Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Movie - Cold Pursuit (Review)

                Cold Pursuit drew my attention because of Liam Neeson, his awe-inspiring performance in many action flicks, made me admire his movies. But, this was one of the most disappointing, distasteful movie, a complete waste of time for Liam fans like me. I fail to understand if it was a revenge drama or child custody drama of a narcotics lord who's surrounded by gay bodyguards or gang war based where gangsters play with ice or something else as there were few more plots interwoven making it truly bizarre. After 15 minutes, one can only wonder, how a trailer can entice you into wasting your precious time and money on watching dog-shit. 

  It was stupid and arrogant for makers to make such a movie and expect people to watch it. To begin with, it was a revenge drama the only problem was without a script and poor execution. I have always enjoyed Liam Neesom, but this movie is two hours of torture and would not divulge anything more about plot, performance, etc. My advice is, one should avoid this movie. 

Friday, 15 March 2019

My Journey Towards Right

                                    Perception plays a significant role in deciphering the outcome of events. Our mind is influenced by umpteen number of factors some of which are true while others ‘managed’. This is why, perhaps, Shri Krishna had to enlighten Arjun in the middle of the battlefield, as Arjun’s mind was compromised. In today’s environment, we are exposed to biased and sponsored programs, camouflaging and manipulating thought processes. In our country the game has been played by vested interests from the very beginning with such perfection, that will make Joseph Goebbels look like a miniature. Such was the intensity and impact of news during those days, that it wasn’t unusual where we were made to question our beliefs and sometimes defeat the very people who work for us.
                                 As a teenager growing up in a small dusty town in UP, I was comfortably a left-leaning individual with scanty respect for traditions and religion. While obtaining most of my information through people and a few media outlets (as only a few were available) had no inhibitions in undermining the sanctity of right ideology as that was the coolest thing. Snubbing such ideas and people were considered a rationale, although with minute info and facts without any independent source to corroborate. With time as my interest in politics and history grew, I wasn’t confined to a single source and started reading from different sources of information (due to economic liberalization different media outlets sprang up) providing divergent views, thus opening my horizon to disseminate and understand the world around me in more fruitful way.
                                 I was a mere observer as the world around was unfolding also was made aware of past instances in our history which rudely jolted me. I wouldn’t name a single instance but numerous present and past deeds of left-secular cabal when confronted acted as an eye-opener and facilitated and cemented my belief diametrically opposite to leftist ideology. With time as the right-leaning ideology gained central ground, although standing on sidelines was astonished and deeply disappointed when corrupt, incompetent, criminal, seditious elements cobbled together to stitch a rag-tag coalition to safeguard secular ethos of our nation. This was the proverbial last straw when in the name of protecting unity and integrity, a greedy coalition was forcefully shoveled down the throat of Indians.
                               My resolve to find parallel ideology drew me towards right, although am never fully convinced and supportive of everything that gets propagated from them. My disillusionment with left and so called secular podium increased further after learning about the plight of Kashmiri Hindu exodus, Marad massacre, Shah Bano case (Govt wilted to appease), Ayodhya firing incident, ridiculing Hindu culture in literature and media and many such devious acts that were brushed under the carpet in the name of secularism. Such was the farcical narrative of political class that the synonym of secularism became corruption and incompetence. The left oriented cabal has mainstreamed Hinduphobia and hatred for anything that ordinary Indians can take pride in. This notorious group is indoctrinated and so radicalized they never acknowledge violence unleashed by naxals and are apologetic towards Islamic terrorism.
                             The concocted history text books authorized by left-leaning historians have prepared the groundwork for future generations to embark on. Only free flow of information and independent historical work has decimated the web of lies meticulously spun by them. The unexpected and unprecedented expansion of the right wing social forces in India is a testimony to the anti-people and anti-secular hegemonic policies adopted by the cabal. The social, cultural, religious and politico-economic order was created to suit their narrative. The left cabal in the garb of liberalism is surprisingly devoid of nationalism and patriotism which led to the rise of the right (although I prefer being called centrist) who are forced to rebut the leftists. In their rigid minds to rundown divergent views , different epithets are coined and used by cabal , but the more left try to tease people by calling them "bhakts", the more they loose the plot.

