Sunday, 9 August 2015

Dragon's Threat To World Peace

                        “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”  The above quote by Mao Zedong in August 1927 is a legacy etched in psyche of Chinese ruling class. Chinese insatiable appetite for power and greed to shape world order to its satisfaction is a formidable danger lurking over the world. Chinese behemoth's perpetual hunger to increase its landmass and thus yield its power and influence is the biggest threat to human kind. The rise of China isn't peaceful for its neighbors or for world at large no matter how long world ignores the inevitable threat to world peace.Chinese belligerence is at display when it comes to settling territorial disputes with its neighbors, 1962 war with India, 1979 war with Vietnam, 1969 clashes with Soviet Union are testimony to it.
                        For long, world ignored blatant Chinese human rights record, persecution of Buddhists,Muslims and other minorities religious or linguistic are frequent affair. China being an authoritarian state enforces strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.The Communist Party’s Anti Rightist Policy of 1957 opposed “local nationalism” among ethnic minorities and clamped down on religions.  Religion was suppressed, but so was ethnic language, cultural cuisines and garb. Religious texts and religious places are destroyed, their religious leaders persecuted, and individual adherents punished but such human rights abuses are ignored by world.
               Buddhist Monk Burns Himself To Death Protesting The Persecution Of Buddhist

                      After annexation of Tibet Chinese govt has deliberately altered Tibet's demography by settling millions of Chinese from mainland. This demographic change was termed as "Cultural genocide" by Tibetan spiritual guru Dalai Lama but world showed indifference and continued to do business with China. Chinese antipathy towards Buddhists in Tibet is astonishing, the peaceful Buddhists monks are frequently arrested, keeping photo of Dalai Lama is a criminal offense and when such dictates didn't yielded desired results of containing religious activities of monks Chinese govt outlawed "Reincarnation". Although bizarre and unheard before Chinese govt placed restrictions on the religious practice of reincarnation. This is a blatant abuse of human rights and meddling in the religious affairs of individuals and community,a right accepted and granted in any free society.
   China forced imams from its eastern Muslim majority Xinjiang region to dance in the street 

                   It's not the Buddhists who r frequently under the hammer of Chinese authorities but other religious minorities like Muslims are targeted routinely too. Among restrictions imposed are on clothing, forceful feeding during fasting month & vilification of religious customs. In the Xinjiang province Chinese authorities again employed the similar tactics of altering demography by settling people from mainland much to the abasement of local inhabitants. The Uyghur minorities in Xinjiang province,Buddhists in Tibet are glaring example of oppressive Chinese regime. The Chinese govt suspect the minorities and thus in order to maintain its supremacy suppress the inhabitants with impunity.
Hong Kong protesting for Democracy against Communist rule

                    It's not the minorities even people demanding democracy on mainland and Hong kong are brutally suppressed by communist regime of China. In order to quell political unrest and scuttle moves towards democracy Chinese govt resorted to economic reforms. Chinese economy uninterrupted march after economic reforms of 1979 has catapulted China at the center stage of world economy and authorities main concern is to continue creating jobs and uplifting large section of impoverished people thus maintaining and bringing equality to ensure political stability.Although China has a non-intervention policy in the internal affairs of foreign countries yet its degree of implementation varies constantly.
                   In 2009 China defined its "Core interests", and these included Tibet, Taiwan and South China Sea. It means China won't hesitate to wage a war on these Core interests despite economic concerns but its nothing more then to attain regional hegemony and lust to dominate surrounding neighborhood. Chinese growing assertiveness over territorial claims and threat of war is pushing the world on the brink of inevitable war. Chinese claims of sovereignty over entire South China Sea is contested by Brunei, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam is the biggest flashpoint in Asia. China has similar dispute with Japan on sovereignty over uninhabited Senkaku Islands.There's a mistrust and acrimony over territory with India and after Japan  the biggest thorn in Chinese flesh is India's rise economically and militarily. Chinese claims over Taiwan and its agenda to unify it with mainland is equally worrisome.The clear and present danger with China is its inability to contemplate its hawkish behavior and respecting international laws.

