Swastika is one of the most sacred symbol in the world, perhaps one of the most misunderstood religious symbol too. It's origin dates back to neolithic period (new stone age).Swastika symbol have existed long before the name was given to it and is recognized worldwide. One of the earliest object excavated with Swastika inscribed symbol is on carving of ivory tusk (bird artifact) dated back 10,000 BCE in Mezine, Ukraine. Archaeological evidence of swastika shaped ornaments, artifacts, stone carvings, pottery, weavings , buildings, monuments, bridges, postcards and in temples and other items inscribed with Swastika is found around the world.
Swastika is considered to be a sacred and auspicious symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Odinism. The word "Swastika" comes from the sanskrit word svastika - "su" meaning "good," "asti" meaning "to be," and "ka" as a suffix meaning "it is good" or “being fortunate”. Swastika is a symmetrical cross with its arms bend usually at right angles, four arms each represent a key point the seasons (winter, spring, summer and autumn), the phases of life (birth, life, death and re-birth), the phases of the day (night, morning, day and evening), the elements (air, fire, water and earth), the phases of the Moon (lunar eclipse, waxing, full and waning, the cardinal points (North, East, South, West), etc. Swastika symbol is depicted in many cultures with different meaning attributed synonymous of good. In Buddhism Swastika represents eternity and it appears on the chest of some statues of Buddha. In Hinduism it represents Sun’s rays, in Christianity swastika is used as a hooked version of a Christian Cross and appears in many ornaments and church decoration.
Ancient Swastikas: A-Rhodes (585 BC) B, C – Greek (500 BC) D – Greek (615 BC) E – Peru (300 CE) F – Woodland Indian (1000 CE) G – Greek (300 BC)
In the summer of 1920, National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NSDAP or the Nazi Party) adopted the symbol Swastika which he was accustomed to during his school days at Benedictine monastery school in Lambach, Austria. The ancient monastery was decorated with carved stones and woodwork that included several swastikas. It was during the Second World War Swastika one of the most powerful recognized symbol unfortunately was denigrated due to Nazi deeds. From the universal genuine sign symbolizing good it suddenly became a racist ‘Aryan’ emblem, a symbol of the Nazis and their atrocities, a symbol of hate,evil ,racism etc.
Swastika engraved in Lambach Monastery that inspired Hitler
Another interesting feature that i stumbled upon is Swastika is a symbol of motion. The clockwise motion spinning of Swastika (using this orientation 卐) symbolises decomposition, death, destruction while an anti-clockwise motion signifies creation, evolution, and the fertility-giving properties. By varying its directions people justify the clockwise, Nazi version of the swastika mean hate and death while the counter-clockwise version would hold the ancient meaning of the symbol, life and good-luck.
In my opinion it is one of the holiest symbol, auspicious and reverend around the globe by disciples of different religion. It's true meaning and ancestry(origin) might never be deciphered but its safe to assume disciples will reclaim it as auspicious and divine and far from the Nazi ideology of hate and supremacy for which Adolf Hitler used the symbol..