Thursday, 2 January 2020

Stir Crazy (Movie Review)

             Stir Crazy is a comedy thriller where two of my favorite actors Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor have teamed up again to create a fun-filled experience for viewers. Here I would like to suggest my readers to also watch another brilliant work by these two wonderful actors 'See No Evil, Hear No Evil'. These two super-talented actors have many feathers in their cap and Stir Crazy is a glittering one. The movie starts with a bank robbery where the two were wrongly framed for it. They are sent to prison for a bank robbery they didn't commit. In jail, their attempts to impersonate as rowdies to ward of anti-soc characters, while the truth was different was ingeniously funny. The conduct of the two in jail has many situational comic moments and finally, the execution of the escape plan which capitalizes on the warden's choice of Wilder to be their "main man" in a rodeo competition was interesting.
           Stir Crazy is a light-hearted comedy with bountiful moments of fun. Richard Pryor's pragmatic approach to circumstances while Wilder's over-optimism had been tested at times providing barrelful of laughter. It's a great movie and fun to watch. 

Image Courtesy - Google 

Sunday, 17 November 2019

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin S. Sharma (Review)

                Some books are meant to be tasted, some eaten while a few others to be gulped thoroughly, this book falls in the last category. The author is trying to provide the ancient wisdom to lead an enriching life full of vigor, energy, love and above all compassion towards everyone around us. It beautifully transmits the message by weaving a story of a high flying lawyer turned monk who after visiting a mystical place named Sivana in the lap of Himalayas realized his motivation in life. The place Sivana is home to sages who shared their techniques with the lawyer provided he pledges to pass it on with the outside world which is in dire need of guidance to come out of the slumber the chaos that is of their own creation. The story progresses with monk Julian sharing a fable about seven different goals to achieve to revolutionize one's life and helps in transcending a human into the state of bliss.
             The story is beautifully illustrated with counter questions pounded by Julian's friend John to further satisfy the doubts that most readers might have while reading the book. It doesn't fully satisfy the quest of an individual but can certainly give a positive direction, inspiration to life provided one is open to ideas of meditation, goal prioritization, focus, getting up early, more exercise, positive thinking, etc, and as the book encourages to always have your cup of knowledge empty, space should be there for never-ending knowledge. The book enriches your thought process and encourages you to look at simple pleasures of life, to admire exquisite beauty in all living things and not waste it to wait till the very end for the promised land. This book is strongly recommended by me for everyone as it is a noble effort by the author to apprise readers about the traditional knowledge of India that we all humans desperately need in today's age.