                                             South China Sea claims and counter claims
                     Chinese economy built on stimulus packages and devalued currency is unsustainable according to economists, thus to prevent unrest and deflect attention China may become more assertive over territorial claims in future .Open defiance of internationally accepted principles of free speech, individual freedom to religion,scuttling any move towards democratic process in mainland or Hong kong and disregard of sovereign claims by foreign county over territory makes China the biggest and most formidable impediment for world peace today. China has the world’s largest army with a large arsenal of short, medium range and Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) missiles. It has just built the world’s largest navy with nuclear submarines,aircraft carrier and  with an increasing airpower. 
                    The threat from China to usurp territories of surrounding nation is serious,her unending disputes and frequent skirmishes with neighbors has the potential to escalate into a full fledged war. Only concerted efforts by countries in dispute with China along with countries believing in free world around the globe in unison can effectively contain China and thwart Chinese attempts to subdue world.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Pseudo Secularists Club

                                        " Barbad gulistaan karne ko to ek hi ullu kaafi tha
                              Yahan..har shaakh pe ullu baitha hai anjam-e-gulistan kya hoga"

                               The antipathy of Pseudo-Secularists(PS) towards Modi government is never a state secret, they abhor and condemn everything from dressing to ministerial births. There's a club of such PS and membership is through abusing Modi or RSS or anything remotely Hindu, the more venomous outbursts against Hindus and Hindu festivities the better. The club has self glorified media wallahs who are themselves engrossed in dubious acts but that's forgiven. There animosity towards Hindus and BJP in particular isn't new, even before BJP govt was formed some cohorts raised unfounded sick doubts among minorities and tried to create mass hysteria, some clowns deciphered Modi's refusal to wear skull cap as epitome of anti secularism. Despite there dislike and utter disdain BJP managed to secure unprecedented majority in parliament.
                           Once anointed PM candidate, Modi graced PM chair adding insult to injury of these coterie of Anti nationals. Gradually the notoriety of NGOs whose activities were at zenith during previous govt were laid bare and there nefarious designs were uprooted. Ban on many unscrupulous NGOs by Modi govt is hailed across the country to the chagrin of PS club . One such NGO owner and PS stalwart Teesta Setalvad who's synonymous of Gujrat riot victims and felicitated by PS brigade is under scrutiny for financial impropriety cases.
Interesting there is a deafening silence of PS when Teesta morphed image of Goddess with ISIS terrorists. Tolerance and free speech of Charlie Hebdo was questioned after Paris attack , but its freedom of expression and tolerance preached when it comes to caricaturing Hindu Gods & rituals. The same nonsensical arguments were employed and propagated to defend MF Hussain paintings,tolerance ,free speech ,freedom of expression comes to rescue and preached to masses by bigots. The morphed picture was removed by Teesta when Social Media(SM) objected vociferously.

                         Certain media wallahs who are important part of PS coterie had free run till social media became a force to reckon with, there supremacy over news is challenged and epithets champions are at receiving end much to there surprise and anguish. Here Rajdeep Sardesai scuffle with NRI is a testament to such ignominious attitude. There high expectations from Rahul Gandhi to take reins of Congress and challenge Modi is in tatters till now so only hope left for them is to create controversies.. There antipathy towards Modi is so nauseating that on a goodwill trip this journalist tried to incite people by asking about Gujarat riots in USA thus getting a prompt reply by NRIs. Lok Sabha election results marginalized them and this indifference isn't easy to digest, they harp on to any issue that can be twisted to tarnish incumbent govt.

                         Earlier unfounded fears of Christian community were exploited without
much success, Lalit Modi case was overplayed but ended up with egg on there faces once names of political leaders in opposition started tumbling out , FTII student strike is showcased as attempt to scuttle free thinking and creativity. I cannot vouch for Gajendra Chauhan's credentials but since when did students get the right to chose principal ? The recent addition to FTII controversy is RG support for striking students thus prompting a leading actor Paresh Rawal to question skills of RG as an actor to advise management of institute .In there quest for controversies and malign Modi government as insensitive and cruel towards a section of minorities they glorified a terrorist after hanging. The buffoonery of our media came to the fore in Nepal, our media was disliked  during Nepalese earthquake goodwill created by India in relief and rescue was dented by media and thus was at receiving end from people of Nepal .

