Friday, 17 January 2020

Understanding The Matrix

                    There’s something special and energetic in ‘freedom’ or maybe the ‘idea of freedom’ or the feeling itself is reminiscent of liberation, happiness and thus excites us. It rushes our minds with ideas that may be reverberating in our minds for reasons unspecified. Restraining such ideas is a recipe for outrage which is manifested through aggression or non-violence depending on the social and ideological background of individuals. Today, it's not uncommon to come across the urban-elite gentry on television, who are complaining of feeling suffocated, restrained because of imaginary restrictions imposed by the incumbent government to thwart their attempts of expressing free will. However, if we observe closely the problem is acute only among a minuscule section of the population who have been allegedly gagged by the government in their opinion. The only twist is, such an outlandish scenario is usually put-forth by such victims among the general population through different mediums of communication which looks odd as well as mischievous. 
                   One major drawback of human psychology is whenever he/she gets something or anything in abundance they misuse it or worse waste it. ‘Freedom of speech’, a fundamental right ensured by the Constitution is one such right. While on one hand, the scores of Congress bailed-out leaders complained of such lack of freedom in front of cameras and through different other social mediums, on the other hand, their colleagues stretch the same freedom to openly smudge the country and an elected PM in an enemy country which has open hostilities with us. The second group that is baffled by the lack of freedom today are our left-liberals comprising of few media journalists, academicians and their follower students (useful idiots) in selected colleges. Their intellectuals(Arundhati Roy, Teesta Setalvad, Prashant Bhushan, Yogendra Yadav, etc.) openly support secessionist activities on SM, while foot-soldiers visit campuses to overtly challenge the writ of the constitution. All is done blatantly in the name of FOE which according to these traitors is actually missing. 
                  Truth is these lumpen elements of society who were free-riders have never been questioned for their nefarious anti-India and more specifically anti-Hindu activities for the last 70 years. Today their grudge with the government is, they seem to have been at the receiving end both academically, intellectually, politically as well on the streets where communist-Muslim mobs are no longer in a position to unleash violence and halt the administration as it once was. These Congress-Leftist entities and individuals care two hoots about India. Their only grouse is the declining hold on society and the lack of privileges they are accustomed to. The blabbering of Mr. Aiyar in Pakistan against India where he put the onus of securing secular certificate on Indian government by ensuring a good relationship with Pakistan is the lunacy of gigantic proportion or Shashi Tharoor who applauded the resolutions in the US Congress against India are branches of the same tree. The communal outburst of Aishe Ghosh on Jamia campus clearly outlines the agenda of the syndicate which is to see India struggling, confined to flames of secessionist activities and not a united strong country. 
                       The protests and dharnas aren’t new to democracy but are an inherent part of vivacious, lively and brisking consciousness of society. The citizenry has the fundamental right to protest against government policies but in the same manner, it also underlines the view that the government is open to facing dissent provided the dissent shouldn’t turn violent. Thus the question of lack of freedom or gagging problems that led to chest-beating goes out of the window and can be viewed in the context of last-ditch attempts by few to remain relevant in the present political scene of the country. Thus, it is not difficult to envisage the people behind the sinister attempts to foment trouble in the country who wanted to keep the pot boiling till the government commits a mistake on whom they can capitalize politically. 

Image Courtesy - Google 

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

India’s Most Fearless -1 by Shiv Aroor and Rahul Singh (Review)

