habits and regular exercise are essential for immune system support.

5 Ways To Include Exercise And A Good Diet In Your Isolation Routine 

During these testing times, when the entire world is in lockdown, it becomes imperative to remain focused and disciplined. Setting achievable targets for a day, and maintaining a positive mindset helps one to stay motivated and energetic. In our efforts to remain engaged during the Isolation period, health should be guarded jealously. Both physical and mental health must be looked after during isolation. To remain fit, exercise and proper diet should be included in your isolation routine.

Exercise Routine At Home

According to health experts, there are different ways to exercise in your isolation routine while remaining indoors. If followed rigorously, they can help you to maintain your health. Let us discuss some of these good practices in detail.
Yoga - Yoga is an elixir for humans, that keeps mental and physical health in perfect shape. During these challenging times, anxiety pervades our minds affecting our physical health too. Under such circumstances, yoga comes to your rescue. Yoga can be practised in limited areas within our homes with ease.
If one isn’t familiar with yoga postures, plenty of certified yoga instructors on youtube or other social media platforms can help you in performing and perfecting the yoga postures
The health benefits of yoga are universally acknowledged and are best suited for your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being during the isolation period. It is a cost-effective, simple and highly efficient way to rope in your isolation routine and remain healthy.

Light exercises - Another method to maintain fitness is to follow an exercise regimen at home. An individual can include light exercises in his morning routine or can do simple tasks in patches throughout the day.
Skipping rope is a great cardio exercise and increases muscle strength. Skipping of cable can be carried out according to comfort for any length of time. Apart from the flexible time limit, it can be practised at any period of the day.
Alternatively, if one has a treadmill at home, that is a great way to exercise and maintain fitness with ease. Otherwise, push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, or weight exercise using household items as weights can also come in handy.
These are light exercises that can be conveniently practised at home to achieve fitness goals and are especially recommended for fitness enthusiasts.

Climbing Stairs - Due to lockdown going to the gym isn't possible anymore; however, one way to remain healthy is to climb the stairs of your house or building in which you live. Climbing stairs is an ideal workout to increase stamina and is an easy way to include in an isolation routine. However, one should refrain from touching the railing of the stairs. Stair workout is trendy among athletes and is an ideal workout during isolation. There are plenty of videos in social media where famous athletes have resorted to this exercise to be in shape.

Dancing or Zumba - Isolation can make anyone lazy and non-productive. It is, therefore, necessary to self motivate oneself in different ways. If one gets tired of following the same exercise routine every day, then he can choose dancing as a means to exercise. It is a fun way to lose weight and increase agility.
There are different dance forms such as Zumba, Latin dance, aerobic dance, or Bollywood style of dancing that are ideal ways to relieve stress besides keeping you in shape.
Dancing boosts metabolism, strengthens body muscles and keeps you happy. Dancing is a complete body workout and can be easily performed at home. It is a simple and entertaining way to include in your isolation routine. So, happy hours coupled with fitness is a recommended recipe during the lockdown. 

Gardening or Cleaning Home - Not many people realize the fitness benefit of cleaning home by themselves daily. It is an easy and cost-effective exercise to remain healthy. Performing simple tasks like sweeping or mopping the floor or cleaning windows, cleaning your vehicle burn extra fat and relieve your stress.
Similarly, gardening makes you squat, tone your abdomen and pressure applied on thighs, arms, strengthen them. These are simple ways to include in your isolation routine and can work wonders on your mental and physical well-being.

Steroids for fitness 
While remaining indoors, some people who were into the body-building routine may not get the opportunity to visit gyms. Such individuals may be tempted to take Human grade steroids to boost their energy level.
The human-grade steroids are of different types and if taken without medical prescription may end up damaging vital body organs. A person can also become addicted and face severe health emergencies. It is advisable to take a properly nutritious diet followed by exercises to build muscles and avoid steroids as they are incredibly harmful.  