                      The support to Yakub campaign didn't end with his death, there's a continuous campaign by left liberals, NGOs & some politicians in giving religious connotations to a simple capital punishment incident to a convicted terrorist and again section of media is willfully playing a second fiddle . The antipathy of left liberals towards nationalist government isn't an enigma,there intellectual supremacy is in tatters and are constantly hounded by nationalist forces now. The emergence of proud,patriotic middle class is constantly exposing there lies and unhindered propagation of leftist agenda is facing impedance. 

              These above two national dailies have reported news of Yakub hanging and Dr APJ Abdul Kalam demise on front page but the space allocated to a terrorist hated by Indians and Peoples President adored and respected by Indians gives us an idea as to the importance attached by newspapers to varying news. The social initiatives of Modi are constantly undermined by same people be it a #selfiewithdaughter or Swatchta Abhyan campaign or organizing Yoga Day. Modi is ridiculed and ideas are mocked to the dislike of ordinary Indians. As the steps initiated by government and SM to dislodge and redundancy of PS coterie becomes more intense and apparent,the chorus to defame Modi will pickup more pace. To there discomfort no serious allegation of corruption or riots can be leveled against incumbent govt and thus only hope to blemish govt is by manufacturing controversies. The viciousness of the PS campaign who's sidelined for good now has incredible hold on English media and there voices are only going to get shrill. The isolated and stray incidents will be targeted by this disgruntled PS club in future too and in there jealousness to defame Modi they won't shy away even at the cost of hurting Indian interests.


Friday, 31 July 2015

Mumbai Blasts Verdict - Hanging Of Yakub Memon

                       Lengthy debates were organized by media to discuss Yakub Memon hanging attended by politicians and social activists with different ideologies creating a circus environment. Questioning the verdict of Apex court seems to be fashionable nowadays, defendants of Yakub in complicity with media created an environment favorable to Yakub in blatant contempt of Apex court ruling. All legal remedies to stop the execution were employed but in vain and eventually Yakub Abdul Razak Memon was sent to gallows. It is ironical how a  co-conspirator of 1993 Mumbai blasts that claimed 257 lives and devastated scores of families was defended on humanitarian grounds by certain activists.

                      Politicians as habitual played there part in unnecessarily meddling and extending there arguments that suited there ideology. Intriguing is the case of group of celebrities suggesting mercy for Yakub Memon. Though it seemed silly now, but lot of hysteria was created with continuous media discussion and seemed at one stage Yakub almost succeeded, but then almost is a word that carry no rewards. Mass hysteria only created confusing and acrimonious environment among society. Religious connotations to Yakub hanging was out in open and ruling of supreme court was openly challenged.

                     There's an old legal aphorism that goes, "If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts. If you have the law on your side, pound the law. If you have neither on your side, pound the table." It is noteworthy not a single person can vouch for Yakub's innocence and Supreme court in its wisdom considered his crimes grievous enough to fall under the category of rarest of rare thus granted death sentence, yet mischief mongers tried to twist the proceedings as farce and devoid of merit. Truth is after exhausting all legal channels including rejection of mercy petitions before President he was hanged. Innuendoes about religion is unfortunate and avoidable, the vicious campaign to smudge authorities is not only derogatory but dangerous. A precarious precedent has been set where a convicted terrorist is openly defended on religious ground.

                     The 1993 Mumbai blasts shouldn't be attributed to action-reaction of Mumbai riots or other unfortunate incidents of past otherwise someone will always find defense in Godhra train burning for Gujarat riots or P.M assassination on 1984 anti Sikh riots. An act of terrorism can't be overlooked and perpetrators can't enjoy extra judiciary benefits on religious bases or citing historical debacles. The rights of terrorists can't supersede that of innocent victims and law should take its own course and deal firmly without getting influenced by social ,religious or human activism. It is however noteworthy and unfortunate to know when convicted criminals in other cases like killers of Rajiv Gandhi and Beant Singh were showed clemency on questionable pretexts. State and system reluctance to execute such criminals is not only questionable but sows the seeds of injustice and sense of alienation among bereaved community.We must introspect and acknowledge the flaws in the system otherwise we will falter repeatedly and will be impervious to improvement.