Image Courtesy - Google 

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

The Secret of the Nagas (Review)

                            'The Secret of the Nagas' is the sequel to the book 'The Immortals of Meluha', in the Shiva Trilogy by Amish Tripathi. The Secret of the Nagas starts exactly where The Immortals of Meluha ended. Continuing in his journey Shiva, a Tibetan immigrant revered as ‘Neelakanth‘ the savior by Suryavanshi and Chandravanshi peoples alike continues his tirade against evil who was none other then Nagas according to perception. Alongside, Shiva was engrossed in his individual battle to try and determine the demons within himself and annihilate disturbing thoughts by searching for answers plaguing his mind. Like the first part, the story forwards the next set of incidents that confronts Shiva while he's traveling across the length and breadth of the country searching for the truth.
                           After Swadweep's defeat in the war against Meluha, and meeting some of the people at its capital in Ayodhya, Shiva realizes that the Chandravanshis (Swadweepans) are not evil as propagated but had a different way to lead life. He is now convinced, that it is the Nagas who are evil and his battle is against them. Shiva seeks vengeance against the Nagas for it was a Naga attack on Mount Mandarin Meluha which led to the death of Brahaspati the scientist and also Shiva's close friend. Meantime, Sati unearths startling discoveries about her Suryavanshi heritage and discovers several long-lost relatives creating a wedge between Shiva and herself. While on one hand Shiva feels compelled to reassess his beliefs due to unfolding circumstances, Maharishi Bhrigu has added new dimensions to the mystery with his strange demands making the plot murkier.
                       Although the author has ingeniously added several twists and turns but it still failed to create and maintain the same feverish tempo as was demonstrated in the first part. Story genuinely lacked uniqueness and looked shallow at times, although the author's attempt to maintain momentum with masala is recognizable. The overall author hasn't deviated much from the plot in his zeal to add spice and substance thus compelling enough for readers to look forward for last installment of Shiva Trilogy.

Shiva Lingam

                                Shiva Lingam consists of three parts. The four-sided bottom part remains underground, the 8-sides middle part rests on a pedestal. The top part, which is actually worshipped, is round. The height of the round part is one-third of its circumference. The three parts symbolize Brahma at the bottom, Vishnu in the middle & Shiva on the top. The pedestal is provided with a passage for draining away the water. The Lingam symbolizes both the creative as well as the destructive power of Lord Shiva. In response to a German Orientalist, Gusta Oppert who traced it to phallicism, Swami Vivekananda cited Atharva Veda that the worship of Shiva Lingam was sung in praise of sacrificial post: a description of the endless Eternal Brahman.
                              Shaped of the Lingam represents the ‘Brahmanda’ or the cosmic egg. There are two types of Shiva Lingam. One is a black meteorite egg-shaped stone. The other one is man-made and is solidified mercury. Solidifying mercury is an ancient Vedic science. Shiva Lingam represents the totality of the Cosmos & the Cosmos, in turn, is represented as a Cosmic Egg with no beginning, nor end (Hiranyagarbha). The truth behind the scientific research by the Danish scientist, Neils Bohr, demonstrates that Molecules are made up of Atoms which consists of Proton, Neutron, and Electron, all of which play a vital part in the composition of Shiva Lingam.
                          Instead of words such as Proton, Neutron, Electron, Molecules, and Energy, the ancient Rishis employed the usage of words like Lingam, Vishnu, Brahma, Sakthi (which in turn is divided into Renuka and Rudrani), Sarppa, etc. According to Sanatana Dharma, the Pillar is described as the column of fire which represents the trinity: Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwara while the Disc or Peedam represents Sakthi. The Disc is shown with three ridges, carved at its periphery. Ved Vyasa mentions that Lord Shiva is smaller than the sub-atomic particle like Proton, Neutron, and Electron. At the same time, he also mentions Lord Shiva is greater than anything greatest. He is the cause of vitality in all living things.
                           Everything, whether living or non-living, originates from Shiva. He has engulfed the whole world. He is Timeless. He has no birth, no death. He is invisible, un-manifest. He is the Soul of the Soul. He has no emotion, sentiment or passion at all. The outcome of scientific research is that the world came into existence with the formation of Molecules. According to Science, two atoms make one Molecule. The valence of molecules indicates the combination of the atoms. It is essential to have a clear idea of the structure of an atom according to the findings of the Danish scientist, Neils Bohr explained it as- An atom is made up of Proton, Neutron, and Electron. Neutrons do not have a charge and so would continue on in a straight line. The nucleus of an atom is composed of positively charged Protons and neutrally charged Neutrons. Almost all the mass of an atom is in its nucleus. The nucleus is the very dense region consisting of Protons and Neutrons at the center of an atom. Electrons are negatively charged and so would be deflected on a curving path towards the positive plate.
                            But the whole atom is electrically neutral on account of the presence of an equal number of negative electrons and positive protons. The electrons revolve rapidly around the nucleus in circular paths called energy level. The energy levels are counted from the centre outwards. Each energy level is associated with a fixed amount of energy. There is no change in the energy of Electrons as long as they help to revolve in the same energy level and the atoms remain stable. The Bohr model shows that the electrons in atoms are in orbits of differing energy around the nucleus. It is like planets orbiting the Sun. An exam of the image of Shiva Lingam in the context of the Bohr model would demonstrate the puzzling truth that Brahma hs created the world. The behavior of Proton, Electron, Neutron, and Energy are well demonstrated by Shiva Lingam. Vishnu signifies Proton with a positive electrical charge. Mahesha signifies Neutron with no electrical charge. Brahma signifies Electron with a negative electrical charge.
                                      Sakthi is Energy. Sakthi is a type of energy field represented by a Disc. Shiva Lingam represents the atomic structure. As per Rishis, Shiva & Vishnu are present in the Lingam. In Sanskrit, the three lines signify multiple. In the atomic structure, there are Protons and Neutrons which are surrounded by fast spinning Electrons. Sakthi is represented by a Disc in oval shape with three ridges carved at its periphery. She is Energy and plays a vital role in the Universe. In portraits of Vishnu, a lotus is depicted as arising from the navel of Vishnu & Brahma is seated on the lotus. Which signifies Energy which has the force of attraction. The stem of the lotus can bend because of its flexibility signalling that Brahma moves around Vishnu.

