Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom(Review)

                        'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom' is the fourth film in the series of Jurassic film franchise. Unfortunately, the sequel film 'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom' is a pale shadow of its earlier series. My take is, when you have money to splurge, a brand name to exploit, you behave irrationally and consider yourself invincible, you take audience for granted, alas the audience isn't foolish and the end result being you destroy your brand, that took years of hard-work to built. Wonder, how would genius Steven Spielberg have reacted after watching this movie ? 
                                                      Audience after watching movie
Story in nutshell - Since the writer can't envisage anything unique, so i am trying to present it in my way (notwithstanding,the lesser we talk about screen play, the better). Now, we were told, dinos have evolved as intelligent species that can display and understand emotions, they cuddle you, protect you from 'anti-human' dinos, show affection etc. Humans as we all 'dirty minded' are, have genetically modified dinos to use them in warfare. In a known stereotypical fashion, a businessman (USA capitalist) auctioned them and bought by Russian mafia(ugly communist) while bunch of animal rights idiots try to protect or fight or do something(supposedly to protect dinos), however their exact reason is obscure. In this commotion, dinos freed themselves from captivity and is commanded by 'Blue', the most intelligent of all( Did someone say Apes resurrection ?). 
                                                            Me after watching movie 
                       So, now we have three possible scenarios(silly & hilarious) for next Jurassic movie. Dinos imitate Apes kingdom, Dino 'Blue' would join 'Avengers' to save the world, or Dinos under 'Blue' leadership would fight alongside humans to fight terrorists who are emboldened by entry of dinos who have joined their ranks (where Russians have supplied more lethal dino to terrorists) don't worry we have America who work overtime to protect us😄
                                                            More audience reaction
                     This movie is avoidable not just coz of 'overacting' of Daniella Pineda and Justice Smith while wasting talent of Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas, besides screenplay or rather lack of it.

Advice - When you have money to splurge, a brand name to exploit, you should behave responsibly by applying your mind not make silly movies.

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Breaking India: Western Interventions in Dravidian & Dalit Faultlines by Rajiv Malhotra and Aravindan Neelakandan

                                This book is an important piece of the puzzle that author Rajiv Malhotra is trying to decipher. As we progress, a deep rooted conspiracy, an ugly plot to undermine unity of India is revealed, layer by layer. It is a conspiracy hatched and propagated from 17th century onwards by Christian missionaries masquerading as academicians, civil servants during colonial rule . By twisting facts, propagating half truths, fictional stories laced with lies, are some of the tricks employed to strangle and defame Hinduism which is considered as bedrock of Indian societal existence, with ulterior objective of breakup of India into fragments. It is not just the landmass, but division of minds, separation of hearts that is at the core of this ploy. This book is a treasure trove for patriots, exposing a host of rabid groups, individuals and organisations having anthropologists, scholars, historians, theologians, missionaries, extremists and politicians supported by journalists, writers and activists almost all affiliated to Christian evangelical Churches.
                         The story started when author inadvertently bumped into an academician who boasted about his work related to Afro-Dalit organization (where Dalits being projected as different race). On further investigation, he stumbled upon a large network of academics, journalists, writers who masquerade as human rights activists, women or minority well wishers, civil rights activists etc. to cover up their ulterior objective of evangelism, abetted by radical Churches and Christian groups operating outside India (mostly). These groups having powerful influence on policy makers in USA, Europe and elsewhere and selectively use it to further their mischievous agenda. They are working in tandem to demonize native social structure, customs, ethnicity etc. and have successfully tried to defame and tarnish image of India in general and Hinduism in particular on International forums.
                          Today the biggest challenge to integrity of India emanates from Christian organisations that are playing a prominent part in raking up cultural, religious and social divides to propagate their own ideologies. Mythical story about St.Thomas and his death, arrival of Sanskrit in 2nd Century A.D, Origin of Dravidistan from Lemurian continent, Dravidian's as original inhabitants of the “Indus Valley Civilization”, Aryan invasion theory, Aryan- Dravid conflict and resulting subjugation of Dravidian's by Aryans in collaboration with Brahmins, Outsider-Dalit divide, are some of the fault lines invented by Christian groups and now adopted and propounded by converted Christian intellectuals. Although these theories are rebuffed by scores of independent archaeologists, religious heads, independent intellectuals and experts but by applying the Goebbels principal, the fictitious divisive propaganda continues relentlessly making India’s civilization the longest surviving victim of this religious terrorism.
                             Drawing parallels from situation prevalent in Rwanda and Sri Lanka the author cautions the readers about similar game-plan employed by evangelical forces in India. He elaborates how Christian organizations successfully invented fissures in society through malicious propaganda. They created Brahmin- Dalit- Dravidian like divide in Rwanda among the Hutus and the Tutsis and in Sri lanka among Sinhalese and Tamilians. While converting one ethnic group, they sow the seeds of hatred towards other resulting in ethnic genocide wiping out millions, a fertile ground for evangelical organizations to actively spread tentacles and convert survivors to Christianity, while dividing the civilization forever shamelessly without remorse .
                           Excerpt from an editorial in Washington post justifying Mumbai terror 

