Thursday, 18 February 2016

The Shadow Of The Crescent Moon

                                                  "You will have to pay for your choices”
                                       Fatima Bhutto's novel The Shadow of the Crescent Moon is a story about the tragic lives of three brothers living in Mir Ali, a small town in Pakistan's Tribal Areas close to the Afghan border. The novel touches the hardships people in restive provinces of Pakistan faces at the hands of Army,Taliban etc. It explores the physical, psychological and financial impact on lives of hapless civilians who are drawn into numerous unceasing insurgencies rampant in Pakistan.

                          The story is woven around aspirations ,hopes,deceit and betrayal .The Shadow of the Crescent Moon is a tragic tale of struggle for power,dignified life while narrates the horrible truths about the ‘war on terror’, including drone strikes and innocent casualties, in Pakistan’s tribal belt. The struggle and will of young to continue the fight against oppressor Pakistan against all odds, it dwells on the devastation caused by war,Shia-Sunni divide and fundamentalism. Truth is the story has some historical facts imbibed unknown to readers otherwise there's nothing much in the story that one would say refreshing. 

One Life Is Not Enough

                                         An unexamined life is not worth living- Plato.
                            One of the finest book i have recently come across is Natwar Singh's autobiography. The book is a beautiful journey of a guy a career diplomat and Gandhi family loyalist to a dissident outlaw of politics. This book is an interesting reflection of Natwar Singh's life which traverses from commotion of pre-independent India to behind the scenes of corridors of power today. You actually get engrossed in journey of a lifetime of a guy who rubbed shoulders with who's who at national and international stage without realizing its not fiction,that's how beautifully its written.

                           From indisciplined kid who scaled wall and ran away from dormitory of Scindia School, Nehru sisters catfight(sibling rivalry) everything adds to spice and fun in reading. In the end Natwar wrote at length about current political dispensation. Natwar Singh seems to be very sincere and truthful when writing about accomplishments of Nehru and Indira Gandhi as seen from the eyes of an IFS officer.After donning the robes of politician his journey took a different turn and he elaborated by praising Rajiv Gandhi way of functioning who was a novice himself in politics but a quick learner ,visionary and honest man who was courageous as well as humble to concede his mistakes. He elaborated how Sonia is allergic to criticism,behaves like a monarch with unquenchable power thirst and zero accountability. The spineless conduct of previous P.M ManMohan Singh also came to fore.
                        Finally this book is a compilation of memories some very sweet,some very funny like the Indian Monks collapsing, when they were told by the Buddhist Monks from Cambodia preferring beef for their food in India, or the collector of Kunchi on his twenty-fifth wedding, commenting on his wife, "When I married her, she was awfully simple, now she is simply awful" It was also an attempt to defend himself and gain sympathy on his controversial indictment in Volcker Report thus his expulsion from Congress party. 

