Wednesday, 8 February 2017

UN - A Success Story Or Failure

                                        The United Nations (UN) came to existence after United Nations Charter was implemented on 24 October 1945. With starting members of 51 nations, its membership has grown to 193 today. The increased numbers of member nations boasts of confidence, world community, has on resolving differences and disputes diplomatically. Does that indicate the success of UN ? I am afraid the answer is equally complicated as the parameters of the question is.
                                     Primary objective for the creation of United Nations was to diffuse the tensions between nation states diplomatically and thus to stop the outbreak of another World War. After the end of World War I, league of nations, established for prevention of war was a resounding failure. The fallout of such indecisiveness was paid by humanity in the form of  World War II, with innumerable deaths, misery and widespread chaos. The destructive technological wherewithal that nations demonstrated in Japan, convinced nations to forge an intergovernmental organizations to prevent World War III, as its outbreak has the potential to wipeout mankind from Earth.
                                    Before coming to the failures ,some resounding achievements of UN shouldn’t be overlooked. UN is an umbrella organization with many sister organizations under it, performing a commendable job. International Court of Justice, UNHCR, UNICEF, OHCHR, UNDP, UNESCO, WHO are some of the specialized organizations and agencies of UN family with specific objectives to work under international scrutiny for eradicating the factors i.e poverty ,disease, malnutrition, illiteracy , medicines , birth control ,safe drinking water, unemployment, as these factors are squarely responsible for discontentment among masses and breakout of war.UN has motivated and induced nations to eliminate illiteracy , providing food security ,securing human rights for their citizens,promoting racial harmony, religious tolerance , rejig the administration machinery to pay heed to the citizenry,weeding out corruption through efficiency and transparency in their functioning and delivery system of respective governments.

                                 UN agencies are at the forefront in providing humanitarian assistance during and after conflicts. From removing landmines to sending peace keeping force in war ravaged countries was acknowledged and hence appreciated by conferring the Nobel Peace Prize in 1988.
                                With such stupendous achievements to boast off, its imperative to ask , does UN succeeded in its primary objective ? The answer to this question is overwhelmingly no. There are many reasons for it. The world is no safer today with brinkmanship among nation states at its peak, global terrorism fanning its wings and threat of nuclear and biological weapons use by rouge states. World peace is nothing but a day dream. Despite all the rhetoric about tolerance and brotherhood , world is sitting on a tinderbox . UN despite 71 years of its existence has been nothing more then a scarecrow figure in International politics.
                                 Part of the problem is the undemocratic behavior and assimilation of power for 5 veto yielding nations of Security Council (Permanent members P5). The narrow minded approach of P5(China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) and the itch to manipulate world events to defame adversaries has dented the credibility of UN. US hegemony, in erroneously bypassing UN resolutions over Israel -Palestine , Iraq wars, has made UN a laughing stock . The Chinese blatantly usurped territory in South China Sea teasing the International Maritime Court verdict is another indication of power it commands in UNSC.
                                     It is due to inefficiency and appeasement diplomacy of UNSC that the world witnessed Bangladesh genocide in 1971, Cambodian genocide in the 1970s, Rwandan genocide in 1994, Srebrenica massacre in 1995 and numerous civil wars. The latest cases being the genocide of civilians by ISIS of Kurds and Yazdis (minority religious groups) in Syria, while world community watched in horror mutely. The working of UNSC is seriously hampered by political upmanship, selfish interests and corruption. The UN primary objective of maintaining world peace is jeopardized due to apathy and inefficiency of UNSC permanent members and therefore needs to be reformed by making it inclusive and democratic.
                                  It is wise to say that lethargic attitude of UNSC permanent members(P5), the reluctance to share power is the root cause of UN downfall. The P5 is stuck in time warp, with mindset of quasi colonialism , unable to see the light of the day . The democratic reforms are the need of the hour to make UN truly a vibrant organization standing up to confront the challenges of the 21st century.
“The primary, the fundamental, the essential purpose of the UN is to keep peace. Everything it does which helps prevent World War III is good. Everything which does not further that goal, either directly or indirectly is at best superfluous.” 
                                                                                                                      Henry Cabot Lodge

Thursday, 26 January 2017

From Plassey To Partition by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay

