Wednesday 5 April 2023

Covid has been a stressful time for everyone, but it has been especially difficult for children. They are susceptible to stories of death and destituition since they have been confined to their houses.

 Crisis Underneath

I know the Covid pandemic is brutal for all of us, but the condition of children is particularly miserable. Can you imagine spending your childhood in a house with stale movies, music, and virtually no games and friends to play with? I'm not sure about the rest of you, but this is a nightmare scenario, in my opinion. To make matters worse, they are constantly bombarded with news reports of death and despair, which makes everyone nervous and anxious.

Today's children are growing up in a fearful and hopeless setting. Instead of meeting friends, causing mayhem during holidays, and wandering out, children may be suffering from emotional trauma due to a crisis they are not fully aware of.

I genuinely hope that the difficult times are over and that children will return to their natural habitats, parks and playgrounds. My thoughts and prayers are with those of you who have recently been through tough times, and I pray to the Almighty that the crisis does not leave a scar on your psyche.

Image Courtesy: Google

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