Sunday, 21 July 2019

Dancing Muhammad's And Bano's Of China

               Dancing is forbidden in Islam and so is eating during the holy month of Ramzan(Ramadan), but in China, the individual choice to profess religion is increasingly being trampled by the authoritative regime. The Chinese authorities tirade against religious minorities isn't new, in the 1950s, the Tibetan annexation and subsequent execution of unarmed Buddhist civilians by PLA in the name of unification of Tibet with China have laid the foundation for future transgress on minority rights which only increased with time. The silence of the world community towards the unleashing of violence by the Chinese government further emboldened China. The world became a mute spectator of Chinese excesses towards its civilians is it 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre where more than 10000 pro-democracy students were butchered by PLA or recent crackdown on civilian protest in Hongkong. The world leaders who shamelessly supported and bargained with China for economical benefits is equally accountable for the crimes committed by the Chinese government.
                   The current obsession of the Chinese regime to target the majority Uighur population in Xinjiang province which is largely Muslim (Turkic Uyghurs) and the methods employed to 'civilize' or 're-educate' only finds parallel with 'Gulags' or 'concentration camps' established by Soviets or Nazis. The 90% Han Chinese ethnic majority distrust the ethnic and religious minorities and the one-party rule ensures the ethnic cleansing or subjugation through violent means. China suspicious of the ethnic Muslim community has suppressed the language and faith of its Muslim citizens. These minorities were purged of their mother tongues, forced to eat pork and renounce outward displays of Islam. To make matters worse, unprecedented measures are taken by authorities to re-educate or civilize Muslims by establishing detention camps. 
                    These camps were only recently acknowledged by Chinese which was earlier denied. It is difficult to put a number of people detained in these camps established in Xinjiang, but the State Department estimates it could be between 800,000 and 2 million Muslims that are detained since 2017. After initially denying the existence of the re-education camps, Beijing is now defending them as necessary to combat Islamist extremism and terrorism and termed them as re-education camps to civilize Muslims. Increasing assertive Han nationalism, 2009 riots in Xinjiang between Han ethnic majority and Uighur minorities and subsequent terrorist attacks by Uighurs on Chinese majority and importance of Xinjiang’s western location for launching President Xi Jinping's ambitious trillion-dollar Belt and Road global infrastructure project prompted the Chinese government to crack down on Muslim minority that inhabits the region. 
                   China's aggressive territorial claims and disputes with all its neighboring countries, refusal to accept the judgment of an international tribunal in The Hague (favoring the Philippines) and continuous South Chinese Sea island grab and militarization gives testimony to its scant respect for rule of law. The Chinese insatiable hunger for land and resources is astonishingly condemnable. The world leaders on their part, till now were inclined to appease China for multiple reasons while American addiction to rile Russian attempts to establish its cold war era prestige gives opportunity and space to China to throttle voices at home or abroad without any criticism. 
                                             Mosques locked out by Chinese authorities 
                  The massive human rights abuses carried out by the Chinese government against minorities finally received worldwide attention when the United Nations said it had credible evidence that over one million ethnic Uighur and other Muslims in China were being held against their will, and without trial in camps. What is strange and horribly upsetting is even when 22 European countries signed a letter recently to the United Nations Human Rights Council criticizing Chinese policies, there were 37 states, including Pakistan and other Muslim countries who came to the rescue of China and jointly signed a letter to the president of the Council praising China’s “contribution to the international human rights cause.” As long as the world doesn't unite and see beyond their selfish interests and raise their voice condemning the mistreatment of ethnic and religious minorities by China, and in this case, Uyghur Muslims, the Muhammad's and Bano's till then with have to continue to dance to Chinese tunes.

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Video - Youtube

Saturday, 20 July 2019

Smilla's Sense of Snow

The movie is a murder mystery and the plot is an enigma slowly unfolding itself. There are different shades of people in the movie, some portrayed beautifully while others were not fully explained and left much to be desired. The protagonist Smilla (Julia Ormond) did justice to her character and successfully discerned different emotions. At times the movie seems to have lost its plot and went wayward but soon recaptured the plot and viewers' attention. This movie, I must admit without any extraordinary script, consumes you, maybe because of its perfect direction, thus keeps you hitched for a fairly decent time period. Even though the last 30 minutes were forgetful, yet the film has built up so much momentum that somehow this movie works.

Smilla who was nursing a grudge since childhood towards society had developed a special bond with a young boy. The death of boy due to accident (fall from the roof) as declared officially was confronted by Smilla who had reasons to believe that the boy was murdered. The circumstances and Smilla's resolve to unearth the truth behind the unfortunate death of the child makes this movie worth a watch. Julia Ormond and (murky charter role played by) Gabriel Byrne were impressive and despite certain flaws in story, this movie is definitely a one time watch.

