Monday, 20 July 2015

Vyapam Scam

                   Job scams across India has captured peoples attention at regular intervals but nothing has catapulted itself to Vyapam scam of MadhyPradesh . The one before Vyapam hogging the limelight was the notorious Junior Basic Training (JBT) teachers recruitment scam, where 3206 teachers were illegally recruited in Haryana in 2000. The investigation in JBT led to the arrest of former CM (Om Prakash Chautala) and host of high ranking officials. The gravity of Vyapam that jolted national conscience was after deaths of 41  people so far, allegedly associated with scam. This scam where about 2,000 people are arrested so far, prominent being the BJP ex-Education minister Laxmikant Sharma while scores of others are still on run is finally handed over to CBI .
                  Before discussing the anatomy of Vyapam scam,its necessary to find out the real causes for such job scams to occur at regular intervals. There are many reasons for unending loop of job scams in India but basic and foremost being the large workforce with almost identical skills competing for fewer jobs(demand supply mismatch) .The job safety of government job makes it alluring for people to follow unfair practices, there had been instances of under privileged families bribing touts and middleman by taking loans or mortgaging there property. It's not just government jobs for which people pay through there noses,even getting a descent  private sector job is becoming an uphill task nowadays. About 12 million people join the workforce every year in India vying for stagnant jobs .With fewer jobs and incompetent corrupt institution,getting a lucrative job entice people to harp on to immoral,unscrupulous means. The biggest fallout of such scams is the replacement of meritorious candidates by dubious candidates.
                   Truth is jobs are perilously low and inadvertently a web of government officials, racket leaders, middlemen, candidates and their parents in collusion are responsible for such scams occurring at frequent intervals. Education plays a vital role in the development of any country,the quality of education whether at primary or higher education is significantly poor thus compounding the problem. Deplorable condition of education sector demands reforms in education system , bookish knowledge along with vocational training in consultation with private sector should be imparted to increase chances of employability. In India, only 7 per cent students are getting vocational education which is the crux of problem. It's very important to have education with the economic arrangements for reaping maximum benefits.
                   Our obsolete education system creates unemployable workforce without skills.The trend of government and private sector decreasing investment in education sector needs reversal. Universities should be encouraged to not only to impart vocational training along with bookish knowledge but seek collaboration with Foreign Universities to embrace newer skills. To start with, not much research work is carried out in our universities, we are emphasizing more on consuming knowledge rather developing innovation skills to succeed. Colleges and universities should motivate students to excel through innovative skills. The sorry state of universities becomes startling clear when not even one single university included to the ranks of the top 100 universities in the Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings. Investment in research and development is meager 0.9% since 2005 in India despite governments assurances of increased allocation.
                  As long as country has stagnant growth, majority of our population below 35 years of age and increasing number joining the workforce strain on jobs will continue. India can't afford to be a laggard, transition from knowledge to innovative skills based economy is need of hour. We have to be agile and adaptable to the needs of changing world requirements to be at forefront with requisite skills to reap maximum benefits. Lastly transformation isn't possible without out of box thinking, innovation, entrepreneurship should be motivated through public,private investments
                This scourge of Vyapam scam though is related to only MP in reality isn't actually confined to only one state, it is present in different states with variable names.The perpetrators of Vyapam scam should be prosecuted and better vigilance and transparency is required for stopping any more scams to occur .Job scams were and will continue unabated as long as effective stern measures aren't initiated with sole purpose of transforming education system.More funding towards research and innovation should be provided with minimum bureaucratic interference. The contour of robust economy is the growth and in changing scenario innovation, skill development is the buzz word for providing jobs thus eradicating poverty and inequality.There are many stake holders in it but government and private players have prominent role to play in transformation. 