Food For Your Health

Food for boosting health 
Embracing exercise routine during self-isolation keeps your body and mind focussed and energized. However, exercises are not sufficient to keep you healthy. It would be best if you eat a healthy diet regularly to boost your immune system. Isolation is a perfect excuse to dwell on satisfying your taste buds with healthy foods.
It is essential to take a diet which is rich in protein, fibre and minerals to tide over the crisis time with comfort. It would be best if you take small meals at regular intervals of time. A critical aspect of a healthy diet is to plan and ensure that you have all the required ingredients. However, processed food should be avoided, and more fresh fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet.
Apart from a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, it is equally important to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. You should drink lukewarm water or fresh fruit juice frequently, especially after exercising as one loses water by sweating.

During the self-isolation period, one is likely to feel lost and wasted. It is the right time to see the brighter side of life and be self-motivated. Home workouts are essential to keep yourself free of any physical or mental problems. Similarly, plenty of rest, spending time with friends and family and munching a balanced diet at regular intervals keeps your immunity healthy. Keeping positive thoughts also helps in relieving stress, and maintaining a hearty lifestyle, a vital necessity during the isolation period.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Maharashtra Demands More Ventilators Amid Covid -19 Pandemic

Maharashtra Demands 2000 Ventilator From Center 

As of April 22, Maharashtra has the maximum number of COVID-19 patients and highest mortality rate in the country.

With the rising number of Covid-19 patients across the state, the Maharashtra government has asked the Center to step in and provide 2000 more ventilators. The concern being doubling of cases rapidly and virus entering new territories across the state. The state medical authorities are actively preparing to contain the crisis.

Lockdown Extension  
The first phase of the lockdown helped in no community transformation of the virus. Within Maharashtra, 90% of the cases have been registered from Mumbai, Pune and Metropolitan region around Mumbai, while the rest of the state accounts for 10% cases.
However, due to the exponential spike in new cases, the Maharashtra government has extended the lockdown till April 30.

How to contain pandemic?
The state government has now devised a new strategy to combat the pandemic. The measures include fever clinics to monitor potential carriers of the virus, a substantial increase in testing, door to door survey, drone surveillance in crowded areas, stringent enforcement of social distancing norms and containment zones to stop the transmission of the virus.

Health Care 
The Maharashtra state health department has designated 120 hospitals with approximately 4000 ICU beds for critical COVID -19 patients. Vacant residential complexes, schools, guest houses, hotels, etc. are converted into health care centres for providing medical aid to quarantine patients with mild symptoms of COVID -19.

The key goal is to stop the transmission by curing the patients and slow down the disease spread, thereby flattening the curve.
The government has estimated the requirements and is stockpiling the medical essentials like medicines, oxygen cylinders and hence the demand to supply 2000 ventilators from central government.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

One of the most eagerly awaited books for readers includes 14 additional military tales of incredible bravery and supreme sacrifice.

India's Most Fearless - 2 (Review) 

 As the name suggests, this is the second book of the "India's Most Fearless" series by Shiv Aroor and Rahul Singh. 

The book is a flowering tribute to the valour of the Indian armed forces and their indomitable spirit to defend the motherland. 

The souls who, despite towering odds, performed assigned duties miraculously, at times sacrificing themselves for the nation without remorse. The book sheds light on their lives, their families and, in a few cases, even their plans, which didn't fructify.


 The real-life stories are meticulously crafted with dedication and are a sincere attempt by authors to give a sneak peek into the lives of our warriors.

The book narrates tales of men/women from the three services who conducted their duties feverishly while stationed in different parts of the nation. These stories are about courage, discipline, humility, patriotism, and devotion towards the country and the dignity with which it is executed. 

This book kept the momentum and enthraled the readers with a mix of emotions throughout. There are 14 separate accounts in this book, but one unique and underlying attribute surfaces in each one of them, the mental endurance to be at the frontline risk.

The authors have carried out extensive research and presented real-life stories without hyperbole. The book makes one realize that the sacrifices rendered by our heroes and their families deserve to be told among the citizenry.

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