                        Simple tactics employed by thugs and explained with proof by author is as follows. There is a big boisterous lobby whose job is to overlook nefarious deeds of their foot-soldiers and convert gullible people through alms(money, ration, force,pressure etc) in different remote areas of India. In this process they don’t shy away from lampooning Hindu religion and customs while objection by natives towards acts of vandalism by christian missionary is projected as atrocities on minorities (Orissa Graham Staine episode ). Muslim fanatics influenced, encouraged and abetted by petro dollars and supported by Pakistanis are the new entrants to join the divisive bandwagon. Indian civilization has so far survived this salacious propaganda, but how long struggle will continue, and how this systematic campaign will be routed, depends upon the Indians .

                       The author has done a commendable job to explore and lift the veil of several human rights groups and intellectuals in India and abroad who are mere puppets in the hands of radical Evangelical groups to destabilize and break India. A must read for all Indians. 

Sunday, 9 September 2018


Life stressed on trusting...
Trust you?
I did trust you, but, you betrayed me, stabbed me in my back,
I saw you everyday in her eyes and i heard you every-time she laughed,
Felt you every moment when she called me papa,
And you, betrayed me, you,, without remorse broke my heart for no fault of mine,
Was trusting you my culpability ?
Life looked deep into me and replied...
Sense of reasoning,abandoned you, made you lopsided, in grief,
It's true, i am in all of it,
I am the darkness n the light,
I am the sunshine n the storm ,
True i was there in her smile, but i m here too in your pain,
I didn't forsake you, you closed yourself,
I am an outcast at dawn and orphan in pain,
I am the reason for everything,yet i don't owe the responsibility, so,
Don't try to live without me....
Gather yourself, n don't think of living without me...
Clueless i am, as i earlier was.

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Indra's Net: Defending Hinduism's Philosophical Unity by Rajiv Malhotra