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Tales Of Two Gajendra's

           Not long ago a farmer named Gajendra committed  suicide in full public view at AAP rally in the presence of CM Arvind Kejriwal. He was supposedly a distressed farmer and was agitating against the  the Modi government's Land Acquisition (Amendment) Bill, although his family refuted claims as bogus as there family is perhaps financially better off and it was discovered Gajendra wasn't a typical farmer but an aspiring politician. His unfortunate death, though is under investigation and will be ascertained if he committed suicide or was a attempted stunt gone horribly wrong, what though is apparent is the distress in rural economy in India and level of disinformation spread over LAB. Share of public expenditure on agriculture and allied sectors declined from about 6 percent in 6th Plan to about 4.5 percent in Tenth plan,Irrigation, which is a leading input for agricultural growth, expenditure also witnessed a declining trend (10% in Sixth plan to about 8%) in Tenth plan ,this alone can summarize the disenchantment and dismay among rural population. Farmers suicide are rampant and no state is immune to tragic deaths of debt ridden farmers.Farmers deaths unfortunately doesn't hog limelight till some Gajendra has to do something extraordinary to get attention while all political parties are in same boat in offering lip service and condolences to grieving families. I am discussing it because these things aren't considered fashionable to discuss and is devoid of glitz n glamour our media and to some extent we all are more inclined towards.
         The tale of other Gajendra is even more interesting. Gajendra Chauhan was appointed as the new Chairman of the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) Governing Council that seems to have hurt the pride of students thus mobilizing  students bodies from different universities including JNU in Delhi and SRFTI in Kolkata mostly leftists organizations who were up in arms against appointment. Students are unrelenting in there demand of Gajendra's removal as his credentials were questionable and short of FTII  standard. The strike by students and pouring of support from many quarters including film celebrities is being discussed at length in our media with eminent media wallahs have expressed there opinions on it .
         What's important to know is the spending of Rs 12 lakh per student a year on FTII, a film student is subsidized more than one studying medicine, management or engineering. A cost review by the I&B ministry found that the extent of recovery through fees, hostel rent and other expenses as a percentage of expenditure in academic activities in FTII has decreased from 25% in 2006-2007 to as low as 11% in 2010-2011. In a country like our's where resources are scarce doesn't judicious allocation of resources is required ? Do we need and afford to run such white elephants on taxpayers hard earned money?
         I am unperturbed by affiliation of protesting students organization or credentials of Gajendra Chauhan to be appointed as Chairman, but spending on medical education at Rs 6 lakh a year per student (AIIMS), around Rs 3.4 lakh a year on engineering education (IIT) , while Rs 12 lakh spent on budding filmmakers makes me wonder the priorities of government.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Nuisances Of Arvind Kejriwal