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Movie - Pretty Woman

   I am sure most of my readers have already watched and admired Pretty Woman and don't need my views, but there's something magical about it that made me pen it. This movie makes you fall in love from the first frame itself, its honesty, lucid execution is admirable. Writing about the two wonderful actors Julia Roberts, who enchants you with her eyes and through her infectious smile and Richard Gere, the handsome hunk of the '90s is a perfect recipe for Romantic drama. This movie, however, is more than Romance, it soaks up your negativity, the hollowness of heart and rekindles the desire to be hopeful, the desire to be kind. It makes you believe good often happens miracles do happen.

This movie is a sweet reminder to believe in good and be good, an antidote for an unpredictable world. The story can be summarized as a millionaire hires a prostitute while on a business trip for one night but decides to encash her beauty for improving his public appearance, but in the end, he couldn't stop himself from falling in love with her. A perfect evening watch with or without your partner, a must-watch for Romantic-Comedy genre fans.

Movie - Cold Pursuit (Review)

                Cold Pursuit drew my attention because of Liam Neeson, his awe-inspiring performance in many action flicks, made me admire his movies. But, this was one of the most disappointing, distasteful movie, a complete waste of time for Liam fans like me. I fail to understand if it was a revenge drama or child custody drama of a narcotics lord who's surrounded by gay bodyguards or gang war based where gangsters play with ice or something else as there were few more plots interwoven making it truly bizarre. After 15 minutes, one can only wonder, how a trailer can entice you into wasting your precious time and money on watching dog-shit. 

  It was stupid and arrogant for makers to make such a movie and expect people to watch it. To begin with, it was a revenge drama the only problem was without a script and poor execution. I have always enjoyed Liam Neesom, but this movie is two hours of torture and would not divulge anything more about plot, performance, etc. My advice is, one should avoid this movie. 

Friday, 15 March 2019

My Journey Towards Right

                                    Perception plays a significant role in deciphering the outcome of events. Our mind is influenced by umpteen number of factors some of which are true while others ‘managed’. This is why, perhaps, Shri Krishna had to enlighten Arjun in the middle of the battlefield, as Arjun’s mind was compromised. In today’s environment, we are exposed to biased and sponsored programs, camouflaging and manipulating thought processes. In our country the game has been played by vested interests from the very beginning with such perfection, that will make Joseph Goebbels look like a miniature. Such was the intensity and impact of news during those days, that it wasn’t unusual where we were made to question our beliefs and sometimes defeat the very people who work for us.
                                 As a teenager growing up in a small dusty town in UP, I was comfortably a left-leaning individual with scanty respect for traditions and religion. While obtaining most of my information through people and a few media outlets (as only a few were available) had no inhibitions in undermining the sanctity of right ideology as that was the coolest thing. Snubbing such ideas and people were considered a rationale, although with minute info and facts without any independent source to corroborate. With time as my interest in politics and history grew, I wasn’t confined to a single source and started reading from different sources of information (due to economic liberalization different media outlets sprang up) providing divergent views, thus opening my horizon to disseminate and understand the world around me in more fruitful way.
                                 I was a mere observer as the world around was unfolding also was made aware of past instances in our history which rudely jolted me. I wouldn’t name a single instance but numerous present and past deeds of left-secular cabal when confronted acted as an eye-opener and facilitated and cemented my belief diametrically opposite to leftist ideology. With time as the right-leaning ideology gained central ground, although standing on sidelines was astonished and deeply disappointed when corrupt, incompetent, criminal, seditious elements cobbled together to stitch a rag-tag coalition to safeguard secular ethos of our nation. This was the proverbial last straw when in the name of protecting unity and integrity, a greedy coalition was forcefully shoveled down the throat of Indians.
                               My resolve to find parallel ideology drew me towards right, although am never fully convinced and supportive of everything that gets propagated from them. My disillusionment with left and so called secular podium increased further after learning about the plight of Kashmiri Hindu exodus, Marad massacre, Shah Bano case (Govt wilted to appease), Ayodhya firing incident, ridiculing Hindu culture in literature and media and many such devious acts that were brushed under the carpet in the name of secularism. Such was the farcical narrative of political class that the synonym of secularism became corruption and incompetence. The left oriented cabal has mainstreamed Hinduphobia and hatred for anything that ordinary Indians can take pride in. This notorious group is indoctrinated and so radicalized they never acknowledge violence unleashed by naxals and are apologetic towards Islamic terrorism.
                             The concocted history text books authorized by left-leaning historians have prepared the groundwork for future generations to embark on. Only free flow of information and independent historical work has decimated the web of lies meticulously spun by them. The unexpected and unprecedented expansion of the right wing social forces in India is a testimony to the anti-people and anti-secular hegemonic policies adopted by the cabal. The social, cultural, religious and politico-economic order was created to suit their narrative. The left cabal in the garb of liberalism is surprisingly devoid of nationalism and patriotism which led to the rise of the right (although I prefer being called centrist) who are forced to rebut the leftists. In their rigid minds to rundown divergent views , different epithets are coined and used by cabal , but the more left try to tease people by calling them "bhakts", the more they loose the plot.

Image Courtesy - Google