Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Pakistan -A Terrorist State

                                      Much has been said and done about the recent terror attack in Pathankot browbeating about Indian superior firepower or political chest thumping by politicians.This article isn't about strategizing or defeating our enemy but being pragmatic about available options to deal with our potent and cruel adversary. No matter what peaceniks make us believe Pakistan is a nuisance to world in general and India & Afghanistan in particular. Pakistan is an increasingly intolerant, radicalized society and even saner counseling by US,China fell on deaf ears and couldn't dissuade Pakistan from supporting terrorism despite being diplomatic and financial savior of Pakistan .
                                     Truth of the matter is there's absolutely no dearth of fresh arrival of maniacs from umpteen madrasas sprung inside Pakistan who under the influence of drugs and mullahs can unleash havoc in India. These hate filled Islamic zoombies find it enticing to blow themselves up and claim a lottery ticket of banging 72 virgins then leading a miserable life in a beggar nation . With monstrous news reports of sodomizing and killing young boys becoming a standard accepted reality in Pakistan one wonders if the clamor to get lottery ticket of sleeping with virgins is only going to get shriller.
                                   Peacenik vocal lobby in India exonerate Pakistan establishment and people of any wrongdoing while blaming imaginary non-state actors of vitiating environment by squarely blaming on such outlaws for terror attacks. The impediment to normal ties and resuming cordial dialogue process is the direct complicity of Pakistani establishment and terror organizations groomed by Pak army. Unfortunate truth is terror attack as orchestrated in Pathankot were committed by well trained maniacs and there are intelligence reports of training conducted at airforce base in Pakistan that cannot be possible without ISI patronage thus defuncting theory propagated by peaceniks some of whom are themselves on ISI payrolls(remember Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai network in USA).
                                   In our country a perception is created by vested interests to continue dialogue with Pakistan in hope of bargaining peace and every government falls in this  entrapment of resuming dialogue with Pakistan.  The harsh reality is that such ghastly attacks have always happened irrespective of any thaw or dialogue between India-Pakistan engagement. History teaches us that Pakistan believes in its cowardly proxy war as a sustainable and cheapest method of bleeding India, as no retaliatory steps overt or otherwise envisaged by Indian government to inflict similar damage of same scale to Pakistan has ever been planned or executed thus increasing the cost of proxy war for Pakistan unbearable.
                                 There's a need to radically alter our strategy vis-a-visPakistan. Older methods of trusting Pakistani governments verbal assurances shouldn't be considered seriously and routine arguments of can't change our neighbors or sharing same cultures or improved economic engagement as deterrent should be consigned to dustbin .We have in past changed our neighbors by carving Bangladesh out of Pakistan and attained peace. Dialogue or breaking up of dialogue process has nothing to do with next terror attack, we should understand its foreign policy is directed to harass and divide India and no amount of dialogue can persuade Pakistan to abandon its policy of bleeding India with thousand cuts.
                                                           Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook
                                Lessons learnt from last terrorist attacks should be utilized to thwart next attack without relying much on other nations who couldn't pressurize Pakistan to accept negotiations and won't do more then lip service of  condemning terror acts. We need to stop sending dossiers as no diplomatic pressure can wilt Pakistan to shun its terror policy and live like civilized neighbor .We need to beat Pakistan in their own games through all possible means by increasing its cost of war . Improving our intelligence,defensive and offensive capabilities is necessity on urgent basis before Pakistan unleashes its next deadly phase of terror attack. 

