Showing posts with label Book Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book Reviews. Show all posts

Saturday 23 April 2016

A Case of Exploding Mangoes by Mohammed Hanif

                                      One of the finest novel(fiction) i have come across. It is an intriguing, comical novel by the Pakistani writer Mohammed Hanif based on the mysterious plane crash that killed General Muhammad Zia ul-Haq, former president of Pakistan near Bahawalpur on 17 August 1988 . There are plenty of circumstances nicely elaborated, laced with humour and perfectly blended with satire and hardships faced by commoners for readers to enjoy and find the book worth reading.
                                    The story revolves around a young military officer named Ali Shigri who accuse Dictator and President General Zia ul-Haq to be the conspirator of his father Colonel Shirgi's suspicious suicide. Hanif playfully gets into the heads and lives of multiple characters, including that of anxious General Zia who's obsessed about his security, his over ambitious ISI chief General Akhtar, torturer named Major Kiyani,an interesting room partner Obaid at PAF Academy, a communist street sweeper,a blind rape victim accused of fornication; and a wayward and sugar-drunk crow.
                                    Its a funny yet cleverly attempted story by Hanif that added new dimension to the conspiracies and coincidences leading to the mysterious 1988 plane crash that killed Pakistan’s dictator General Zia ul-Haq.

Sunday 20 March 2016

Marvelous Rusty

                                    I have never read Ruskin Bond maybe because not interested in fiction and the day my wife insisted i should read one, i relented ,and was one of the most interesting books i have ever come across. After reading few of his books i can safely say that Ruskin books are ones that can cheer up your otherwise dull day or soothe you down after hectic day. He beautifully and intuitively spun simple life stories . Most of his novels take place in scenic,serene city of Dehra Dun with incidents of nearby jungles and mountains adding more funn. The themes of his writings show inspirations from his friendships and relationships with the locals and even strangers beside nature (he seems very infatuated with).
                                 His books are about simple joys of life like flowers blooming, joys of riding bicycle early morning, scent of earth after first splash of rain etc. Not many writers have the mettle to write simple stories without dabbling into philosophy or politics and still keep readers captivated.
                                 Where do you get to read such magnificent lines eloquently and effortlessly conveying a message in innuendos, so enjoy reading "Rusty" as it portrays life beautifully.Some of the most impressive lines i have enjoyed reading...
"Drunkenness is really a vice because it degrades a man and humiliates him. Prostitution is degrading but a prostitute can still keep her dignity. Thieving is degrading according to the character of theft.Begging is degrading but it is still not as undignified as drunkenness. In all vices victim is aware of his degradation but in drunkenness we lose our pride our heads and above all our natural dignity."
"My old lama will, I am sure, be among the first to return ,even if he has to walk all the way over the mountain passes .Maybe that's why he plods up and around this hill every day. He is practicing for the long walk back to Tibet ".
"I watched him until he was far along the path. I wondered how long he could last. Perhaps a year or two, perhaps a day ,perhaps an hour. But whenever or however he died, it wouldn't be death. He was too old to die. He could only sleep. He could only fall gently , like an old brown leaf."
"The sick and the dying are heartened by the thought that people are still well enough to feel reckless , indifferent to each other's safety! In Delhi there's feverish desire to be first in line, the first to get anything ... In Delhi , to be second in the race is to be last"

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Riot by Shashi Tharoor

                                                  Firstly the novel would have sold few more copies had it been renamed "No one killed Priscilla Hart ". Its an intriguing story about an idealistic girl's murder in the backdrop of riots,the Hindu-Muslim riots in a small town of Zalilgarh, in U.P set in 1989 . Violence and sex is the central theme of novel and author peddles his thoughts eloquently about ground realities prevalent during turmoil. So,what's unique about this novel unfortunately nothing (awesome sex description scenes).
                                                 An idealistic American student Priscilla Hart visits India to volunteer in women’s health programs and got embroiled in a steamy sexual relationship with a married IAS officer and that's the only part that can keep one captivated otherwise its in the backdrop of a religious riot with bad, ugly, bloodthirsty Hindus against innocent, submissive Muslims is a given, as the author is only reinforcing stereotype but that's the liberty an author has.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

If God Was A Banker By Ravi Subramanian

                                                          It is a story of two young graduates from premier Management institutes of country who started working for a Multi National Bank. Both came from different family and social backgrounds with one aggressive in his approach towards life and can go to any extent without moral bandwagon to restraint himself. The other a Tamil-Brahmin is just and rightful always bogged down by his shy and introvert approach but finally succeeded in life with his head held high and moral compass intact.
                                                         The story is full of cheap sleazy gimmickry fit for some B grade Bollywood movie , at times it becomes confusing. The author has nothing much to write but a story full of sex and a message that virtuous guy with ethics will succeed in life irrespective of hardships and impediments in life. It's a simple story of good triumphant over evil with erroneous sex stories where girls were always victims.

