Sunday 19 February 2017

A Lunatic Named Rodrigo Duterte

If Germany had Hitler, the Philippines would have...,” he said, pausing and pointing to himself.
Hitler massacred three million Jews ... there’s three million drug addicts. There are. I’d be happy to slaughter them.”
                           The above quote is from an elected representative of a country, Rodrigo Duterte , the President of Philippines. Duterte who rose to power with vows to crush corruption and crime, represents a breed of politicians who are bigoted, loud-mouthed, abusive and bereft of chivalrous conduct.
                             Rodrigo Duterte came to center stage by promising to eradicate society from clutches of drug trafficking and abuse . His mercurial rise, is also attributed to his outspoken offensive language which is highlighted and ridiculed by media around the globe . So far, he has shown no traits of decency in language or conduct, or his willingness to alter his behavior and be more “normal”. Drug menace is a serious problem confronting the world society today, but the solution President Duterte propagates is not only profoundly inhumane, it demonstrates an appalling disrespect for human life that is truly baffling for the democratically elected leader of any country, and therefore, is rightly condemned by human rights groups and foreign governments alike.
                              Duterte has the itch to hog the limelight and his publicity stunts often surpass the moral and decency code, one associates with office of a president. Last November, he called Pope Francis "a son of a whore"; while also expressed disappointment at the fact that he did not get to participate in the 1989 gang rape of a "beautiful" Australian missionary. His obnoxious moronic outbursts against individuals, world leaders or trivializing rape has baffled the world community.
                         Duterte projected himself as honest, anti-establishment, punisher and grabbed the power with election plank of eradicating corruption, but has only murders and foul language to count to his achievements till now. Duterte penchant for media attention knows no limits and isn’t diminishing, shocking the world by cursing Obama, or calling catholic priests as pedophiles are some of his ugly statements that he notoriously vomited. This lunatic even doesn’t shy away from bragging about womanizing publicly.
                        Rodrigo Duterte catapulted himself to world stage by venomous outbursts, offending everyone ever since . From poking China on South China Sea to cozying up to her, thus, offending the west, President Duterte is a man in hurry, who’s playing both sides and is enjoying his time in the sun, meanwhile, his tongue the center of the universe where global media has given much focus on, eagerly awaiting for the next blurt of swearing against the West, UN or any critic he confronts.
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