Friday 14 July 2023

Infinite is billed as a sci-fi thriller, but it turns out to be a disappointment with an amazing cast, exciting visual arts, and no story.


Have you seen a movie that made you angry? You feel so disgusted that you start crying in rage. I am sure you have had your share of the list, while Infinite is recently added to mine. That's right, we're diving headfirst into the Infinite enigma. So, brace yourselves, folks, because I have some strong opinions to share!

Why Infinite Is a Stupid Movie?

Alright, let's address the "elephant in the theatre" immediately. Infinite falls flat in the brainpower department. It's like they took all the logic and rationality of a goldfish and decided to base an entire movie on it. I mean, come on, folks! I'm all for suspending disbelief, but this movie takes it to a new level of ridiculousness. It's like watching a monkey try to solve a Rubik's Cube - you know it won't end well.
But let's dig deeper into why Infinite is such a disappointment. One of the main issues is that the makers don't understand "reincarnation". Yup, you read it right. This movie is based on the "Hindu" principle of reincarnation. The makers had some vague ideas and decided to make a movie hoping that the theme would stick and they would come up with sequels.
Truth is, they are fools and would be better off talking to some expert before exploring the idea of making a movie. I won't reveal much, but trust me, the entire story is so twisted you feel amazed by the stupidity.  
The second reason is the need for more character development. We are introduced to many characters who seem to have no purpose but to fill the screen. Their motivations are unclear, their actions are inconsistent, and it's hard to feel any connection to them. It's as if the writers threw random ideas into a blender and hoped for the best.  
Furthermore, the plot holes in Infinite are so vast and numerous that they could swallow an entire city. The writers didn't bother to think through the story's logic, resulting in twists and turns that make no sense. Characters make decisions that defy all reason, and events unfold in a way that leaves the audience confused. It's as if the filmmakers were more interested in creating flashy visuals than crafting a coherent narrative.

One Bright Spot

Let's talk about the special effects in Infinite. While they may be visually stunning at times, they often feel like a distraction from the lacklustre story. It's as if the filmmakers relied on flashy explosions and CGI to compensate for the weak plot and underdeveloped characters. Sure, the action sequences may be thrilling at the moment. Still, they ultimately feel hollow and devoid of any real substance.

Should Mark Wahlberg Be More Selective?

Now, I must address the green room elephant - Mark Wahlberg. What were you thinking, my guy? Infinite reminds me of another Mark movie, "The Great Wall". I respect your career choices, but Infinite, like the other one, feels like a step in the wrong direction. Is it really too much to ask Wahlberg to pick movies with a tad more substance? Maybe something that doesn't leave us scratching our heads and wondering if he lost a bet or something. Come on, Mark, you're better than this!

Why Infinite Is a Total Time Waste?

Picture this: you're sitting in a dark movie theatre, popcorn in hand, ready to be whisked away into a world of excitement and wonder. But instead, you find yourself transported into the never-ending abyss of boredom with Infinite. It's like watching paint dry, but somehow even more tedious. 
With Infinite, there are moments where you think the story might actually take off, but nope - it crashes and burns like a bird that forgot how to fly. And don't even get me started on the dialogue. It's as if the scriptwriter dropped their thesaurus and settled for the first words that came to mind. Talk about a snoozefest!
I can delve deeper into why Infinite is such a time waste, but letting it off. 
In conclusion, Infinite is a total time waste for anyone seeking an engaging and thrilling cinematic experience. Its lacklustre plot, one-dimensional characters, uninspired visuals, and lacklustre performances make it a forgettable and tedious watch. Save yourself the agony and choose a different movie to spend your time on.

Why I Cried Watching Infinite?

Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking. How on earth could anyone shed a single tear while watching Infinite? Believe me, I'm just as surprised as you are. But hear me out - it wasn't tears of joy or sadness. Nope, it was tears of sheer frustration!
Now, I'm not one to judge people's tastes, but when a movie drags you through its silly, predictable plot twists and turns for an eternity, it starts to chip away at your soul. But hey, maybe that's just me. Perhaps you'll watch Infinite and be swept away by its nonsensical charm. Who am I to rain on your parade? All I can say is, don't say I didn't warn you!

Images Courtesy: Google

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