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Bill, 2015

                                With the Rajya Sabha passing the new Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Bill 2015 , our parliamentarians have demonstrated a paradigm shift in there approach towards tackling crime in a pragmatic manner where the recognition of the rights of the victims is considered equally important as the rights of juveniles. The amended Juvenile Justice Bill became a necessity as 1.2% of most heinous crimes in country are committed by juveniles and over 50% are sex offences.
                                 With passage of new Bill Juvenile Board now has discretion to try juveniles committing horrendous crimes as adults between age group of 16 to 18. If the nature of the crime is critical, why stop at age 18 and not 16?  The Bill permits juveniles above the age of 16 years to be tried as adults for heinous offences if the Juvenile Justice Board finds the juvenile fit to be tried as an adult based on a preliminary assessment with regard to his mental and physical capacity to commit such an offence, ability to understand the consequences of the offence and the circumstances in which he allegedly committed the offence.
                               There's alarming rise in criminal offences involving juveniles, thus Juvenile Justice Bill was the need of the hour and it might act as deterrent discouraging juveniles while helping law enforcement agencies too.Equally important is the classification of crimes by juveniles, the young age and pitiable crime shouldn't come under the purview of the law and should be dealt leniently considering young age and scope for improvement (rehabilitation) with societal support.

                              Nation also needs to seriously debate why their is increase in number of juvenile crimes. Isn't there a wrought in society that's growing unabated and criminal offences by adolescents a true and worrying reflection to society ? Serious debate involving child psychologists & sociologists is necessary to get to the bottom and stem the rot through corrective measures .The ultimate goal of society should be the care, protection, maintenance, welfare, training, education and rehabilitation of neglected or delinquent children along with safety and wellbeing of vulnerable.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Intolerance Reloaded

                                      As Ratan Tata rightly mentioned intolerance in India is confined only to tv studios. The intolerance debate raging in tv studios augmented by returning awardees whose dubious credentials aren't debated by the same paid media is gradually but surely brushed under the carpet ever since Bihar election results were declared . The unabated chest-beating by pseudo seculars and atmosphere of insecurity created by dolts reaches its zenith during electioneering and is slowly ebbing.
                               The reoccurrence of manufactured protests during consecutive state elections is a well thought out prudent strategy baffling BJP think tank. During Delhi elections alleged atrocities on Christians and desecration of sacred places in few cities,rape of an elderly nun in West Bengal were cited as reasons showing growth in intolerance towards minorities. Interestingly all Church vandalism and rape occurred in non-BJP ruled states yet Modi govt was demonized. Later after investigations, Bangladeshi immigrants were caught by investigative agencies in elderly rape of Nun thus debunking theories by imminent "secular" intellectuals who pounced on Hindu organizations for vitiating the otherwise peaceful environment. Similarly,a vitiated insecure environment of intolerance towards minorities was created during Bihar elections with tacit understanding of like minded groups who organized a well orchestrated campaign to chastise and malign Modi govt. The campaign was successful in creating fear psychosis among section of population thus polarizing electorate during state elections besides smudging Modi govt. 
                                 The debate over mudslinging communities and demonizing majority isn't new in India. It is a well conceived strategy to browbeat majority and cry victim hood when cornered. It is acceptable in India to lampoon Hinduism in the name of free speech or safeguarding secularism. There's a big,boisterous,noisy lobby who come in strength to defend such ignominious acts. This hate filled lobby that denounces everything remotely Hindu, spewing venom isn't new for them but there ignominious acts have touched higher peaks now where mocking and trivializing country's secular democratic process is justified by dolts with media hobnobbing in lopsided portrayal of country. In there mindless hatred towards Modi and in pursuit to besmirch him,these leftists aren't perturbed about tarnishing image of country. Defaming India by so called liberal dolts on world stage is an unprecedented new phenomenon .
                                 These pseudo secular torch bearers of pluralism usually find fault only with majority community and lose there voices while confronting muslim community in particular. The double standards espoused by left liberals in complicity with media only created the wedge among masses. The mass exodus of Hindus from Kashmir, Godhra riots, Sikh massacre didn't move there conscious but unfortunate ignominious stray acts of violence in non-BJP ruled state gave them godsend opportunity to defame Modi govt. The recent attack on Lokmat newspaper in Maharashtra by Muslim mob,or declaring bounty on heads of people by fundamentalists didn't come under the ambit of intolerance or attack on free speech for pseudo seculars. The dubious standard practiced by these dolts has not only bolstered miniscule islamic fundamentalists portraying whole community poorly but created a wedge in society with majority now openly questioning such lopsided disgraceful attitude of intellectuals and media .
                                 For over 68 years India was ruled by socialist leaning Congress government and it propagated religious chauvinism as purely Hindu phenomenon totally oblivious or blindsided of violence instigated by other community. For many,Muslims were always victims of violence, never its perpetrators. The left leaning intellectuals who are genetically anti-Hindu treat with contempt at everything indigenous ,such is the viciousness of dolts they rile against yoga, called Swatch Bharat a nautnki and ranted against the simple, innocuous idea of Selfie With Daughter. These vicious bigots who didn't spare Hindu Gods and Goddess, supported nude depictions by M.F Hussain paintings as artistic freedom, had there tongues bitten when Satanic Verses were banned, are now screaming of rising intolerance when ordinary people question them. Truth about Intolerance hysteria was aimed at instigating people to disown BJP and dwarf Modi govt stupendous achievements .
                                The entire campaign against alleged intolerance was a conspiracy to tarnish image of country. Truth is the central government is lead by a strong leader,dubious NGO's were banned ,corruption is reduced ,self-proclaimed intellectuals are sidelined, so,traitors are feeling the heat and venting there anger through manufactured protests.India is home to more religions than entire rest of the world put together so intolerance debate is a joke, a propaganda courtesy left liberals sidelined during 18 months of BJP rule. Raging Intolerance debate is a political agenda with vested groups for ulterior motives. 
                              Modi govt was scrutinized from day one on governance and after hairsplitting for 18 months when nothing can be pinpointed by opposition then intolerance debate came to there rescue. An ingenious idea with no reference or benchmark to compare with perception was created of insecurity among minorities to destabilize incumbent govt. It's an open secret Modi always have had tough times negotiating with some powerful media houses who are unreasonable and corrupt. Modi govt have always lost the perception battle with communal badge firmly outshined achievements of his govt. People and celebrities from different fields also get influenced with unstoppable bombardment of lopsided negative publicity of govt and the latest to join diatribe against Modi govt is Aamir Khan. 
                                   Actors who lead a cherished ,privileged life aren't intellectuals merely performers and jumping out to create hysteria without valid reasons and proofs to corroborate isn't advisable for them as many consider them icons. In India media is more becoming a nuisance with no or little control over its content, with battle of TRP's clearly self regulation is confined to dustbin.It's sad that the shameless paid Indian media didn't even give Chennai Floods even half the importance it gave to fake Intolerance Debate .We live in times, where everything we read and hear should be taken with a pinch of salt. There was a time when journalist laid their lives to raise issue of the nation, today they lay others life to make an issue. 
                          As the P.M rightly stated that India as the land of Gandhi and Buddha there's no place for intolerance in our country and every act of violence will be dealt with firmly according to law .