                          This book is a praiseworthy attempt by author Rajiv Malhotra about 'defending Hinduism's philosophical unity'. One may question the need to write on this subject, but after reading this book, you can answer the question yourself. For long we are foolishly made to believe the inherent strength of our religion to withstand adversaries even though Hindus are wiped out from territory it once thrived on through brute force, however  in today's environment, the eminent danger emerges from squatters(mercenaries) in our religion, masquerading as academicians, which is overlooked. This book Reminds me of movie matrix where everyone was living a pretty comfortable life till the protagonist 'Neo' was approached by an organisation. Soon Neo met 'Morpheus' who offered him to choose between two pills a blue pill at a red pill. Red pill was supposed to wake him up from the slumber and apprise reality and a sinister plot while the blue one would take him back to his normal life. This book is the red pill, if chosen, it decimates the web of lies woven by groups around Hindus, with the single ulterior motive to de-legitimize Hinduism as a genuine and coherent religion.
                            Due to concerted efforts, by set of Western scholar syndicate, spearheaded by Paul Hacker followed by Agehananda Bharati, Wilhelm Halbfass, Ursula King, Anantanand Rambachan etc. a group of Indian intellectuals also colluded to defame and eventually destroy Hinduism. This syndicate is supported and funded by Catholic Christian organizations. This syndicate refuses to believe in the geographical, cultural, religious unity and affinity among Indians. It boisterously propagates the non existence of Hinduism in ancient times, rather considers Hinduism as an invention of Swami Vivekanand to instill confidence and promote unity among Indian masses,with sole objective to politically unite against British colonialists. The Westerners debunked reforms in Hinduism as farce while calling them inspired from Western society to seek legitimacy among Abrahmanic religions. These scholars twisted facts to create wedge or foment contradictions among teachings of two Hindu spiritual stalwarts Swami Vivekanand and Guru Adi Shankara . A false narrative is thus spun by syndicate, to delegitimize Hinduism on one hand while peddling Hinduism as inherently corrupt and oppressive towards minorities, Dalits, and women on the other hand.
                       The author has painstakingly and after thorough research successfully confronted the narrative of bigotes. He counters the myths by facts and proves that the cultural unity of India is much older than the British invasion or the syndicate can envisage. A well researched, thought provoking book and i completely endorse and identify with the blurb on the book by Arun Shourie - 'A book that every Indian must read'. 

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Dear Kaanwariyas

                                  Dear Kaanwariyas, I am writing this letter as a Shiva Bhakt as i often get inspired seeing the harsh, spiritual journey that countless bhakts undertook every year during the holy month of 'Saravan'.  It is an inspiration to see scores of devotees forming a long human chain, some even bare foot, consumed in religious fervor walking silently on the edge of roads to fetch holy water from Haridwar, Gaumukh and Gangotri. The hardships encountered during this pilgrimage can't be envisaged by common people like myself who never participated in this yatra.
                             In today's time and age, where everything is adulterated, this pilgrimage isn't left untouched as well. There are instances where unscrupulous elements penetrated it and maligned the yatra . The ear splitting music, choked roads due to street dancing, commotion, lawlessness have been witnessed in several places which hardly goes with the image of a pilgrimage. There is no denying the fact that only handful of bad elements perpetrate such acts of vandalism, but it ends up smudging peaceful devotees.  The rowdy behavior of selected few gets highlighted, giving the opportunity to sickular vultures to blemish the entire community.
                              The unlawful behavior can't be condoned by a civilized society and the culprits should be rightfully booked. On the part of kanwariyas, if they believe they can commit crimes and can evade law, then, they are living in a fools paradise. Such privilege in our country is only reserved for particular community. The crimes committed by them comes under special category which is over often overlooked lest, they will affect vote-bank. If you believe that you have the same privilege then have a look-  A stray incident of road rage and resulting violence by rowdies impersonating as kanwariya brings large number of eminent journalists to debate and condemn whole yatra. A small incident of road rage is termed as terrorism with wide prime time national coverage continuing for days. Attempts to malign the tradition of KanwarYatra is going full throttle, even bizarre stories are interwoven with regionalism to create a wedge.
                              In our country, there is no dearth of issues requiring immediate attention, but the energy spent to cover and condemn isolated incidents during this year annual Kaanwar yatra is perplexing. There is no doubt vandalism by a few is disturbing and culprits shouldn't be spared and Kaanwariyas too should be prepared for minute scrutiny in these testing times. As for Hindus, be prepared for a PIL in Apex court before next Saravan , after water-less Holi, cracker-less Diwali, patriarchy on Raksha Bandhan and karvachauth, nooze around you is only going to tighten.