Wednesday 17 July 2024

The Time Machine

Is there any benefit to working on a time machine? Is it really necessary to beat the clock, or is just respecting the passing minutes and recognizing our limitations the key to happiness?

The Time Machine

Do you believe in time travel? Have you experienced it or known someone who claims to have it? Have you seen the time machine? 
You could think I'm insane to talk about such a topic. Time travel, which is still restricted to science fiction, is an unachievable goal. It's an illusion, a mirage that distracts us from the richness of the present moment. 
However, my experience and answer to time travel are different. What if I tell you I am an exception and regularly experience time travelling?

My Experience

For a long time, I have had the energy and capacity to indulge in time travel. Yes, really. Come on. You think it is a fluke, but no, it is the most honest confession I am making. 

I have indulged in time travelling for years and have recently stopped it. 

If you think I am lying, then read on.
You see, I have this tremendous power to travel in time :). I can go to any place or moment I like or dislike. There are times when, in 2024, I can visit my friends from my school days who studied with me in the late 1990s. Or even better, I can travel in time (I'm not sure about the time-zone) but sometime in the future and try to resolve issues that may emerge. 

Do you think I am joking? NO. Do you think it is funny? Seriously, not. 

The truth is, I have wasted lots of time hallucinating. I have wasted too much time thinking of adverse events or correcting the wrongs in my life by thinking about them. For instance, I would often find myself replaying a conversation from the past, trying to come up with the perfect response, only to realize that it was a complete waste of  energy. I could have used that time to focus on my present tasks or plan for my future goals

What I Have Understood About Time?

Truth is, we all have this dirty habit of worrying about things/events that may or may not happen in the future. Try to correct or rephrase your words of the past that may or may not impact you today or change the future.

Sit with any youth in your family; he is big on dreams. His fantasies will show. Sit with an elder, and he will tell you stories from the past. He may discuss the mistakes committed, which he will correct or change if given a chance. He may tell you the decisions that went wrong.

So what does it mean?

It means we are all blessed with our own time machine, our mind. It is the most powerful processor and unbelievably efficient. All you have to do is take the matter into your own hands and have free time to dwell on your subject. 
Lately, I have realized that our biggest boon, our mind, is also our biggest enemy. Most of our struggles and miseries somehow echo in our minds. The mind is a powerful machine, and overthinking kills our ambitions, happiness, and sometimes our lives. 

What One Should Do?

Travelling to the future and hallucinating won't help the cause. Similarly, the past is just a reflection. You can't be in the past; it's gone, not coming back unless, of course, you don't want to relive the moment in your mind. 
My theory is that you shouldn't waste your energy travelling to the past or worrying about the future. Live in the present and give it your best shot. Embrace the present moment, and you'll find the inspiration and motivation you need to achieve your goals. You have the power to control your thoughts and focus on the present.

By focusing on the present, you can make the most of your current opportunities and set a strong foundation for your future success.

Let me try to explain the concept.

Have you seen a baby? He knows nothing about the past and has no worries about the future. He is the most adorable creature on earth because he lives in the present. 

He cries occasionally, laughs full-time, and enchants the whole surrounding. Even when no one is around, he is content and full of life, with bright eyes that are extraordinarily beautiful. He will cry when the time comes or if the need arises, but he never wastes a minute thinking about it.

My Final Take 

Time travel is a waste of energy and must be avoided at all costs. Living in the present is the cure. Your aspirations, relationships, or anything else under the sun require your efforts today. Thinking or overthinking will keep the result the same. 

Life is too short to waste on overthinking. Time travel is an illusion, so it is best left to experts to make a machine that will one day help us get past the limits of time. But until then, your time and energy mustn't be wasted on frivolous thoughts. Be in the present and work for the future, not live in the future, my friends. Planning for the future is important, but living in the future, constantly worrying about what's to come, is not productive.

Image Courtesy: Google Images

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