Image Courtesy - Google 

Sunday, 6 October 2019


                 मटेरिअलिस्म के दुष्प्रभाव आज सोसाइटी के लिए सबसे बड़ा खतरा बन के उभरे हैं| कंसुमेरिस्म की अंधी दौड़ जहाँ इंसान के ऊपर दबाव बनती है वहीं यह परिवार मे फ्रिक्शन का कारण भी बन चुके हैं| जरूरतों और ख्वाइशों की अंतहीन खाई को पार करते इंसान न सिर्फ मतलबी बन गया है बल्कि क्रूरता की हर सीमा को बेझिझक तर्क-कुतर्कों के सहारे पार कर रहा है | संसाधनों को एकत्र करने की होड़ मे इंसान ने नैतिक मूल्यों  से समझौता करलिया है| आज इंसान हर चीज़ को हड़पने को हमेशा ततपर है | जंगलों की अंधादुंध कटाई हो या समुद्री जीवों का लुप्त होना मनुष्य के लालच का उद्धरण हैं | परिवारों के बीच बढ़ता संघर्ष भी इसी मानसिक दिवालियापन का सबूत है| बचपन से हमें तेरा-मेरा और एक दूसरे मे फर्क करना सिखाया जाता है, जो नीव डालती है स्वार्थी अथवा आत्म केन्द्रित होने की | अचेतन मन में जो धारणाये हैं उनके द्वारा हम आस पास के वातावरण को भी प्रभावित करते हैं।
                   खुद को श्रेष्ट व अन्य को कमतर आंकना इसी संकीर्ण र्सोच का लक्षण है| बड़े पैमाने पर देखें तो विभिन धर्मो का अथवा देशो के बीच का संघर्ष खुद को श्रेष्ट अथवा स्वयं के लिए अत्यधिक सुखसुविधायं एकत्र करने की स्पर्धा ही तो है | दक्षिण चीन समुद्र का बढ़ता संघर्ष हो, या अरेबियन पेनिनसुला की मारकाट यह भूमि, खनिजों या फिर वर्चस्व की लड़ाई ही है | दोनों विश्व युद्ध, गल्फ वॉर अथवा अनगिनत युद्धों का मूल कारन यही अतृप्य भूख थी जिसका परिणाम दर्दनाक व भयावा था और सम्पूर्ण मानव जाती ने इसका मूल चुकाया | इतिहास साक्षी है कीअत्यधिक मेहत्याकांशा न सिर्फ लोभी बना देती है अपितू इर्षा या दूसरों से घृण्डा भी सिखाती है | दक्षिण चीन सागर  में होने वाली लड़ाई चीन द्वारा वियतनाम और फिलीपींस जैसे छोटे देशों को दबाने के लिए है और खनिजों पर आधिपत्य  स्थापित करने की लड़ाई है चाहे इसके लिए युद्ध हो तो इससे चीन को गुरेज़ नहीं | 
                 अंतरिक्ष की खोज भी इंसान का अंतहीन लालच एवं खुद को श्रेष्ठ साबित करने की स्पर्धा दर्शाता है |  विभिन्न देशों के अंतरिक्ष कार्यक्रमों में एक दूसरे से होड़ का सिर्फ इतना ही अर्थ है कि यदि वहां से खनिज मिलते हैं तो उन्हें हासिल करना। ये खनिज उनके होंगे जो पहले पहुँचेगा। महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है की ताकतवर व प्रभावशाली देशों द्वारा गरीब देशों को नैतिकता का पाठ सिखाना जबकि खुद उन्ही मूल्यों की अवहेलना करना भी इसी श्रृंखला का हिस्सा है | हाल ही में अफ्रीकी देशों द्वारा जंगली जानवरों के संरक्षण हेतु सभी अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संधियों को ख़ारिज करने की चेतावनी इसी शोषण की तरफ दर्शाता है | गरीब देश नैतिकता का बोझ अपने कंधों पर कब तक ढोये और क्यों ढोये ? जबकि अमीर देशों को कोई फर्क नही पड़ता। क्या हमारे विकसित देशों की कोई जिमेदारी नही बनती ? ये देश पर्यावरण की रक्षा के लिए आगे क्यों नहीं आते? क्या पर्यावरण की रक्षा सिर्फ गरीब राष्ट्रों का कर्तव्य है?
                    बाल्यावस्था से मस्तिष्क मे डालीं गयी बातें न सिर्फ हमे प्रभावित करती हैं बल्कि हमारा आचरण भी तय करती हैं | यही संकीर्ण सोच अचेतन मन के द्वारा हम अपने आस पास के वातावरण में फैलाते है। वो बढ़ते बढ़ते हमारे जीवन की मूलभूत आवश्यकताओं को बर्बाद कर देती है औऱ हम अंधी दौड़ में शामिल हो जाते हैं । 