          Democracy like life is unpredictable,it throws surprises both good and nasty depending upon personal propensity but eventually it is the peoples verdict that's honored. In Delhi, for the first time people elected a govt to be led by a party that more resembles a flash mob with Arvind Kejriwal (AK) as its leader. AK had been instrumental in the resounding success of Anna Hazare movement but eventually who benefited the most of Anna movement is unquestionable. AK efficiently used Anna movement to his advantage and as launch pad for political innings by carving a niche for himself on political diaspora. Anna movement catapulted AK and his coterie as honest,efficient and uncorrupted among masses . The genius of AK can be gauged by his position as unchallenged political bigwig in his party outwitting everyone else within the movement and party . AAP party formed to bring accountability and transparency in politics thus transforming & cleansing Indians politics for good but seems after assuming power AAP is slowly becoming a reflection of any other political party a namesake devoid of upholding moral values it vociferously preached to other parties on national scene. 
          During Anna agitation AK built habit of denouncing almost all political parties and forums labeling them dens of corruption and this habit continued after forming AAP.  AK exploited the adrenaline rush and peoples anger (of scams of previous UPA govt) to his advantage with incredible precision, during this time almost all politicians were targeted by AAP for corruption and impropriety. There were umpteen instances of tarnishing images of politicians across political spectrum by AK,  among numerous politicians deemed corrupt by adjudicator AK ,prominent few were Sheila Dikshit, Nitin Gadkari, Salman Khursheed,& Narendra Modi . Surprisingly never ever diatribe of AK against politicians were proved in court, it was a perfect hit and run job of AK to blemish people's reputation without adequate proof . AK in his original avtar as agitator despised everything in political parties from single man party of Mulayam,Nitish,Lalu to family oriented party of Congress or Akalis to Bjp being accused as communal. Everyone was trashed and loathed by AK to garner public opinion and sympathy to perfection truly projecting himself as maverick ,messiah of oppressed working class(Commom man).
          After assuming power for second time his gimmickry was out in open now with no lokpal instituted till now ,no internal democracy in party and alternate voices were kicked out making AAP a single man party run on his whims and fancies as his personal fiefdom .Something very intriguing is the conduct of his party MLAs and ministers with each day throwing elected MLAs with dubious pasts and fake degrees behind bars .Already 2MLAs are in jail and more fresh cases erupting frequently, it is only a matter of time before AAP govt will be questioned by electorate .
         The above gentlemen is an elected MP who is openly viewing his disenchantment among party workers, this isn't an aberration with more people openly showing disappointment over inflation ,deteriorating law and order condition. With levy of cess on gas and petroleum products essential commodities will only get expensive thus burdening common man AAP boasts of representing. 
        Surprisingly while common man is reeling under inflationary pressure, AAP has increased budget for publicity many folds. Recent electricity bills of AK residence has run up at Rs 1.35 lakh is nothing short of bewilderment for masses as AK and his party workers vowed to renounce luxuries associated with public life . So instead of cleaning the mess through efficient governance AK is resorting to an illegal gimmickry of holding referendum in Capital as a full-fledged statehood thus smartly relinquishing himself for unfulfilled promises by blaming Union territory status of Delhi as impediment for its development. This is also a subtle message for gullible electorate also not to get carried away by rhetoric but chose a person with affinity towards people and proven governance record.

Sunday, 12 July 2015

To Chetan Bhagat With Love

          Since childhood i have been taught by family to be respectful towards elder, teachers & girls, strangely never ever it crossed my mind to be abusive and disrespectful towards either of them. Only now i realized that being respectful towards girls is first criteria can help one get lucky in sex, second criterion being polished fluent English will help guys to get girls thus sexually satisfaction is guaranteed. Mahatma Gandhi was in London, an Englishman asked Gandhi 'Why do you Indians have different colored skins? Look at us, we all have the same color'.Gandhi replied 'Horses have different colors but all donkeys have the same color!' In this case according to your prophecy English communication skills is  passport to gentlemen behavior and definitely girls is unknown to masses whose mother tongue isn't English.I didn't know that who coined the word "Bhakt" on internet (twitter) , but now anyone supporting a cause from protecting cow slaughter to celebrating Holi to seeking equal treatment for Hindus is categorized as Bhakt by morons you are vehemently defending .
           I always considered you an intelligent,reasonable & smart person and your  academic past lends credence to it , unfortunately after reading about your thought of Hindi speaking guys as frustrated losers has not only disappointed me but made me wonder about your abilities to understand Indian males. I don't know whether you were at India Gate among protesters fighting for "Nirbhaya" trust me majority of them weren't oxford graduates but local youth from government schools and colleges riddled with inferiority complex and sexually frustrated in your eyes. Believe me respecting girls and being in good books of girls has nothing to do with conversation in English or being a proud Hindu. 
        Being proud of ones culture, tradition and Hinduism  and getting assertive so as to defend it is obviously new in India, where we are accustomed to seeing only other religious groups vocal and vociferously defending there faiths, therefore it becomes difficult for few to acknowledge that hindus have equal right to protest. Only problem for people like you and your ilks is when common people confront and single out concocted stories and poke fun at stupid media celebrities on social media. 
 Though the precious right to speak is exploited earlier by the English speaking elite class of yours but now slowly by masses thus frustrating celebrities who till now go unchallenged . The word Internet Hindu by SG  for everyone who's aggressive towards her is equally abusing in my opinion , doesn't bracketing Hindu word with derogatory& abusive people on twitter insinuate religion ? It's true some people irrespective of gender go overboard to exploit the freedom to speak and anonymity does benefit such hate mongers but twitter is full of abusers who are perfectly sound in english and abhor anything remotely hindu, guess that's acceptable to you. I am not defending few bad apples but doesn't calling a democratically elected PM as stalker makes you question those "outspoken" women ? If people question there ridiculously cheap comments they are instantly labeled as Bhakts such is the idiocy propagated. 
             Most important and in the end would like to tell you learning new skills(language included) makes one grow ,one shouldn't stop learning but denouncing someone because of his inefficiency to speak some language is outright derogatory,also, don't belittle and question the intelligence of girls to judge boys on just communication skills. Stereotyping compatriots is absurdity , though some emotionally aggressive people get rude at times but such kind are less numerically and available in both the camps. It's high time your Oxford returned elites smell the coffee and stop playing victim card after provoking rather they should introspect for why large section of people gets annoyed by there tweets.As a practicing Hindu i too felt offended when saffron bullying or Internet Hindu words are coined but don't get abusive . Just like you offered advice to Bhakts about honing linguistic skills here's a piece of advice from Sant Kabir in "Hindi" for you .

