Tuesday 30 May 2023

Bathrooms are versatile, safe, and comfortable spaces. Often, they're where you begin and end your day, and where you feel the most at ease.

 Bathroom Designs ( Part-1)  

Every home needs a well-designed bathroom. They are one of the most frequented rooms of a house, so it stands to reason that they should look great! 
Bathroom designs have dramatically evolved over the past few years. As a result, it is a spot for inhabitants to retreat to unwind, think, and even rejuvenate after a hard day at work. All of this has a significant impact not only on how the space looks but also on how we design it.
Many bathroom design ideas are available, and incorporating the best suited to your space and style takes a lot of work. It is because there are various elements to consider while planning your perfect get-away room. A deliberate curation of ideas might be helpful whether you are building or updating your master bathroom or intending to convert an underused section in your home into a luxury lavatory. 
Here, I have compiled a list of the most innovative and inspiring bathroom design ideas for people looking for fantastic ways to re-decorate their bathroom spaces.

Best Bathroom Design Ideas For Your Home

When designing a functional and reliable bathroom, many behind-the-scenes mechanics and elements must be considered. Here are some of the most stunning bathroom design ideas that will inspire you to design the place of your dreams.

Simple and Elegant Bathroom Design
Simple bathroom designs have an attractive and timeless quality to them. You are at ease the moment you step inside. Clean, uncluttered environments look great and are easy to create. While they are more appropriate for small spaces, they are nevertheless appealing for huge ones.
You should begin by painting the bathroom walls in light colours. A softer tone provides a soothing impression while also creating the illusion of more space. It is vital to keep the area uncluttered, which necessitates the use of practical storage solutions. You may utilize mirror storage and wall-mounted vanity cabinets to store the items. It also assists in organizing the space, making cleaning easier and providing greater mobility.
Further, you may customize the furniture and taps and add moisture-absorbing plants to your liking. 

Luxury Bathroom Design
Several luxury bathroom design ideas can make your room appear lavish and magnificent. For example, using exotic stone surfaces can create a luxury look that is second to none. 
Marble is one of the few stones that can evoke a sense of grandeur in modern bathroom design. A marble bathroom is a luxurious space that is classy, subtle, and absolutely gorgeous. In addition, the stone's ageless beauty makes it an attractive choice for both walls and floors.

If money is not an issue, you may use the stone in conjunction with some more bathroom decorations. This includes the following:
  • Installing sauna, 
  • Decorating the space with artwork, 
  • Coloured sanitary-ware
  • Using exotic stones such as Onyx  as a backsplash or shower backdrops
  • Mood lighting or waterproof lights fitted in the shower 

Friday 26 May 2023

Drinking chai with loved ones is a ritual, a celebration, and a break from the grind of everyday life. Taking tea breaks is an indispensible aspect of most Indians' lives.

                     Why Do Most Indians Drink Chai?

India is renowned for its addiction to chai. Even movie stars like dancing to chai-themed tunes. 
It is an integral part of Indian culture; from the bustling metropolis streets of Mumbai to the dusty by-lanes of Bihar, you are never far away from a tea stall. But what is it about chai that makes it so popular among Indians? 

What about this spicy drink makes it so unique and indispensable in Indian society? If you are searching for answers, sit back and relax because we're about to go on a journey through time to discover the exciting story of India's favourite beverage. Learn how tea became essential to Indian customs and why most Indians order chai as their go-to beverage. 

The History and Origin of Chai in India

When foreigners visit India or spend time with Indians living abroad, they often notice that Indians prefer tea to coffee. You may be wondering why. So what's the backstory of this traditional Indian drink? Let's have a peek.

To begin with, chai has been a staple of Indian life for millennia. Historians claim it came to the nation via the historic Silk Road trade between Persia and India.

The original recipe comprised boiling black tea leaves blended with spices like cloves, cardamom, and ginger, which were considered medicinal properties. Over the years, locals added distinctive flavour combinations like cinnamon, cumin and milk to the recipe. These additional ingredients enhanced and intensified the flavour of the tea.

Today it is one of India's most popular drinks enjoyed by people from all walks of life - street-side vendors or royal families! 

Chai is an Integral Part of Indian Culture

For almost all Indian households, the day begins with a cup of tea. It is often served during social gatherings and celebrations. Here, tea is a means to replenish oneself while socializing with others.

Tea has also become a symbol of hospitality. When visitors arrive at homes or places of work, it is common to serve them a hot cup of chai. It is a means to reflect warmth and strengthen social relationships by providing an opportunity to exchange tales.

This tradition has been used for centuries to communicate news, share ideas and create memories. As such, it has come to be seen as a powerful tool for social bonding.

Chai has become more than a soothing beverage due to its significance and popularity in Indian society. It's a vital component of Indian tradition that connects individuals from all backgrounds and experiences.

The Popular Flavors and Varieties of Chai in India

Every street corner, whether in a metropolis or a tiny town, has a chai stall, with people of all ages and backgrounds sipping their favourite drink cup after cup. But why are Indians so fond of chai?

The answer lies in the many flavours and varieties of chai found in India. From spicy masala chai (a black tea blend that combines cloves, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and other spices) to creamy Kashmiri kahwah (made with green tea and saffron), there's something for everyone.