                                              One of the most interesting and readable book on our past. It covers about 200 years of socioeconomic, military conditions prevalent at that time. The book is an insight account about important developments without boring the reader . If the reader has vague idea about our past history, than this book gives you new perspective, numerous dots plaguing ones mind are connected, also, some very new important events that one might have missed makes it refreshing. For first timers, well , its more like a novel covering vast unknown tracts of our history, engrossing ones thoughts.
                                            The writer is unbiased and has the courage to strongly put forth his views and gave credit to facts. He took us on a journey, from decline of Mughals to independence and partition with ingeniously apprising readers about Social reformers struggle, Aryan invasion myths, Tribal inclusion in mainstream, Opportunistic leaders etc. Author unbiased articulation of facts bursts several myths around haloness of leaders, promoting readers to conclude, there is no black and white in politics and in life, every thing has an element of Gray.
                                      One of the meticulously written, very well drafted, book by Historian Sekhar Bandyopadhyay. It brilliantly trespasses the complicated terrain of history showcasing sunset of two alien empires while formation and then emergence of India as nation.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Rise Of Nazi Erdogan

                                                 Not many instances in world history, one witnesses, a civilian, orchestrates a dramatic coup on armed forces, only to dislodge them from vantage position. Welcome to Turkey, away from our thoughts, a person in this case President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, successfully dramatizes a perfect coup to dislodge and disarm his foes and strengthen his hold on power. The timing of this drama couldn't be better when ISIS has wrecked havoc in neighboring Syria and geographical location of Turkey gave it the leverage to silence critics in the west.
                                  As Reichstag fire in 1933 gave Hitler opportunity to usurp power, the failed coup is being milked by Erdogan to chase away his political rivals and demean army who had been a fiercely secular organization in that troubled part of the world. It comes as no surprise then, in his bid of assuming total power for himself , Erdogan doesn't shy away from taking inspiration from Nazi Germany , acknowledging , as he publicly quoted in defense of legitimizing his rise as " “There are already examples in the world. You can see it when you look at Hitler’s Germany”.

                                Ankara's march towards religious authoritative regime started, when alliance was forged between (Erdogan's) AKP party and Sunni Wahhabi Gulenists. The marriage between radicals and supremacists in Turkey, resulted in re-emphasising religion in public discourse and weaning away of secular fabric . The introduction of religious symbols, primacy of headscarves for women, physical violence during fasting months etc were some of the visible signs, that would have made even Ataturk turn in his grave. The split between the two erstwhile bed partners triggered the recent onslaught and carefully engineered coup.
                                Erdogan lust for power can be gauged from the fact that he shamelessly announced that July 15 failed coup, is a god sent opportunity and he is exploiting it to the hilt. More than 120,000 Turks have been sacked, nearly 90,000 detained, and more than 40,000 have been arrested, scores of them journalists who were castigated for not towing governments dictates. Already 160 media outlets are closed down while conditions deteriorating quickly for others. The farcical coup to dethrone Erdogan government, can be understood when, government that  is a democracy, a member of NATO, and is vigorously pursuing membership of the EU , mischievously, dismantled  in April 2016, The National Human Rights Institution of Turkey, which had access to detention facilities in Turkey to monitor conditions of detenues.
                                              Silencing West with his antics, of failed promises and threats of refugees influx into Europe , Erdogans zeal to usurp unaccountable power and his dream of transforming Turkey as the head of Sunni Islamic power, referring to Ottoman rule is understandable. Even mentioning Armenian genocide is now punishable , downing Russian fighter jet gives innuendoes that unreasonable demands of Erdogan either to silence critics or slaying Kurds or illegal demand of dislodging Assad should be honored or theatrics will continue. The covert support to IS regime and Sunni terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria by Turkey was ignored by world even at the expense of genocides of Kurds, Shias, Christians and Yazidis.
                                 Russian engagement in Syria and the defeat of ISIS (proteges of Turkey , Saudis ), seems to have thwarted attempt by ambitious Erdogan to grab land and undermine Kurdistan movement, is reminiscent of Hitler gobbling of Czechoslovakia before second world war. The international community is conspicuously silent to the blatant abuse of authority by Turkish government on freedom .The time has come for world leaders to speak in one voice against the viscous propaganda unleashed there and catch the bluff of a manic or the fragile and explosive situation in middle east has the potential to draw the world into chaos. The world has paid a heavy price for the antics of one man in history, it would be interesting to see, whether we have learnt anything from our past mistakes, or the world will shun the vulnerable and maintain its deafening silence as it suits selfish interest and for how long ?