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Media Morons

        Strange are the ways of Indian media they choose and try to manufacture faults where none exists ,try to foment trouble where peace exists, go hysterical over trivial issues otherwise should be left alone but one thing remains constant is the zeal to protect one famous political family,never doubting or questioning there integrity and in the process can go at any length to defame and smudge any other political outfit. It by no means the other political parties are pious or without there share of hooligans but belligerently protecting Congress by section of media is astonishing. It's true we mustn't hold someone guilty till proved in court of law but why same acumen isn't shown while targeting BJP ? Why media doesn't desist from holding trials against all other parties and passing judgments ? The latest case in memory is of Lalit Modi (LM) where not only Congress but media was engrossed in endless debates ranging from impropriety to stashing black money abroad . While Congress brave hearts were screaming for PMs clarification and resignation of ministers, media celebrities too weren't far behind in seeking for proverbial heads of Raje and Swaraj. Lalit Modi left India under Congress patronage was conveniently forgotten and were harping on to resignation of Swaraj over concocted bogus story in UK, LM tweets were the source of information to rake an issue brandishing them Bibilical truth, such was the urgency to malign Modi government that these bigoted media wallahs rushed to interview LM hoping to unearth muck to paint govt in negative. I believe its prudent and necessary to investigate the wrongdoing in IPL which is nothing short of betting league thoroughly, starting from Sunanda Pushkar mysterious death to betting racked busted involving owners etc. everything should be under the purview of investigation, also ,who helped LM escape . As Congress and cohorts were going berserk over tweets by LM and everyday new revelations were pouring in some half truths dreaming to dethrone govt only to be bulldozed by LM himself . 
         The day LM mentioned his meetings with Gandhi scion ,Priyanka and Robert Vadra everyone went into huddle and quickly everything was hushed up ,forgotten and media moved on to Vyapam. The media circus didn't bother to check veracity of facts and question the family in question . Right after the anointment of Modi as PM candidate there is an insatiable hunger to somehow malign him, it started of with jibes of his humble past to embroil him in snooping scam when nothing worked and he became PM now the insanity of section of media holds no limits.This isn't the first instance of media conveniently ignoring news on Gandhi family, National herald case of misappropriation of funds wasn't ever reported and debated hushing up off whole issue is nothing short of mischief . 

 There's is the repeated tendency of section of media to exonerate few while doing opposite to all other political parties.They need to understand the old traditional ways of watching news are long dead with social media playing a significant role.Next on agenda for media is to play mischief on Vyapam where media trials are underway irrespective of ongoing investigation. Section of media that felt  offended at Presstitute comment by General VK Singh doesn't want to dwell on reasons why there reputation is tattered as no one is above law and spared from prying eyes of Social media .