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Riots And Elections

                                     Elections are near and so are the usual suspects the "Pseudo-secular" brigade accompanied by there sidekicks the "intolerant gang", the "Communal Sanghis" who rue there country is still secular despite overwhelmingly Hindu majority and then there are third breed of scavengers the "opportunist". The third breed can put Pakistan to shame when it comes to betrayal and sycophancy. This breed justifies the idiom "Running with the hare and hunt with hounds" this group of politicians are Hindus in morning jumping and balancing in between the castes (menacing task of equilibrium among different castes) throughout the day while turning a Haji by night.
                                           Winning elections in India is a tightrope to maintain equilibrium firstly among castes in Hindus then among religious groups. One who can stoke emotions and also seems to align with the cause of larger group after polarizing, wins elections.There's always this distinction of them vs us, rarely one witnesses politicians debating and scuffling over development agenda for common good, rather its repetitive in all elections, development doesn't win elections but is confined to dustbin while caste and bigotry takes center stage .Ironic it maybe but in a poverty stricken country like ours people throng for castes based or religious political parties rather development. Even abject poverty doesn't despise them from shunning there poling behavior that's constant for decades.
                                    Committing a mistake once is annerror of judgment, twice is stupidity but committing it repeatedly is a sin,a sin our electorate is perfected in , it has demolished, bankrupted the thought process of present and next generation that tows the similar dilapidated path of misgovernance , unaccountability for political parties. Lack of basic infrastructure, deplorable economic condition,lack of industries hasn't woken the society to transform itself rather scapegoats are discovered . Caste and religious groups try to thrust themselves while politicians are too happy to oblige depending upon there comfort and leanings.
                                    Recent election results in Delhi and Bihar have indicated the prowess of "Pseudo-Secular" brigade. After being routed at the hands of "Hindu Nationalist" in parliamentary elections the "Pseudo-Secular" parties struck back with vengeance.They successfully created an artificial environment of mistrust ,intolerance & insecurity before elections with some paid media groups and celebrities conniving for personal gains . The so called "Hindu nationalist" party were no match and were at receiving end of this venomous propaganda and were thus decimated in both states. It is achingly sad, and appalling to see gullible and underprivileged falling prey and were again duped to sensationalized viscous atmosphere.
                                                To counter the propaganda of "pseudo's" the "nationalist" seems to have learnt there lesson well and gone in overdrive for upcoming U.P & Bengal elections. "Pseudo" who have drawn the first blood before, are equally aggressive and are leaving no stones unturned to challenge opponents . The recent outburst by Azam Khan (on RSS) should be seen as an attempt to stoke controversy and polarize population yet no steps were taken by state to tame this habitual loudmouth who has a track record of instigating people, while, Kamlesh Tiwari was not only arrested under NSA but processions are organized throughout country some leading to riots(Malda) demanding his death. Pseudo Secular parties conveniently forgot it was an offensive remark of Azam Khan that sparked the offensive retort of Kamlesh Tiwari and thus both should be prosecuted. The supply and offloading of building material for construction of grand Ram Temple also indicates ulterior motives of fomenting trouble by Hindu fundamentalists.
                                   The long standing issue of grand temple at Ayodhya can be and will be resolved through dialogue or submitting to Apex court verdict where does the need to create an environment of acrimony. The pseudo secular parties are equally responsible for vitiating the society as does religious bigots or blasphemous remarks of hotheaded thugs. Non resolution of long standing temple issue has immensely benefited politicians along with paid media for decades by focusing only on such issues deflecting attention from development agenda vital for progress. Although recent excavations have proved beyond doubt temple remains at the disputed site( , but still case is sub judice and provocative elements should be tamed.
                                                There are too many pressing problems in our that need immediate attention. The thought process of bigots is very shallow and should be marginalized for common good. Unfortunately fragile calm is threatened by growing clout of thugs on both sides and if the trend continues then chaos will ruin our nation and people at large will suffer. 

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Iranian Human Rights Violations

                                             While Saudi Arabia Human Rights violations were discussed and condemned world wide specially after its coronation as head of Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) , the Iranian were at the forefront of attacking and mocking Saudi Arabia credentials to head the prestigious panel. The recent bitterness among two neighbors over executions of religious and political figures have soared diplomatic relationship tremendously. Lots has been said and written about archaic laws and brutality of Saudi law enforcement in this article i am shedding some light on Iranian past Human Rights violation records that are no less then genocide on hapless political party workers(Tudeh Party, a secular Marxist party) after 1979 revolution.
                                         In late July 1988, the Islamic Republic of Iran began summarily interrogating, torturing and executing thousands of political prisoners throughout the country(30,000). The massacre continued into the fall. Well planned and deliberately accomplished in secret, the massacre effectively eliminated any remaining political opposition to then-Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini’s regime. Although the exact number of victims is not known, thousands of prisoners were tortured and executed over the course of only a few months (30,000).
                                        The victims included prisoners who had served their sentences but had refused to recant their political beliefs, prisoners who were serving sentences of imprisonment, people who had been detained for lengthy periods but had not been convicted, and former prisoners who were rearrested. Many had been arrested when they were teenagers for commission of low-level offenses such as distribution of pamphlets. The political views of the victims stretched from support for the Mojahedin-e Khalq (Mojahedin), a Marxist- Islamic Party that had engaged in violence in an effort to overthrow Khomeini, to support for the Tudeh Party, a secular Marxist party that until 1983, supported the regime.
                                       This was not the first time the Islamic Republic had executed thousands of its political opponents or even the first time the regime had executed its opponents en masse. However, the 1988 massacre stands out for the systematic way in which it was planned and carried out, the short time period in which it took place throughout the country.The executions began pursuant to a fatwa issued by Ayatollah Khomeini immediately following Iran’s announcement that it had agreed to a cease-fire in the devastating eight-year Iran-Iraq war.The questioning was brief, not public, there were no appeals, and prisoners were executed the same day or soon thereafter. Many who were not executed immediately were tortured.
                                     The Iranian government has never identified those who were secretly executed and tortured, and has never issued an official explanation for why political prisoners of different beliefs, many of whom had been imprisoned for years, were suddenly executed in the summer of 1988. Tudeh and other leftist parties had basically ceased to exist in Iran. Many of those executed had been convicted of relatively minor offenses—the more serious offenders had been executed in prior purges.The interrogations, killings, torture, and forced disappearances of prisoners violated and continue to violate Iran’s obligations under international human rights law.