For those who prefer sweetened drinks, there are also sugar-infused versions like the popular Irani chai (which uses milk and a generous sprinkle of sugar).

Plus, tea is very affordable in India. For example, one can get a cup of hot chai for as little as 10 rupees (around 15 cents USD). This makes it accessible to everyone. What other beverage can offer you the same flavour experience at such an unbeatable price?

Health Benefits of Drinking Chai

Among other benefits, health-conscious Indians enjoy drinking tea for its many health benefits. From aiding digestion to boosting antioxidant levels, there is strong scientific evidence that drinking chai can benefit your health.


Chai contains ginger and cardamom, known for their digestive properties. Cardamom is primarily known for aiding digestion and reducing stomach cramps and pains. Ginger has been used for centuries as a remedy for stomachaches, nausea, and other digestive issues. It also helps reduce inflammation and bloating.


Chai is packed full of antioxidants! The spices used in it - black pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, ginger - all contain high doses of antioxidants that can help fight against damage caused by free radicals in the body. These antioxidants help protect cells from damage and can even neutralize cancer-causing agents in the body.

Immune System

The spices in chai also have powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can boost immune system function and help your body fight off infections like colds or the flu. In addition, the caffeine found in chai helps stimulate the immune system by increasing white blood cell production, which is vital for fighting infections.

So not only does drinking chai make you feel cosy on a cold day - it also has numerous health benefits that make it an essential part of many Indian households!


Chai is more than just a drink – it's an integral part of Indian culture with its long and fascinating history. People have been drinking chai and its various regional variations for centuries, and its popularity continues. It encapsulates the warmth and comfort of being part of a family, community, and nation. Chai is shared among strangers and loved ones, uniting all with a purpose.

Wednesday 17 May 2023

प्रार्थना की शक्ति

प्रार्थना से दुर्लभ वस्तु भी प्राप्त की जा सकती है | यहां तक की प्रार्थना की शक्ति से स्वयं ईश्वर को भी राजी किया जा सकता है | जहां प्रार्थना से मन को शांति और अपार सुख मिलता है वही दिन भर के व्यस्त समय में कुछ पल का सफर निकालकर एवं ईश्वर के चरणों में अर्पित करना सच्ची निष्ठा है |

 व्यक्ति द्वारा अपने मन की लौ को ईश्वर के साथ लगा देने भर से मन की चिंता को दूर किया जा सकता है | 

प्रार्थना का कोई निश्चित समय नहीं होता कि केवल सुबह शाम को ही ईश्वर के आगे नमन करने से ही शांति या सुख मिलेंगे | 

सर्वशक्तिमान ईश्वर के आगे किसी भी पल नतमस्तक हुआ जा सकता है | इसके अलावा यह भी जरूरी नहीं है कि प्रार्थना केवल पूजा स्थल पर जाकर की जाए तभी स्वीकार होगी हमारे परमेश्वर को कहीं भी कभी भी किसी भी समय आप सच्चे मन से याद कर सकते हैं | 

यहां यह जानना जरूरी है कि आडंबर से बचें बिना दिखावा किए हुए श्रद्धा भाव से ईश्वर का स्मरण सच्ची प्रार्थना है । प्रातः कालीन प्रार्थना सुबह उठकर सर्वप्रथम ईश्वर को मौन रहकर नमन करना चाहिए । योगा मेडिटेशन भी प्रार्थना का ही रूप है । चित्त को एकाग्र कर ईश्वर का ध्यान करने से आंतरिक शक्ति मिलती है |

Overpopulation is a serious issue in India, and as the country's population continues to rise at an unsustainable rate, disputes over resources will only worsen.

Polulation Explosion in India

Over-population In India

Population growth is a severe challenge to India in particular and the globe in general. It is not only responsible for shifting demography and overburdening of existing resources also a key contributor to rising crime rates. Moreover, the government is facing a resource shortage for the expanding population, which might lead to political and social turmoil. 

With limited assets, India faces a nightmare in which the competition for resources will only escalate in the future, jeopardising the country's very existence.
In such circumstances, a news report caught my eye: Shereefa (shown above) had recently given birth to her 12th child. Shereefa, who married Haneefa, a hotel employee, in 2003, had her first child when she was 18. 

Consequences Of  Population Growth

My main fear is how long the administration will be able to kick the can down the road when indicators of administrative collapse and system failure due to overburdening are apparent on the horizon. How long will strict population control measures be postponed? Isn't it true that we're already behind the curve? 

We've all learned that India's population has officially exceeded that of China. This is not something to be proud of or celebrate. It is time for the government to reflect and make clear decisions. 

I can infer the kind of outrage the enactment of such a law(to control the population) will bring when we have witnessed a harmless CAA has caused such turmoil in a peaceful community supported by "Anarchists" across the country and disrupt the everyday life of the citizenry. 

As we advance, the will of the government and the concerned citizens will be tested continuously. Only resolute decisions to bring structural changes, regardless of repercussions, should prevail. The road to Elysium is fraught with danger. Hopefully, our government and civil society will stay strong, confront the problem, and convince everyone (the majority) to look into the merits of population control.