Saturday 28 July 2018

It's Not The Size Of The Dog In The Fight, It's The Size Of The Fight In The Dog.

                    In this article, i am discussing about a sensitive issue targeting a small section(around 3% by official estimates) of our population. Here, i would like to talk about "People with special needs" or as in our dialect we say "Disabled People" (DP) . I always believed and stand by my opinion that, Indian society is one filled with ruthless, self-centered and hypocritical people with cruel intentions. Firstly, our society generally treat the people with disabilities as outcast, they are not supposed to be smart, butt of joke with people trying to ridicule them at the slightest provocation .
                 There are few, who are brilliant in concealing their twisted mindset, the concern they portray lasts the moment DP shows disagreement or refuse to comprehend the terms dictated(usually unfavorable) and thus,he(DP) declines to put his foot down, this is when these hate mongers reveal their true identity. The usual discourse starts with trying to subdue DP psychologically by emphasizing "the big favor" he/she granted to DP which is exclusive thus making DP realize of benevolence shown by maniac and a subtle way of reminding DP his unfortunate condition. These nuts firstly, aren't doing any favor, you(DP) are bringing him business and he is after your money, lets be realistic, there's nothing more to it and it hardly matters to seller if the customer is physically fit or not as long as he shows the money. There is cut throat competition in this country, and people are too oblivious of one's misery, everyone tries to get better of DP and hence, finds it convenient to bully a DP into submission.
                      I am speaking from my own experience (17 years back, met an accident) as i move around, thankfully, I am financially well off so it obviates any need to struggle but i get disturbed to think of many more who aren't this fortunate. From my personal experience, i have encountered the sick mentality of our society. Perverts won't shy in passing sordid comments even at funerals, such is the travesty. As they say, only the wearer knows, where the shoe pinches, it is safe to assume no one will understand the struggle and challenges faced by a DP. On their part, DP shouldn't expect any generosity from others. At the same time, never accept things lying down. Your courteous nature, if is misunderstood as weakness ,its definitely not your fault, fight for things that's yours without being perturbed about consequences.
                        Don't harp on to emotional stuff, have thick skin, mark my words, people will call you names behind your back even your servants,don't be overly sensitive. Choose your battles wisely, and the one's of choice should be fought with everything at your disposal. Never, ever make compromise with your honor and dignity, respect others and demand the same without any dilution. Never allow others to belittle your achievements and never oblige to ridiculous proposals. You are not responsible for something that was beyond your control so you shouldn't be ashamed of something that has happened to you, it can happen to anyone, anytime.
                    Don't expect society to change anytime soon, ostracization of DP is a naked reality. The one's who consider you inferior will try to compete with you with frivolous excuses in hand as an insurance. The DP on their part, should learn to stand for them self, be assertive, and do not wilt under pressure. You are a gem in your own way, and there is absolutely nothing wrong in you and the non-believers are shit minds that needn't be taken seriously. 

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