                    India being a multicultural,multy-religious society that peacefully coexisted for centuries will have some differences over ideologies, the strength of the society will be tested and vulnerability of fault lines will be exploited by adversaries. The strength of society lies in oneness and not tether apart on religious bases. By questioning the verdict of Apex court we are trivializing the deaths of 257 people who were not only innocents but belong to all religious groups.Thus in this politically and religiously charged environment it is necessary to practice equanimity and divisive forces needs to be tamed and ignored.Peoples faith in judiciary and law enforcement has been restored by punishing the guilty. Although majority of Indians favor death penalty yet if capital punishment has to be abolished then a general consensus needs to be created. In the end i believe it is necessary to have fear of law (death penalty) among perpetrators of heinous crimes but justice should be commuted quickly and  shouldn't linger on for decades.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Nepalese March Towards Democracy

                 A noble and virtuous process of drafting constitution is underway in Nepal for the second time after collapse of first Constituent Assembly in 2012. The treacherous path towards full fledged democracy is sewed with insurmountable problems broadly categorized in three segments i.e secularism, electoral process and definition of federalism. The fate of second CA (as was with first CA) hinges on resolution of these contentious issues.

                 Nepal's long march from monarchy to democracy is long. Since the pre-historic period, Nepal has always been known as a Hindu state with 80.6% of its population is Hindu according to 2001 census ,10.3 Buddhists and rest from other religions. The religious identity of Nepal as a Hindu state is being contested by emerging trends for secularism under democratic disposition in the post-1990 period. Vociferous campaigning for secular Nepal is emerging trend among religious minorities,activists  and political parties .The post-1990 politics led to the emergence of communists who are ideologically secular, Nepali Congress – the oldest and influential centrist party shifted its stand from neutral position to secular state. The most peculiar trend is the involvement of certain missionary christian organizations to encourage(provoke) religious activism to declare Nepal not only secular state but decriminalizing conversion to christianity.

               The ulterior objective of declaring Nepal secular can be understood when British Ambassador to Nepal Andy Sparkes wrote an open letter to C A members suggesting "to ensure right to change religion is protected".The irresponsible advice which is directly interference and meddling in internal affairs of Nepal is a blatant violation of diplomatic norms. Encouraging Nepal to adopt secularism isn't confined to isolated incident of UK Ambassador but concerted efforts from different groups is underway.What's intriguing is the difference between preaching and practicing,  Britain is a declared Christian ‘Church of England’, not a Secular state .

              During the unfortunate Nepal earthquake the death and destruction gave orgasmic triumphs for such missionary bigots. There bigotry knows no boundaries as evidently clear in tweets below.

                The hate filled tweets by evangelists even put ordinary christian community to shame. Distress people are in need of food, shelter and medicine while they're out there preaching the Gospel and distributing Bibles and Children's Bible storybooks. The unfortunate truth is the changing demography of Nepal mocking and portrayal of other faiths (Hindu,Buddhists etc.) as regressive and pagan by evangelists . Below are the incredible images of commendable voluntary sikh organizations who participated wholeheartedly in relief work during Nepal earthquake

                  Nepalese people are known for there valor and integrity and ferociously guard there sovereignty. The drafting of Constitution is best left to the able hands of elected representatives of Constituent Assembly members and citizens without external influence and preachings.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Iran Nuclear Deal - A Threat To World Peace

              Albert Einstein — 'I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.' 
                  If The Treaty of Versailles sowed seeds of second world war the nuclear deal between Iran and west will be remembered for fourth. For long America and her friends are pursuing a dangerous and erratic foreign policy with questionable motives. Not long ago, Iran was deemed "Satan", harbinger of evil axis, genesis of all the trouble in middle east and in big U turn Americans are in haste to mend and rebuild ties now with Iran much to the chagrin of its trusted allies Israel & Sunni power house Saudi Arab. Foreign policy of Obama is an enigma riddled with inconsistencies if ever there is one. Obama in his first term snubbed India to appease and cozy up with China but after getting a cold shoulder response by Chinese he changed tract midway.

