Friday, 17 March 2017

Historical Myths Vs Truth

                                    I have often read in the articles written by “Award Wapsi” and  “Bharat Tere Tukde” gang and their sympathizers ruing about the stifling public space or in other words, intolerance towards these self appointed free thinkers gutter mouth utterances. They rue the present time when public opinion towards them is aggressive (as visible on SM) , also shrinking space in intellectual arena where they had virtual monopoly till now. These self appointed peace niks had never had fight at their hands and had majority at selected institutions to twist and reshape facts. Only now , these Fai foundation(   scholars are being challenged with facts and the result is the rising chorus from these quarters to defame government by claiming intolerance.
                             As one gentleman recently said , he wouldn’t dare write scene mocking Islam in 70’s as he was fully aware of the consequences of  backlash and was comfortable mocking Hinduism in movie(Sholay)( )  as no one will object. The gentleman and many liberals like him are pained as some elements in Hindu fraternity now object to such mockery of their beliefs and don’t subjugate to the whims and fancies of such intellectuals in the name of free expression and hence the outrage of intolerance. Can you envisage the irony, such people are organizing themselves and want freedom to unleash filth against Hinduism as before, otherwise the space of intellectual expression is getting narrow in their opinion.
                              Some of these reptiles who brazenly propagated Aryan invasion theory which after extensive scientific research is now considered defunct had a free ride up till now . Can you contemplate the viscous propaganda and resultant outrage due to such manipulative theories have created among gullible masses ? The Aryan- Dravidian myth or the Tribal being the original inheritors propaganda only created divisions among masses. These reptiles are nowadays concerned about the changes in History books. I am no History scholar but isn’t teaching about our past and researching about our past be our foremost concern and priority without any prejudices ? These fake intellectuals have more then once chided at the need to scientifically investigate River Saraswati. Their outpouring of grief on valuable money wastage on scientific investigation can be understood from the point of Hindu bashing propaganda they all are part off.
                          For long the item girls of leftists have propagated Aryan invasion theory and now have no place to hide, the same reptiles called Saraswati River a myth and scoffed at Hindu literature of past calling it nothing more than fictional stories. The excavations carried out by Archaeological Survey of India has shown positive results and on the verge of proving the truth which was for long buried under the debris piled upon by ignorance of time and leftists intellectuals. Already archaeological finds unearthed in Haryana points towards civilization where river Saraswati was mentioned in literature (Rigveda was supposedly written on banks of River Saraswati) only to the disbelief and chagrin of hatemongers.
                       British introduced reforms in education with emphasis on Western form and content completely ignoring the traditional Indian knowledge. Their objective was to create a loyal section of Indians who would effectively carry out tasks for the British. As Lord Macaulay put it, the idea was to form "a class of persons, Indians in blood and color, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect". After their departure our education system was riddled with the defunct intelligentsia hellbent upon creating disharmony and disenchantment , grudge against society.
                              History is all that has happened, not merely all the phenomena of human life, but those of the natural world as well. It includes everything that undergoes change; and as modern science has shown that there is nothing absolutely static, therefore the whole universe, and every part of it, has its history. This is why its important to search for answers (through scientific means) and be susceptible to the universal truth of change as nothing is permanent. It is evident that our leftists intellectuals who diligently subverted the truth of the land for long are miserably inadequate to renounce their falsified stories as yet.
                               The quest for knowledge is perennial, the nature of truth as being tentative and revisable with ever new discoveries and experiments .If recent excavations in Israel showed David (earlier considered mythical)entering Jerusalem through tunnel (Bible story) was true, it is only made possible through scientific research. Scrolls found at dead sea also sheds more light towards the mythical (alleged)biblical history,it was only possible through concerted efforts and perseverance. But only in India we are mocked for excavating for our past by leftist gang members, as it might shed more light upon Hinduism the one they all dread about. Leftists are the majority in selected institutions ,peddling lies is their serious service to country ,defying objectivity , facts are mischievous misinterpreted to create confusion and misconception while fiction and twisted lies are considered sacrosanct.

   Images Courtesy - Google
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Monday, 13 March 2017