Thursday 18 February 2016

The Shadow Of The Crescent Moon

                                                  "You will have to pay for your choices”
                                       Fatima Bhutto's novel The Shadow of the Crescent Moon is a story about the tragic lives of three brothers living in Mir Ali, a small town in Pakistan's Tribal Areas close to the Afghan border. The novel touches the hardships people in restive provinces of Pakistan faces at the hands of Army,Taliban etc. It explores the physical, psychological and financial impact on lives of hapless civilians who are drawn into numerous unceasing insurgencies rampant in Pakistan.

                          The story is woven around aspirations ,hopes,deceit and betrayal .The Shadow of the Crescent Moon is a tragic tale of struggle for power,dignified life while narrates the horrible truths about the ‘war on terror’, including drone strikes and innocent casualties, in Pakistan’s tribal belt. The struggle and will of young to continue the fight against oppressor Pakistan against all odds, it dwells on the devastation caused by war,Shia-Sunni divide and fundamentalism. Truth is the story has some historical facts imbibed unknown to readers otherwise there's nothing much in the story that one would say refreshing. 

One Life Is Not Enough

                                         An unexamined life is not worth living- Plato.
                            One of the finest book i have recently come across is Natwar Singh's autobiography. The book is a beautiful journey of a guy a career diplomat and Gandhi family loyalist to a dissident outlaw of politics. This book is an interesting reflection of Natwar Singh's life which traverses from commotion of pre-independent India to behind the scenes of corridors of power today. You actually get engrossed in journey of a lifetime of a guy who rubbed shoulders with who's who at national and international stage without realizing its not fiction,that's how beautifully its written.

                           From indisciplined kid who scaled wall and ran away from dormitory of Scindia School, Nehru sisters catfight(sibling rivalry) everything adds to spice and fun in reading. In the end Natwar wrote at length about current political dispensation. Natwar Singh seems to be very sincere and truthful when writing about accomplishments of Nehru and Indira Gandhi as seen from the eyes of an IFS officer.After donning the robes of politician his journey took a different turn and he elaborated by praising Rajiv Gandhi way of functioning who was a novice himself in politics but a quick learner ,visionary and honest man who was courageous as well as humble to concede his mistakes. He elaborated how Sonia is allergic to criticism,behaves like a monarch with unquenchable power thirst and zero accountability. The spineless conduct of previous P.M ManMohan Singh also came to fore.
                        Finally this book is a compilation of memories some very sweet,some very funny like the Indian Monks collapsing, when they were told by the Buddhist Monks from Cambodia preferring beef for their food in India, or the collector of Kunchi on his twenty-fifth wedding, commenting on his wife, "When I married her, she was awfully simple, now she is simply awful" It was also an attempt to defend himself and gain sympathy on his controversial indictment in Volcker Report thus his expulsion from Congress party. 

Tuesday 30 June 2015


I am always an admirer and believer of Sikhism. "Zafarnama" as i am going to elaborate upon is not just a victory letter but it speaks about the virtues of defending dharma & righteousness against all odds. It speaks about the selflessness and unflinching path of sacrifice against formidable tyrant. Zafarnama is a victory letter sent by 10th guru Shri  Guru Gobind Singh in 1705 to the Mughal Emperor of India, Aurangzeb. Even after the loss of men and material in battle at Chamkaur and sacrificing his beloved sons, the letter portrays the moral victory,valor ,confidence and truthfulness of Guru ji against a deceitful and treacherous Aurangzeb who lied an oath sworn on Qur'an. It was written in persian ,and is believed after reading it Aurangzeb who was around 91 felt miserable about his life deeds. He was remorseful and lost his peace of mind. The Zafarnama had a demoralizing effect on emperor Aurangzeb who saw his end looming over the horizon and his future regrettably bleak. Afterwards Aurangzeb passed away from feelings of remorse and regretful at what he had done in his sinful life time.