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Memorial Of A Warrior King

                                        Every time i crisscross India gate, a sense of national pride,patriotism, inspiration, self confidence and self respect seeps in. India gate isn't just a monument for commoners like me, but an inspiration, a place to inculcate selfpride among impressionable minds. Marvelous monuments like these, encompasses the otherwise prevailing divisions in our society and unite us as one, bypassing every fissure. Monuments cultivates pride of our past, stimulates our collective national conscious while making us aware of our glorious past struggles.
                                    Indians aren't immune to wasteful spending, monuments dedicated to political parties,sheepishly trying to seduce people into believing the hallownesss of individuals with mediocre achievements. Our villages ,towns, cities,airports and numerous places are renamed, monuments erected, for creating personality cults. From north to southern edge, our country is riddled with statues, monuments etc. with implicit political vendetta. People as usual maintain their silence, become mute spectators fearing persecution. Being branded anti establishment & silencing opponents is normal in political diaspora. So, the end result being countless irrelevant eyesore landscapes devoid of any reconnect with masses.
                                        The desire of politicians to further their clout, leads to obnoxious indulgence at taxpayers money is notoriously known and is deplorable. This is a worrying trend with no remedy in sight , but recent agitation by vested interests to belittle and oppose construction of the Statue of Shivaji raises doubts about the veracity of concerns outlined by certain quarters. There's no merit in clubbing, monument of esteemed iconic cult figure "Shivaji", whose historic role in transforming our country's past is irrevocable with petty politicians. 
                                   Shivaji's legacy isn't confined to any political party or region but is an emotive issue for millions of nationalists across India. Being an outsider with negligible influence in present political dispensation could be the only reason why such project wasn't envisaged earlier. Shivaji's mammoth contribution in reshaping Indian history can be gauged from the fact, that he established a modern and powerful Hindu kingdom in south-western India from 1642-1680 in present day Maharashtra but is reverend in Tamilnadu, Karnataka to Bundela land alike. Starting from scratch, the Maratha emperor Shivaji is credited for forming first modern Indian state where jobs weren't connected to caste or religion.
                                    Shivaji's accomplishments are rarely acknowledged or appreciated by leftist intellectuals, or politicians who fear offending a section of public, thus his administrative brilliance or his nation building efforts were unnoticed till now. The monument in the eye of storm, is the proposed 192 m statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji, the highest in the world, in the Arabian Sea off Mumbai coast. It is touted to be the biggest tourist attraction for national and international visitors. 
                                   Wastage of money, unemployment, lackluster infrastructure are some of the other arguments raised to defunct this project. It is difficult to analyze how a project of national heritage, that binds and honors aspiration of masses to our glorious past can be seen through the prism of economic viability. But, incumbent government is  wiser and well advised ,so, this project has been designed such that jobs creation and environment concerns will outmatch the projected construction cost in due time. Meanwhile it is advisable that these concerned intellectuals and gullible people who were pained by expenditure on monument should pressurize govt in withdrawing security of traitors of Hurriyat, close money guzzling unproductive institutions like FTII etc, saving hard earned taxpayers money. These are some of the measures that can save the draining public wealth.
                                Shivaji with his Muslim soldiers. Painting by Mir Mohammad.
                                            Shivaji is a glaring example of glorious struggle by a military genius against the tyrants, invaders at that time. For long, left leaning intellectuals who dominated our academic landscapes have poisoned the young minds with viscous, fictitious propaganda brushing off stupendous contribution by gigantic personality like Shivaji.  Common taxpayer as we all are, my annoyance about wasteful expenditures undertaken by various government bodies isn't different, but bracketing the expenditure on Shivaji monument with numerous govt black hole projects is unworthy of attention.

                                    Shivaji is a symbol of freedom,pride, justice and courage in the face of adversity. Erecting a statue is an befitting recognition to the achievements of the warrior king, whose contributions are sketched in the hearts and minds of masses across India. Shivaji was a heroic leader,an epitome of nationalism, justice and exemplary achiever and this monument is an apt recognition of his greatness, swelling our heart with pride.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Hate Modi ?