New Age Activists

                            I was waiting for the election results to be declared before indulging myself into writing about the latest slugfest that’s the center of attraction to our over enthusiastic media nowadays. After Kanhaiya, a young woman named Gurmehar Kaur is hogging the limelight and has become proverbial Apple of leftists eyes, for same reason of scuttling “Freedom of speech” that made Kanhaiya infamous . What made her catapult to the celebrity status is her fathers martyrdom during Army operations 10 days after Kargil. She posted messages on social media as a martyr’s daughter, displaying courage (holding placards) and denouncing ABVP and supporting the cause of freedom to speak.
                            It was courageous of her to openly accuse one political outfit for creating ruckus in campus, but there was something amiss, as one couldn’t understand why she didn’t accuse the other political organizations for creating mayhem or is she oblivious to violence acts of leftists organizations? One isn’t sure, if she’s so naive of campus politics or purposefully pardoned leftists of violence while came harshly on right wing organization. She brilliantly used her fathers sacrifice to legitimize and draw an emotional chord with people to impeach ABVP, her credentials were tempting and thus was lapped up by Left-leaning media who turned her stint into gospel truth prevalent on campus.
                          If Gurmehar stood for free speech then it should have to be praised wholeheartedly, but claiming to be neutral while blatantly exonerating violent left wing organizations was liable to be taken to task.
                               Meantime another video of hers started circulating where she again valiantly defied the popular opinion towards arch rival Pakistan. Here , she was seen holding placard that read “Pakistan did not kill my dad, War killed him”. It was a noble gesture on  her part , where she was propagating for peace but unfortunately some twitterati started trolling her and twisted the whole episode into joke. I must say it was soar joke on part of some, to trivialize the tragic death into a standup comic strip. After watching her full video, one can say, girl stood for peace between two nations and without drawing into politics one should try and understand the human aspect of her outpouring of emotions.
                                  With increasing penetration of social media people seems to be getting restless in putting their opinions in public domain , a near stampede to bully and brandish one’s nationalism or smudging people as ‘Anti- Nationals’ or ‘Sanghi’ is actualy dwarfing the space to speak your mind without being mocked. People confronted the message of Peace, twisted facts, with backstabbing and accused her of playing to the gallery. The smearing campaign was intense and someone (allegedly) threatened her with rape which was not only ghastly but unacceptable in any civilized society. While , its true that Pakistan is the harbinger of terrorism and initiated all wars with India and it has backstabbed us on more then one occasion but isn’t peace between nuclear rivals should be our ultimate goal? Doesn’t Modi ji invited Pakistani PM for oath taking ceremony was in good faith?

                               Peaceful coexistence should be our ultimate goal, at the same time nation should always be prepared to defend against the warring enemy and willing to sacrifice whatever it needs , otherwise nation will lose not only its men and material but it’s very ‘existence’, its freedom , thus harping on to the idea of peace is factually inappropriate if the aggressor is unrelentingly pursuing to inflict irreparable damage to your nation. Peace unlike war can’t be imposed or affirmed by one side only, it takes two to tango.
                           In my opinion, Gurmehar is an intelligent girl who speaks her mind , also has lust to grab attention as many people have.The Gurmehar episode was fervently latched on to by politicians who seized the opportunity to blemish incumbent government during impeding elections for political mileage. In her zeal to target ABVP, she exposed her political affiliations and thus ruined her claims of neutrality and concerned innocent student, raising voice against injustice (alleged), people considered her act as hogwash and deliberate attempt to conceal and divert public opinion from “Bharat tere tukde” gang operational at JNU & DU . Her partisan political statements were thereafter confronted by many. Social media like any other has its limitations, if one uses it then should be prepared to face the wrath of trolls and cannot for long play the victim card.
*Photos - Courtesy Google
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Monday, 6 March 2017

The Great Indian Novel - Shashi Tharoor

                                           One of the finest book, a satire on political class and their selfish propagandas , insecurities and jealousies that shape the destiny of nation. This book is a wonderful piece of fiction written by Shashi Tharoor. “The Great Indian Novel” is a political satire, ingeniously interweaving the mythological characters from epic “Mahaharata” into political players covering time span of independent struggle of country to degenerative politics till 1980’s. Skillful narration of recognizable events in freedom struggle of India keeping mythological characters of Mahabharata at centerpieces is extraordinarily brilliant.
                                         The book re-interprets “Mahaharata” and cleverly moulds the characters into the prime events and characters of 20th century political class. In a way , author was ingenious to choose the epic, as Mahabharata, is perhaps the first and the most bitter account of power struggle that culminated in a catastrophic avoidable war.
                                        This book has two parts with first devoted to the Indian freedom struggle and second towards the dreams of independent nation and slow degradation of politics. This book comprises of 18 books(chapters), symbolizing, war of Mahabharata, which was fought for 18 days. The first part deals with the insecurities and lust of power that eventually divided the country on sectarian basis and contempt of basic human values that was binding us for centuries till independence . The clumsy power struggle that plagued this nation leading to bloodshed and division. The second part showcases the games planned and executed to grab and latch on to power right after gaining independence till 80’s. The nepotism and narcissism of policy makers.
                                           In the end, author dwelled and raised a point whether the hallowed principles(non violence of Gandhi and non alignment of Nehru) of our leaders had any relevance in real world or were just futile exercises by our narcissist leaders .The protagonists were later seen embracing each other in heaven under the righteous Yudhishtir drawing conclusion that “Dharma” is paramount and practicing life without Dharma is despicable.
                                          Its a beautifully crafted book, a masterpiece full of sarcasm and humor(sometimes crude) but nonetheless a must read by all means.

                               Readers can share their opinions with me at-

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Midnight In Paris - Movie Review

                                           I must confess , I am not a Woody Allen movie fan, never had the temperament and taste to his kind of movies and firmly believed cinema he makes has different kind of audience . I have tried though( to watch his movies before )but abandoned the idea midway, so, after consenting to watch “Midnight In Paris” (as my friend convinced me to) I decided to give it a look. To my surprise(pleasant) I not only finished it in one go(which in itself a stupendous feet), I admired the storytelling.

