Saturday 27 October 2018

Feast Of Love(Review)

                                     Even for a die-hard optimist like me, the movie left more questions then it answered. In the end, the idea behind the story remains hazy with obscure definition of love. Though it started on a promising note, but somehow confused infidelity with love in the middle, even tried justifying it and finally the story became a little confusing. Though one can not stop from admiring the dialogues(at places) which are beautifully sewed to appropriate scenes making it a joyful experience.
                                     The theme of the movie 'that either love being a trick which is played on us, or it is everything and nothing can compare to it' resonates in mind which is creatively linked to the introductory story telling by Morgan Freeman (Grecian myth about the gods who created love because they were bored, and then created laughter "so they could stand it."). Morgan Freeman as Harry Stevenson and Greg Kinnear as Bradley Thomas did justice to their characters and are impressive.The movie is watchable but only, if one can stand strong nudity content and mediocre attempt to explain different love situations.

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