Monday, 30 September 2019

Last Summer - Review

                        Firstly this movie is only for those who knows the pleasure of wandering aimlessly, in the adulation of nature, exploring the wilderness during childhood. This story is about the adventurous journey of four friends which took an unprecedented turn testing their bond of friendship. The tumultuous chain of events tested the nerves of friends while some buckled under pressure but the efforts and perseverance of one challenged the misfortune eventually getting a favorable outcome. That feeling of putting life on track despite all the upheavals was gratifying and reassuring. It was the aphrodisiac to otherwise a somber tale that is well narrated and makes one nostalgic.
                       The movie starts with four young boys exploring the wonders of the rural hinterland oblivious to the events of the outside world. While they were absorbed in their small happy world an untoward incident in the family of two boys shook and threatened the very existence of their way of life. As the family was ravaged so was the future of this small band of boys. The boy's initial shock to the tragic unprecedented scenario was magnified with unfolding events. Withstanding the family pressure, one boy went to extremes stretching the limits and eventually succeeding in unifying the group is what makes this simple yet entertaining story remarkable. It is important that it may not be appealing to some as the storyline is distinct devoid of masala that we are accustomed to and needs discretion.

Saturday, 14 September 2019

Kashmir - Emerging Scenario

                 Article 370 revocation in Kashmir was expected to ruffle feathers of well-greased and comfortably entrenched groups within India besides Sheikh Chilli Pakistan. One significant benefit from this exercise was the unmasking of China that was till now playing its treacherous activities behind the curtains. The world's strongest and ruthless autocracy has now openly and brazenly demonstrated its fangs to India with the sole intent to meddle in internal affairs by lending its support on Kashmir to its mercenary Pakistan. The duplicity of China wasn't concealed from the Indian think tank who's well versed with its objective to create obstacles in India's growth story by tying it down within South Asia, thus the indispensability of Pakistan for China. 
              With a trade war looming between China and US, continuous peaceful protest from the burgeoning crowd of youngsters in Hongkong fighting for upholding democracy, international condemnation for detaining more than one million Uighurs for their religious beliefs, faltering economy, Tibetan protests and skirmishes with neighboring countries in South Chinese Sea are some of the other issues confronting China and will only push it towards more desperation and open diplomatic face-off with India. That Chinese officials are using social media like twitter and facebook to smudge India which are otherwise banned in China show duplicity. The Chinese contempt for international laws was visible in its refusal to accept International Arbitration in the South China Sea with regards to Philippine. Threatening sovereignty of Taiwan besides quelling the protest of the Uighur population are some other issues underlining the scanty respect China has for Human rights and international laws.
               Chinese accused India of unilaterally altering the boundary which it professed is unbinding and unacceptable thus providing overt support to its mischievous war-monger foot soldier Pakistan. That Kashmir was even discussed(behind closed doors) at the UN (first time since 1965 at Chinese behest) in itself is disturbing for India and showcases the influence China yields in today's world. The sermons from the Chinese establishment to respect international laws is not only hypocritical but hilarious and is rightfully denounced by India. India shouldn't lower its guard on the diplomatic front as the Chinese aren't going to let go of the pounding and humiliation it received at the UN and are known for perseverance and patience and with newfound wealth its the bigger nuisance for India.
                 Pakistan on its part is creating the hysteria as expected, with mounting public pressure on the Pakistan government to provide food and other basic amenities, Article 370 revocation in Kashmir has come as a boon for Pakistan Army and its selected PM to blunt criticism. With no money to purchase food and medicines for the public, the rhetoric on the Kashmir will only get vicious and shrill to help vent out pressure and survive for as long as possible. International snubbing isn't new for Pakistan and is a habitual liar but with acknowledgment from Imran Khan of its territory becoming hub of terror and state patronage to terrorist organizations by Pakistan army, one would expect ceding of terror export policy by Pakistan in lieu of international monetary relief that Pakistan lounges for but now it looks unlikely. 
                                               Pakistan Science &Technology Minister 
                  China - Pakistan syndicate has inherent contradictions but the overlapping factor for both rogue nations is their animosity towards India that binds them. Pakistan with a collapsed economy and internal disturbance can't match India's prowess compelling China to openly challenge India. The tussle has just started and India should prepare itself to listen to sermons on secularism and tolerance from Pakistan (which has systematically cleansed itself of religious minorities) and democracy, civil liberties from China(with none for its citizens). 

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