Tuesday 2 July 2019

Movie - Pretty Woman

   I am sure most of my readers have already watched and admired Pretty Woman and don't need my views, but there's something magical about it that made me pen it. This movie makes you fall in love from the first frame itself, its honesty, lucid execution is admirable. Writing about the two wonderful actors Julia Roberts, who enchants you with her eyes and through her infectious smile and Richard Gere, the handsome hunk of the '90s is a perfect recipe for Romantic drama. This movie, however, is more than Romance, it soaks up your negativity, the hollowness of heart and rekindles the desire to be hopeful, the desire to be kind. It makes you believe good often happens miracles do happen.

This movie is a sweet reminder to believe in good and be good, an antidote for an unpredictable world. The story can be summarized as a millionaire hires a prostitute while on a business trip for one night but decides to encash her beauty for improving his public appearance, but in the end, he couldn't stop himself from falling in love with her. A perfect evening watch with or without your partner, a must-watch for Romantic-Comedy genre fans.

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