                       The book is about fourteen magnificent true stories of valor displayed by the brave-hearts of Indian armed forces. These stories soaked in blood and sweat, have become legends and will inspire the generation of warriors in times to come. As is truly said that bravery comes in different shades, the book has put-forth such tales meticulously, in an awe-inspiring manner to inspire its readers. The heroism displayed by warriors in demanding times is fervently matched by their respective family members and colleagues, that have been ingeniously and yet with simplicity narrated by the authors. The behind the scene stories compiled by authors has the captivating ability and makes the reader glued to the book without blinking. It is futile to go into individual stories but will add that they are well-written and relatively easy to comprehend and feel proud. 
                      India is in a state of perpetual war since independence and Indian armed forces are always in a state of high alert. It is the hard work and supreme sacrifices of our brave-hearts that grant the citizenry a sense of normalcy and calm. This book isn't just about the valor of brave-hearts but also one can fathom the logistical, political and humanitarian aspects of military functioning. This book has a compilation of stories catering to different domains, some fil your heart with pride, some with respect while others leave you teary-eyed. The book is a truly remarkable experience to read and is a perfect blend of high decibel militarily action on the ground against terrorists (within and outside India) and humanitarian efforts(relief and rescue) carried out by Indian forces against all odds. This book is engrossing and has been an eye-opener for me, the legacy left behind by stalwarts will serve as an inspiration for Indians. It will make one realize that this freedom comes at a cost and safeguarding the values of it should be our tribute to the sacrifices made by men/women in the Armed forces.

Image courtesy - Google 

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Stir Crazy (Movie Review)

             Stir Crazy is a comedy thriller where two of my favorite actors Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor have teamed up again to create a fun-filled experience for viewers. Here I would like to suggest my readers to also watch another brilliant work by these two wonderful actors 'See No Evil, Hear No Evil'. These two super-talented actors have many feathers in their cap and Stir Crazy is a glittering one. The movie starts with a bank robbery where the two were wrongly framed for it. They are sent to prison for a bank robbery they didn't commit. In jail, their attempts to impersonate as rowdies to ward of anti-soc characters, while the truth was different was ingeniously funny. The conduct of the two in jail has many situational comic moments and finally, the execution of the escape plan which capitalizes on the warden's choice of Wilder to be their "main man" in a rodeo competition was interesting.
           Stir Crazy is a light-hearted comedy with bountiful moments of fun. Richard Pryor's pragmatic approach to circumstances while Wilder's over-optimism had been tested at times providing barrelful of laughter. It's a great movie and fun to watch. 

Image Courtesy - Google 

Sunday, 17 November 2019

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin S. Sharma (Review)

                Some books are meant to be tasted, some eaten while a few others to be gulped thoroughly, this book falls in the last category. The author is trying to provide the ancient wisdom to lead an enriching life full of vigor, energy, love and above all compassion towards everyone around us. It beautifully transmits the message by weaving a story of a high flying lawyer turned monk who after visiting a mystical place named Sivana in the lap of Himalayas realized his motivation in life. The place Sivana is home to sages who shared their techniques with the lawyer provided he pledges to pass it on with the outside world which is in dire need of guidance to come out of the slumber the chaos that is of their own creation. The story progresses with monk Julian sharing a fable about seven different goals to achieve to revolutionize one's life and helps in transcending a human into the state of bliss.
             The story is beautifully illustrated with counter questions pounded by Julian's friend John to further satisfy the doubts that most readers might have while reading the book. It doesn't fully satisfy the quest of an individual but can certainly give a positive direction, inspiration to life provided one is open to ideas of meditation, goal prioritization, focus, getting up early, more exercise, positive thinking, etc, and as the book encourages to always have your cup of knowledge empty, space should be there for never-ending knowledge. The book enriches your thought process and encourages you to look at simple pleasures of life, to admire exquisite beauty in all living things and not waste it to wait till the very end for the promised land. This book is strongly recommended by me for everyone as it is a noble effort by the author to apprise readers about the traditional knowledge of India that we all humans desperately need in today's age.

