Monday 27 July 2015

Nepalese March Towards Democracy

                 A noble and virtuous process of drafting constitution is underway in Nepal for the second time after collapse of first Constituent Assembly in 2012. The treacherous path towards full fledged democracy is sewed with insurmountable problems broadly categorized in three segments i.e secularism, electoral process and definition of federalism. The fate of second CA (as was with first CA) hinges on resolution of these contentious issues.

                 Nepal's long march from monarchy to democracy is long. Since the pre-historic period, Nepal has always been known as a Hindu state with 80.6% of its population is Hindu according to 2001 census ,10.3 Buddhists and rest from other religions. The religious identity of Nepal as a Hindu state is being contested by emerging trends for secularism under democratic disposition in the post-1990 period. Vociferous campaigning for secular Nepal is emerging trend among religious minorities,activists  and political parties .The post-1990 politics led to the emergence of communists who are ideologically secular, Nepali Congress – the oldest and influential centrist party shifted its stand from neutral position to secular state. The most peculiar trend is the involvement of certain missionary christian organizations to encourage(provoke) religious activism to declare Nepal not only secular state but decriminalizing conversion to christianity.

               The ulterior objective of declaring Nepal secular can be understood when British Ambassador to Nepal Andy Sparkes wrote an open letter to C A members suggesting "to ensure right to change religion is protected".The irresponsible advice which is directly interference and meddling in internal affairs of Nepal is a blatant violation of diplomatic norms. Encouraging Nepal to adopt secularism isn't confined to isolated incident of UK Ambassador but concerted efforts from different groups is underway.What's intriguing is the difference between preaching and practicing,  Britain is a declared Christian ‘Church of England’, not a Secular state .

              During the unfortunate Nepal earthquake the death and destruction gave orgasmic triumphs for such missionary bigots. There bigotry knows no boundaries as evidently clear in tweets below.

                The hate filled tweets by evangelists even put ordinary christian community to shame. Distress people are in need of food, shelter and medicine while they're out there preaching the Gospel and distributing Bibles and Children's Bible storybooks. The unfortunate truth is the changing demography of Nepal mocking and portrayal of other faiths (Hindu,Buddhists etc.) as regressive and pagan by evangelists . Below are the incredible images of commendable voluntary sikh organizations who participated wholeheartedly in relief work during Nepal earthquake

                  Nepalese people are known for there valor and integrity and ferociously guard there sovereignty. The drafting of Constitution is best left to the able hands of elected representatives of Constituent Assembly members and citizens without external influence and preachings.

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