 Morris Jones once said " Miraculously elections are one of the things Indians do well "
                                   Notwithstanding what political pundits say our patriotic and honest coterie of media celebrities, politicians , NGO's , sidekick actors were unanimous about one thing, doomsday is near and our great country is going to dogs. Almost all of these self obsessed righteous people tried to make us believe the imminent threat to our democracy and were planning to seek exile as the last resort. Unfortunately as ordinary Indian, I was watching in bewilderment about unfolding political drama, these righteous god children missed their respective flights and could never leave India :( . I felt somewhat responsible in my mind and conceded my share of responsibility for putting these hapless distinguished people in miserable condition for supporting anointment of PM Modi as an ordinary.
                                As propagated by our honorable intellectuals about impending disaster, that ordinary Indians have brought upon themselves, gullible people like myself who were hoodwinked of glamorous days realized their mistake by electing a PM who has squeezed fun out of lives of common man and is now remorseful . Here is my list of deceptive propaganda unleashed by Modi that seduced ordinary people in voting for him often at their own expense of entertainment .
                                  1) Our intellectuals rightly denounced a person, as he is an outsider, with little or no respect for "Oxfrd" returned intellectuals. His passion to communicate in Hindi with masses takes the sting out of these godly creatures. I must admit,  this behavior is truly disgraceful as English proficiency is a natural criterion of ones knowledge, to hell with countries who promote their native languages our intellectuals won't tolerate a roadside tea vendor with total disregard of English slang as their PM. After all, its inculcated since childhood that survival and future both can be secured by English language competency and this PM doesn't understand our dilemma . 
                                2) Second reason of not liking Modi is boring social gatherings. Gone are the days, when family and friends gatherings ends without discussing governments scams. PM is directly responsible for taking out fun filled yet hopeless discussions on corruption scandals out of our drawing room gatherings. He's an embarrassment for politicians who's job had become synonymous with corruption, a shameful conduct i must say when comparing governments since 1952. Our government nowadays is being run without gulping exchequer, its outrageous is so 'Non-Indian', he must understand we like our share of fun by cracking jokes on ministers and only recycled jokes are circulated nowadays because of our PM's zeal towards ending corruption despite best efforts from our sniffing politicians.
                           3) Continuing in his tirade against our fun, he propagates 'Swatchta Abhiyan' , a drive towards cleanliness is what is left now in our life . Our PM doesn't understand the fun and freedom one gets in expressing and relieving oneself in open . Thus one can easily presume, "Liberty and fraternity" enshrined in our constitution is seriously at risk that our coterie intellectuals forewarned . This PM is pressurizing our free souls to behave , i can't stop thanking our scholars who envisioned such social restrictions , but unfortunately we ignored their timely advice.
                          4)  Modi has demoted many media celebrities. Some of our media celebrities, who have in last few years, graced themselves as the unofficial cabinet ministers yielding executive powers in previous governments with their "unbiased" and "patrotic" journalism have been reduced to positions of scarecrows on social media. Gone are the days when our "honest" journalists sets the agendas and choose the ministers in cabinet , nowadays they spend their scarce energy and time on SM bickering with kids. This mind numbing scenario is because of Modi, that the fourth pillar has been cut to size, nowadays we are ruined of our evening tamashas adding to my dislike .
                       5)  PM is against self employment. All the rhetoric about Startups and MUDRA bank initiatives to support entrepreneurship is farce. He has been instrumental in shutting shops of Kashmiris, Naxals and NGO's thus stifling their flourishing businesses . By killing a hardworking self employed peaceful non violent Burhan Wani, the real face of fascist Modi came out in open . He's trying relentlessly in curbing money supply to Naxals and Kashmiris, thus one can see the real face of Sanghi who earlier boasted of providing jobs is now depriving these hardworking class of their legitimate business of breaking India .Job losses are also reported from our NGO factories whose shops are being financed through petrodollars or evangelist missionaries. One can now have no doubt whatsoever about the prophecies of our secular , nationalist intellectuals who rightly apprised us about threats to secular health of our nation for choosing Modi as PM.
                                 The voting right exercised by countless Indians catapulted a person with humble beginnings to the top most seat of decision making. Right from the first day, he is being hounded by hordes of 'enlightened' intellectuals, media celebrities, politicians who corroborated with vested interests to defame Modi without much public support. The concerted efforts of individuals ,NGO's , media honchos , politicians etc. to lynch Modi on manufactured protests hasn't yielded much. Some of the politicians in their zeal to condemn Modi have actually made mockery of themselves . In their lust to grab power and eyeballs have actually ended up often dumbfounded and caught unawares.
                               Some of the above predictions propagandized by vested interests for ulterior motives have turned out to be false so far . My support to incumbent gov't thus continues and is satisfying although many blunders shouldn't be overlooked.