Image Courtesy - Google 

Sunday, 6 October 2019


                 मटेरिअलिस्म के दुष्प्रभाव आज सोसाइटी के लिए सबसे बड़ा खतरा बन के उभरे हैं| कंसुमेरिस्म की अंधी दौड़ जहाँ इंसान के ऊपर दबाव बनती है वहीं यह परिवार मे फ्रिक्शन का कारण भी बन चुके हैं| जरूरतों और ख्वाइशों की अंतहीन खाई को पार करते इंसान न सिर्फ मतलबी बन गया है बल्कि क्रूरता की हर सीमा को बेझिझक तर्क-कुतर्कों के सहारे पार कर रहा है | संसाधनों को एकत्र करने की होड़ मे इंसान ने नैतिक मूल्यों  से समझौता करलिया है| आज इंसान हर चीज़ को हड़पने को हमेशा ततपर है | जंगलों की अंधादुंध कटाई हो या समुद्री जीवों का लुप्त होना मनुष्य के लालच का उद्धरण हैं | परिवारों के बीच बढ़ता संघर्ष भी इसी मानसिक दिवालियापन का सबूत है| बचपन से हमें तेरा-मेरा और एक दूसरे मे फर्क करना सिखाया जाता है, जो नीव डालती है स्वार्थी अथवा आत्म केन्द्रित होने की | अचेतन मन में जो धारणाये हैं उनके द्वारा हम आस पास के वातावरण को भी प्रभावित करते हैं।
                   खुद को श्रेष्ट व अन्य को कमतर आंकना इसी संकीर्ण र्सोच का लक्षण है| बड़े पैमाने पर देखें तो विभिन धर्मो का अथवा देशो के बीच का संघर्ष खुद को श्रेष्ट अथवा स्वयं के लिए अत्यधिक सुखसुविधायं एकत्र करने की स्पर्धा ही तो है | दक्षिण चीन समुद्र का बढ़ता संघर्ष हो, या अरेबियन पेनिनसुला की मारकाट यह भूमि, खनिजों या फिर वर्चस्व की लड़ाई ही है | दोनों विश्व युद्ध, गल्फ वॉर अथवा अनगिनत युद्धों का मूल कारन यही अतृप्य भूख थी जिसका परिणाम दर्दनाक व भयावा था और सम्पूर्ण मानव जाती ने इसका मूल चुकाया | इतिहास साक्षी है कीअत्यधिक मेहत्याकांशा न सिर्फ लोभी बना देती है अपितू इर्षा या दूसरों से घृण्डा भी सिखाती है | दक्षिण चीन सागर  में होने वाली लड़ाई चीन द्वारा वियतनाम और फिलीपींस जैसे छोटे देशों को दबाने के लिए है और खनिजों पर आधिपत्य  स्थापित करने की लड़ाई है चाहे इसके लिए युद्ध हो तो इससे चीन को गुरेज़ नहीं | 
                 अंतरिक्ष की खोज भी इंसान का अंतहीन लालच एवं खुद को श्रेष्ठ साबित करने की स्पर्धा दर्शाता है |  विभिन्न देशों के अंतरिक्ष कार्यक्रमों में एक दूसरे से होड़ का सिर्फ इतना ही अर्थ है कि यदि वहां से खनिज मिलते हैं तो उन्हें हासिल करना। ये खनिज उनके होंगे जो पहले पहुँचेगा। महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है की ताकतवर व प्रभावशाली देशों द्वारा गरीब देशों को नैतिकता का पाठ सिखाना जबकि खुद उन्ही मूल्यों की अवहेलना करना भी इसी श्रृंखला का हिस्सा है | हाल ही में अफ्रीकी देशों द्वारा जंगली जानवरों के संरक्षण हेतु सभी अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संधियों को ख़ारिज करने की चेतावनी इसी शोषण की तरफ दर्शाता है | गरीब देश नैतिकता का बोझ अपने कंधों पर कब तक ढोये और क्यों ढोये ? जबकि अमीर देशों को कोई फर्क नही पड़ता। क्या हमारे विकसित देशों की कोई जिमेदारी नही बनती ? ये देश पर्यावरण की रक्षा के लिए आगे क्यों नहीं आते? क्या पर्यावरण की रक्षा सिर्फ गरीब राष्ट्रों का कर्तव्य है?
                    बाल्यावस्था से मस्तिष्क मे डालीं गयी बातें न सिर्फ हमे प्रभावित करती हैं बल्कि हमारा आचरण भी तय करती हैं | यही संकीर्ण सोच अचेतन मन के द्वारा हम अपने आस पास के वातावरण में फैलाते है। वो बढ़ते बढ़ते हमारे जीवन की मूलभूत आवश्यकताओं को बर्बाद कर देती है औऱ हम अंधी दौड़ में शामिल हो जाते हैं ।