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Middle Eastern Quagmire

                            By observing news emanating from Syrian conflict, it seems Russian intervention will not only turn the tables for Assad's opposition but will totally decimate the terror organizations who now boast and brag about country they hold.It is for the first time in human existence that a group of thugs now have a country to run and openly mock every civilized person through glorifying barbaric acts in open defiance of rules respected worldwide. Terrorists have carved a country for themselves out of Iraq and Syria without tacit understanding with west is unthinkable.
                           On paper West doesn't seems to be any sensible policy for middle east. Covert vicious  support to terrorists by west in dislodging regimes all around globe and middle east in particular is diabolic. Interestingly the mess in Syria started with the Arab spring of 2011 that swept Tunisia ,Egypt ,Libya,Yemen ,Jordan Bahrain and reached Syria.In the garb of spreading democracy Western participation was evident in all places and wherever required it didn't shied away from using force and installing puppet regimes (Libya,Egypt). The puppet regimes of Iraq,Afghanistan only stoked sectarian divide and mobilized support for extremist organizations.
                            After tearing apart established regimes through nefarious designs , segregating terrorists is another ploy of west. Providing men and material support to terror organization(Al-nusra an ally in Syria while Al-quaida a foe in Iraq) in one country while confronting same terror organization in another is a western bluff that is caught and laid bare by Russia .The turmoil in Syria is a conspiracy by west to dislodge Assad government and replace it with one accommodating to western interest as in Iraq.There is a real risk that Syria becomes a haven for terrorism worse than Afghanistan in the 1990s..For last 3 years we have watched Syria descend into the abyss and as it is going down with casualties touching 250,000 people and over 1 million in refugees .