                                    This is a message that Electron is attracted to Proton because of the opposite charge. Neutron is depicted as Shiva which has no charge at all. The nucleus of the atom also contains neutrons. Neutrons are about the same size as Protons, but have no electric charge. Neutrons are bound very tightly in the atom’s nucleus with the Protons. When the atom’s nucleus contains as many Neutrons as Protons, the atom is stable. Similarly, the ancient sages provided the idea that when Shiva is not disturbed and separated, he remains calm.
                                  Shiva remains calm because Sakthi takes the form of Renuka. The energy which forms the molecules is denoted by its valency, which in Sanskrit is Renuka. Renuka is one produces Renu or molecule. Two atoms make one molecule. Sakthi is Shiva’s wife & dances around Shiva throughout. However, when Neutron is disturbed & separated natural disaster occur,which signify that Shakthi turns out to be a terror known as Rudrani (Kali) performing destructive dance, signalling natural disaster. The actual producer of molecules is Electron which signifies Brahma. Modern physics shows that Electrons are shared between the atoms to form a molecule. Therefore the Hindu concept that Brahma created the earth is in conformity with Science.
                                If a person meditates, his/her energies will naturally take the form of Lingam. As the first and final form before dissolution is also a Lingam, Lingam is considered as a gateway to the beyond. In Sanatana Dharma, Lord Shiva is considered as the Supreme Truth. There is another scientific truth that water poured down on the Lingam is not considered as holy water or Theertham as it is called. Shiva Lingam is considered to be an atom model. There is radiation from Lingam as it is made out of a type of granite stone. Granite is a source of radiation as it is formed out of lava solidified over thousands or even millions of years, contain naturally occurring radioactive elements like radium, uranium and thorium. That’s why it’s advised not to touch water that is poured down on the Lingam. The sages were aware that there will be radiation fall-out if some accidents occur and that is the reason that Shiva Temples were built close to the vicinity of sea, ponds, rivers and tanks.

Courtesy - Aabhas K Maldahiyar
               - Google Images 

Monday, 25 February 2019

Movie - My Cousin Vinny (Review)

                            "My Cousin Vinny" is a court-comedy starring Joe Pesci and Marisa Tomei in lead characters along with Ralph Macchio of "Karate Kid" fame and Mitchell Whitfield, but the story is successfully carried by the stupendous ability and skills portrayed by Joe Pesci. Once in awhile, there's a film that you seem to enjoy for its content and execution, "My Cousin Vinny" is such a rare film for me, that I watched with no real expectation, yet it was a truly enjoyable experience. The film begins with the accusations on two young men (Ralph and Mitchell) who were mistaken for the murderer of a store clerk in small-town Alabama. Their family sends Bill's (Ralph) cousin, Vinny(Joe Pesci), to defend them. Vinny arrives with his girlfriend Marisa, the only problem is, he is clearly unqualified and out of place for the job(his first case).
                         The situations and related dialogues are so smooth with perfect timing, it tickles one effortlessly. Joe Pesci puts in an enjoyable underdog performance who's battling to prove himself as a lawyer with too much at stake for him. His unique acting style is commendable, moreover, he is efficiently complemented by pretty Marisa Tomei. This movie is truly a pleasure to watch with engaging script and performances by leading characters.

Image Courtesy - Google