                                    As the name suggests, central character is awestruck by the beauty of Paris and the city portrays its beautiful part effectively and efficiently . Protagonist life is brilliantly played by Owen Wilson, who was stuck in a relationship with a materialistic girlfriend. How beautifully story advances, with Wilson embracing the glorious past interwoven with present day circumstances, is a treat to watch with funny and simple narrative .The human relationships, dreams and aspirations are effortlessly depicted. It's about Wilson's (character) endeavor to understand and find love.

My advice - Simple, funny,lighthearted comedy, a one time watchable movie.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Secular Wolves

                              Communal and Secular words are politicized in India beyond belief , nowadays Secular doesn’t mean, state has no religion or supporting all irrespective of religion ,casteetc, it actually means supporting causes and people who mock Hinduism, fiddle with their customs., making caricatures of Hindu gods in the name of modern art. Abusing religious customs, is justified by freedom of expression. Secularists are one eyed animals, who howl at everything Hindu while maintaining stoic silence at other beliefs . These secular wolves of India, won’t speak on Islamic terrorism or growing Islamic fundamentalism in society . Their sermons and brutal suppression of truth is nowadays alarmingly taken as intellectual stuff by gullible students and novices.
                          Uniform Civil Code that’s enshrined in Constitution (Article 44), is being targeted as conspiracy by RSS to intrude on personal laws of minorities without informing the masses , its already in practice in Goa. Does it hamper the civil liberties of Goans irrespective of their beliefs ? This our secular wolves won’t divulge . The issues related to Triple talaqs or such evil social practices should be condemned without prejudice, but twist to simple social practice comes from religious bigots supported by secular wolves who tried twisting simple government act as misadventures of communal government. Opposition from fanatics isn’t unexpected but mischievous play by secular brigade to denounce judiciary and executives is baffling.
                                     These self glorified secular torchbearers gagging opponents, and are feign ignorance to acts of violence perpetrated on hapless BJP workers or simple members of religious organization in Kerala by Islamic fundamentalists or Communists under patronage of Communist rule. The chopping of hands of a Professor by Islamists , throwing 10 months old baby etc. are some of the gruesome violent stories,that don’t deter these jhola chaap intellectuals to support communists, while shedding crocodile tears on victims affected by violence from right winger fundamentalists. The violence acts should be unequivocally condemned irrespective of ones political affections and places where such horrible crimes are committed.
                               Ironically, Article 19 of Indian Constitution is utilized to spew venom at Indian establishment but Article 44 (Uniform Civil Code) and Article 370( Kashmir Semi-Autonomous) is snubbed by the same Secular mafia . Mass exodus of Hindus from Kashmir due to murder and rape in 1990’s is a non issue or recent exodus in UP and acknowledged by NHRC ( ) swiftly blotted out, but terrorists like Afzal Guru are glorified as martyrs and wolves even gather in customary howling sessions in the name of freedom of expression . These sick seculars, don’t shy away from brandishing Army as inhuman, rapist organization, while silence breeds, when facts and truth are put forth(JNU celebrated death of CRPF soldiers- ( )
Justifying 1984 riots(

                                      Secular wolves have always castigated and hurled abuses at Modi due to unfortunate Godhra train burning(Hindus burnt alive) and successive riots in Gujarat , but, shied away from raising concerns on Sikh pogrom of 1984, or Saharanpur riots(2014) or Bengal riots(2016) and sinister plan of ethnic cleansing in certain places in Bengal under the nose of Mamta Banerjee Government. These jhola chaap naxals rue the running away of MF Hussain who they wholeheartedly supported for caricaturing of Hindu idols while silence is maintained when Tarek Fatah is attacked recently at Urdu fest or writers like Taslima Nasrin & Salman Rushdie are shunted at literature festivals, or fatwas issued against AR Rehman for giving music for particular movie ( )

                                    While Khap panchayats are routinely targeted for their blasphemous diktats and unlawfull implementation and rightfully so, but Secular brigade maintain cruel silence when arsonists attempt and successfully overthrew Nagaland government for supporting women reservation in state albeit it is cited as against Christian ethos. No condemnation worth the salt comes when Islamic countries refuse to take refugees from neighboring countries of Syria or Afghanistan but viscous sermons are at hand when India shows concerns towards influx of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar, though Bangladesh refusal to intake them, isn’t even debated by secular terrorists.
                               These secular foxes have bouts of ecstasy and indulge in secular orgy had Right wing fringe elements create ruckus at any unworthy topic. The mass hysteria created by these dolts and brigade of media celebrities(section of media) knows no limits during festivals too, with sickening and bile comments reserved for Hindus. The same secular dumb-asses who spew filth at India (in India and abroad) take pride in associating with Pakis, while refraining from speaking at abominable conduct of their hosts.
                                      The Indian democracy will thrive only when Secularism in its true sense prevails,  when Government doesn’t act biased for any particular community or group and no group is hounded or castigated for its customs and beliefs. Tolerance and respect towards other religions and customs make us unique and flourishing while established norms of dialogue howsoever extreme and different they are should be heard and voiced.