                              It is in this scenario Russian entry into the muddle is fiercely opposed by West and its allies.For Russia, Assad is a valuable, long-time ally who offers Russia a foothold in the Middle East(naval base), the intervention is about something much larger — ensuring Russia’s influence in the region and its place at the high table at a time when  Russia itself was struggling under Western sanctions, an ailing economy and diplomatic isolation as a result of its annexation of Crimea and its role in the conflict in eastern Ukraine
                              Assad now controls roughly quarter of Syrian territory and is quickly losing control over it making Russian intervention imminent .Terrorists operating in Syria include Islamic State, the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front, other jihadists seen as moderate by West and is fighting under the banner of the "Free Syrian Army".With Russian air support, the Syrian army backed by Lebanon's Hezbollah, Iranian fighters and other Shia militias is waging ground offensives against terrorists .

                             On paper, West is attacking ISIS while supporting other "moderate" terrorists is laughable. The infighting among NATO members to support or fight Kurds through airstrikes only increases the confusion.  In all this confusion, it isn’t surprising that the coalition’s results against the self-proclaimed Islamic State have been lackluster. The unchanged supremacy of ISIS and capability to hold territory under its influence also eroded credibility of Western plan (if they had any at the first place). Russia on the other hand  makes little distinction among Islamist terrorist groups and is determined to restore Russia's power and prestige in the Middle East & Russian influence will increase by leaps and bounds if Shia regime in Iraq also comes under Russian umbrella (safety net).
                                The fact is manner in which Middle eastern societies are developed replacing a dictator only leads to chaos.Its not the end but beginning of extremely difficult volatile situation . With no basic institutions ,poor governance and oppressive tyrant regimes only unifying factor becomes religion The failure of religion to develop a working relationship with governance adds to chaos. Toxic religious sermons blaming miserable present to exploitation by other civilizations makes a venomous environment for hate filled youngsters who vent anger through terror acts taking refuge of twisted religious texts.
                       Truth is whole of Middle east is passing through a huge painful transitory period and root causes of all its agony lies within and not outside the region. Terrorist organizations cannot match the wrath of supremacy of Russian machinery and the race to finish the terror foothold has started in Syria but true defeat of Islamic terror will be if venomous ideology is defeated,meanwhile western governments should refrain from muddling in internal matters of sovereign countries. The hypocrisy of West in spreading "Democracy" can be easily understood by dwelling in the past when CIA toppled democratically elected government of Guatemala in 1954.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

India On Edge :- 2

                                           In my previous post i have mentioned alleged growing intolerance in country and one reason might be non-fulfillment of aspirations of masses. In this post would like to draw attention on certain perplexing policies adopted and implemented by policymakers in complicity with media that's disappointed a section of population and question partisan attitude of pseudo-secular politicians. The growing disenchantment among majority community (on religious basses)due to lopsided political decisions is creating inevitable social unrest in the society. 

                                        In India, secularism is the most smeared word. Samuel Johnson once said "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel" and in our case " Secularism is the last refuge of scoundrel".The mask of “secularism” is what allows numerous politicians to continue in power despite their involvement in religious massacres or caste riots.Corruption cases ,massacres,scams ,blatant human rights abuses,nepotism etc. are forgiven if one has secular certificate.