                 The terms of 159 page nuclear deal hailed by some commentators as path breaking, a diplomatic triumph is in my opinion is nothing short of debacle. In the end Iran will get $150 Billion and 10 years moratorium on enrichment of nuclear material one Atom bomb if Iran wants to pursue and have one. The Munich pact of 1938 hailed by British PM Neville Chamberlain as securing "peace for our time" only served Nazi cause by reinforcing there belief of highhanded tactics paying rich dividends. Iran nuclear deal has the danger of being judged the same by future historians. By kicking the can down the road,West has only delayed a decision in hope that the problem or issue will go away or somebody else will make the decision later, unfortunately its going to hound as Iran nuclear deal only reinforces belief of aspiring nuclear powers to get away with there demands sooner or later.

                There are many countries with ambitions of peaceful nuclear energy use supported by world powers but what makes Iran nuclear ambition dangerous is its clandestine nature,support to terrorist organizations like Hezbollah in Lebanon and threat of Iran to wipe out Israel from world map. These deadly connotations can't be brushed aside, in this particular case the ink hasn't dried yet and prominent voices of trampling America is reverberating from Iran. These ludicrous voices can't be ignored when world is sitting on tenterhooks and one shrill voice or action has the potential to kick start chain of events that will suck in not only entire middle east but inadvertently and reluctantly whole world.

                The paradigm shift in American foreign policy towards Iran isn't easy to decipher as yet but emergence of deadly organizations like ISIS(Daesh) ,unstoppable flow of sunni volunteers from across the globe and inability of America to weed out and confront such elements might have prompted America to forge deal with Iran. American and Iranian interest coincided in Iraq and Syria where both of them were reluctant partners fighting against ISIS onslaught. The unsuccessful attempt by vested interests(American & Saudi) to topple government of Bashar al-Assad was not the single instance when Iranian and American interests collided, but Hezbollah and Israeli war of 2006 at Lebanon and frequent skirmishes between the two warring parties often put Americans and Iranians at loggerheads.
               The resilience of Iranian economy against sanctions and support of Russia and China in UNSC has blunted American attempts to throttle Iran and bring it to negotiating table. Moreover sanctions and embargo didn't succeed with minuscule economies of North Korea,Cuba and deter them from capitulating or going nuclear so expecting Iran to succumb to sanctions was always foolhardy as Iranian economy is the 17th largest in the world.Though 60%or Iranian economy is dependent on sale of gas & oil and plummeting crude prices, sanctions dented it severely but it wasn't crumbling. Interestingly it was America that supported and started nuclear Iranian nuclear program in 1950s. 

              This nuclear deal between 5 UNSC council members and Germany (P5+1) with Iran at best will only slow down its march towards Atomic Bomb. The provision of inspection isn't full proof as Iran has conceded to the demand of ope-ended inspections.In the end this deal which seems to be a ploy of west to turn foe to friend will help Iran emerge as a formidable power with robust economy and nuclear weapons.The troublesome part of deal is if Iran decides to abandon deal with threat of sanctions gone only option of all out war will remain.

               It would be naive to assume Iran didn't have covert nuclear installations and according to reports from IAEA Iran needs approximately a year to make one atomic bomb,but with covert operational installations this time can be vastly reduced. This deal will induce other Gulf countries to embark on vehemently seeking nuclear quest. The sectarian fault lines and conflicts among Shia block(Iran ,Syria,Iraq, Yemen) and Sunni block(Saudi Arab,Egypt etc) is brewing rapidly and in this explosive environment of distrust and mutual conflict it would only be a matter of time when whole middle east will be consigned to flames sucking other countries as well.