                                     According to census 80%(1 billion) population are hindus followed by roughly 15%muslims ( 175 million ) and rest sikhs,jains,buddhists ,christians. For politicians the biggest religious minority group appeasement is more alluring and profitable during elections as they allegedly vote in mass to single political entity usually with secular certificate . 
                                      After dividing Hindus on caste basis,it becomes inevitable for politicians to entice Muslims through symbolic secular gimmickry.Numerous cases like debarring children from singing National song in schools in Kerala,or molesting policewomen in Mumbai while protesting over Myanmar violence are conveniently forgotten while isolated criminal cases with Muslim victims are flashed and highlighted and majority community is blemished across media by politicians in the name of safeguarding secularism often resulting in acrimony among society. This one sided approach only emboldens fanatics and gives implicit confidence of no action if one belong to minority community. It only malignes the whole community that's inadvertently blamed.Gutter politics of psuedo secularism & appeasement only ends up denting secularism besides creating acrimony among citizens.

                                           For instance some of the biggest riots with Hindu or Sikh victims are deliberately removed from psyche of Indian society like the -
1. Kashmiri Hindus exodus 
2. Sikh riots
3 Tripura Tribal massacre (Part of Christian terrorism in Tripura) in 2000
4.Marad Massacre in 2003 Kerala
5. 2010 Deganga riots in West Bengal 
6. 2012 Assam riots
7. 2013 Canning riots in West Bengal 
8. 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots 
                               These are few of many heinous riots where victims weren't Muslims and thus conveniently forgotten or ignored by pseudo secular politicians and paid media. Often for them, largest displacement of Kashmiri Hindus in one of the worst ethnic cleansing in independent India isn't news, riots for pseudo seculars started with Gujarat in 2001.

                                      The ignorant powerful media celebrities and politicians who continued there blabbering and gimmickry remain unchallenged for long due to lack of opportunities for masses,that ended with growing clout of Social media.The powerful impact of SM was felt and respected after 2014 elections when sand castles of opportunism and pseudo secularism crumbled. Only after elections might of SM was taken into cognizance and incidents that were previously redundant were debated and considered by media.
                                      When march of nationalist forces couldn't be halted by syndicate of opportunistic forces, newer methods are devised to tarnish incumbent govt. Be the mass hysteria created over Christian reconversion,desecration of religious places or attacks on few leftists by criminals being touted as growing intolerance in society and stifling free speech by organizations in connivance with Modi govt,however, these allegations always fell flat for lack of evidence.
                                           The recent moronic acts of returning Sahitya awards by few alleged writers is case in point.The reasons cited for returning award by handful of recipients are scuttling of free voice by Modi govt and  murders of murders of Kalburgi, Dhabolkar, Govind Pansare and the recent Dadri murder. Its noteworthy to know that most of these murders have happened under non-BJP govts still  the ruling parties of the states aren't questioned while squarely blaming Modi and central govt for lawlessness by allegedly disenchanted writers.
                                       Truth is some of these writers have political affiliations and thus all to gimmickry is being enacted to appease political masters during election (currently Bihar). Numerous incidents of violence,incarcerations,suppressing free speech,gagging people,intimidation occurred during previous non-Bjp govt but failed to awake there conscience from hibernation. The mega corruption scandals,custodial deaths, mutilation of soldiers by enemies and inability of previous govt also didn't deter these morons from accepting awards or relinquishing them before. It is therefore safe to assume these intellectuals who have relinquished there awards are trying to manufacture an outrage with media complicity. There manufactured rebellion is rightly mocked by masses who accuse them of being opportunist and hypocrites, trying to garner eyeballs and appease political masters.

                                      There are innumerable things that needs honest critical evaluation and govt be taken to task for its failures like deferring GST bill, Land and Labor reforms,Banking reforms etc. but criticizing incumbent govt for state law and order problems or for perceived threats is preposterous. Equally disturbing is the brazen attitude of fundamentalists who shouldn't be allowed elbow space to create a niche for themselves in a peacefully tolerant Indian society. Extremists irrespective of religion should be sternly dealt with. In a pluralistic diverse nation of ours, eating habits or religious customs mustn't be allowed to question by privy eyes.For India to progress we shouldn't compromise on pluralistic,tolerant, democratic fundamental principles that restores confidence for dignified life for all its citizens. Secular society is one with uniform laws for all irrespective of religion ,caste or creed,stepmotherly treatment for one section while appeasing other will only end-up fragmenting society.